

单词 sphygmomanometer

sphygmus /sfigˈməs/


The pulse

ORIGIN: Latinized from Gr sphygmos pulse

sphygˈmic adjective

sphygˈmogram noun

A sphygmograph record

sphygˈmograph noun

An instrument for recording the pulse, showing the rate and strength of the beats

sphygmographˈic adjective

sphygmogˈraphy noun

sphygˈmoid adjective

Resembling a pulse

sphygmolˈogy noun

The science or study of the pulse

sphygmōmanomˈeter or sphygmomˈeter noun

An instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure, consisting of an inflatable cuff for the arm connected to a column of mercury which indicates systolic and diastolic pressure in millimetres

sphygˈmophone noun

An instrument that records and transmits pulse beats as sounds

sphygˈmoscope noun

An instrument for making arterial pulsations visible





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