单词 | semifreddi |
释义 | semi- /sem-i- or (N American) -ī-/prefix
ORIGIN: L sēmi- half-; cf Gr hēmi-, OE sam- semˈiangle noun A half-angle semi-annˈual adjective (chiefly N American) Half-yearly semi-annˈually adverb semi-annˈular adjective Half-ring shaped semi-aquaˈtic adjective (esp of plants) living near or in water semi-Āˈrian noun and adjective Homoiousian semi-Āˈrianism noun semi-aˈrid adjective semi-attachedˈ adjective Partially bound semi-automatˈic adjective
A semi-automatic firearm semi-automatˈically adverb semˈi-axis noun A half-axis semi-bāˈjan noun (old) A second-year student at a Scottish university semi-barbāˈrian noun and adjective semi-barˈbarism noun semiboldˈ noun (printing)
(of type) printed in semibold semˈibrēve noun (music) Half a breve (2 minims or 4 crotchets) semˈibull noun A pope's bull issued between election and coronation semicarˈbazide noun A base (H2NCONHNH2) reacting with aldehydes and ketones to form semicarˈbazones semi-centennˈial adjective Occurring at the completion of fifty years noun (US)A jubilee semichōrˈus noun
semˈicircle noun Half a circle, bounded by the diameter and half the circumference semˈicircled adjective semicirˈcular adjective (semicircular canals three curved tubes of the inner ear concerned with balance or equilibrium, with each canal registering movement on a different plane) semicirˈcularly adverb semˈicirque noun (poetic)
semˈicolon (or /-kōˈlon/) noun The punctuation mark (;) marking a division greater than the comma semicōˈma noun An unconscious state approaching coma semicoˈmatose adjective semiconductˈing adjective semiconductivˈity noun semˈiconductor noun An element or compound having a resistivity between that of a conductor and an insulator, being either intrinsic, where thermal energy causes charges to cross the forbidden energy gap, or extrinsic, where small amounts of donor and acceptor impurities have been added to facilitate the transition semiconˈscious adjective semicrysˈtalline or semicrystallˈic adjective Having, or being, a partly crystalline structure semˈicylˈinder noun A longitudinal half-cylinder semicylinˈdrical adjective semˈidemˈisemˈiquaver noun (music) Half a demisemiquaver semidepōˈnent adjective (grammar) Passive in form in the perfect tenses only nounA semideponent verb semi-detachedˈ adjective
A semi-detached house semi-diamˈeter noun Half the diameter, esp the angular diameter semˈi-dīˈtone noun (music) A minor third semi-diurˈnal adjective
semi-divineˈ adjective
semidocumentˈary noun A cinema film based on real events but with an invented plot and dialogue (also adjective) semi-domeˈ noun Half a dome, esp as formed by a vertical section semidomesˈticated adjective
semi-doubˈle adjective (of flowers) having only the outermost stamens converted into petals noun
semi-dryˈing adjective (of oils) thickening without completely drying on exposure semi-ellipseˈ noun Half of an ellipse, bounded by a diameter, esp the major axis semi-ellipˈtical adjective semi-evˈergreen noun A plant which is evergreen in its original habitat but not completely so in other places it now grows, dropping leaves in severe weather conditions (also adjective) semifīˈnal adjective (in competitions, sports contests, etc) denoting the contest immediately before the final nounA last round but one semifīˈnalist noun A competitor in a semifinal semi-finˈished adjective Partially finished, specif of metal shaped into rods, sheets, etc, in preparation for further processing into finished goods semifluˈid adjective Nearly solid but able to flow to some extent (also noun /semˈ/) semifreddˈo noun (pl semifreddˈos or semifreddˈi) (Ital freddo cold) a partially frozen Italian dessert semiglobˈular adjective semi-grandˈ noun A square piano with a curtailed keyboard (also adjective) semi-imˈbecile noun and adjective semi-independˈent adjective Not fully independent semi-juˈbilee noun The twenty-fifth anniversary semˈi-latus rectum noun (geometry) Half the latus rectum, terminated at the focus semi-liqˈuid adjective Half-liquid semilitˈeracy noun semilitˈerate noun and adjective (a person) barely able to read and write semˈi-log or semi-logarithˈmic adjective (of graph paper, graphs, etc) having an arithmetical scale on the x-axis and a logarithmic scale on the y-axis (also called single-log or single-logarithmic; cf log-log under log2) semiluˈcent adjective Half-transparent semiluˈnar or semiluˈnate adjective Half-moon-shaped (as the semilunar valves of the aorta and pulmonary artery which prevent regurgitation of blood into the heart) semˈilune /-loon/ noun A half-moon-shaped object, body, or structure semimanufacˈture noun A manufactured product, material, etc, used to make an end-product semimenˈstrual adjective Half-monthly semi-metˈal noun (obsolete) A metal that is not malleable semi-monthˈly adjective (chiefly N American) Half-monthly nounA half-monthly periodical semi-muteˈ noun and adjective (a person) having impaired speech due to loss of hearing (considered offensive by some people) semi-nūdeˈ adjective Half-naked semi-occāˈsional adjective (N American) Occurring now and then semi-occāˈsionally adverb semi-officˈial adjective Partly official semi-officˈially adverb semi-ōˈpal noun A dull variety of opal semi-opaqueˈ adjective Partly opaque semiovipˈarous adjective (zoology) Giving birth to partially developed young semipalˈmate /-mət, -māt/ or semipalmāˈted adjective
semipalmāˈtion noun semiparˈasite noun A partial parasite, feeding partly independently semiparasitˈic adjective semˈiped noun (prosody) A half-foot Semi-Pelāˈgian noun and adjective Semi-Pelāˈgianism noun The middle course between Augustinian predestination and Pelagian free will semipelluˈcid adjective Imperfectly transparent semiperimˈeter noun Half the perimeter semi-permˈanent adjective semipermeabilˈity noun semiperˈmeable adjective Permeable by a solvent but not by the dissolved substance semˈiplume noun A feather with an ordinary shaft but a downy web semiporˈcelain noun A coarse ware resembling porcelain semipostˈal adjective (chiefly US; philately) Denoting an issue of postage stamps the profits of which are donated to charity semi-precˈious adjective (mineralogy) Valuable, but not valuable enough to be considered a gemstone semi-proˈ adjective and noun (pl semi-prosˈ) Semi-professional semi-professˈional adjective
A semi-professional person semˈiquāver noun Half a quaver semi-rigˈid adjective (of an airship) having a flexible gasbag and a stiffened keel semˈi-ring noun A half-ring semi-sagˈittate adjective Shaped like half an arrowhead Semi-Saxˈon noun and adjective (obsolete) Early Middle English (c.1150–1250) semi-skilledˈ adjective semˈi-skimmed adjective (of milk) having some of the cream skimmed nounSemi-skimmed milk semi-softˈ adjective (of cheese) fairly soft semisolˈid adjective and noun (a substance) of a consistency between liquid and solid semisubmersˈible adjective and noun (denoting) a floating oilrig (used mainly for exploratory drilling) which has the greater part of its structure below the water semitereteˈ adjective Half-cylindrical semˈitone noun Half a tone, one of the lesser intervals of the musical scale, as from B to C semitonˈic adjective semi-trailˈer or semi-truckˈ noun (N American) An articulated trailer or lorry semitranspaˈrency noun semitranspaˈrent adjective Imperfectly transparent semi-tropˈical adjective Subtropical semi-tropˈics plural noun semi-tūˈbular adjective Like half of a tube divided longitudinally semi-unˈcial adjective (of writing) intermediate between uncial and minuscule nounA semi-uncial letter semˈivowel noun
semiwater gas noun see under water semi-weekˈly adjective Issued or happening twice a week (also noun and adverb) |
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