

单词 Romantic Revival

revive /ri-vīvˈ/

transitive verb and intransitive verb

To bring back or come back to life, vigour, being, activity, consciousness, memory, good spirits, freshness, vogue, notice, currency, use, the stage, or natural metallic form

ORIGIN: L revīvere to live again, from vīvere to live

revīvabilˈity noun

revīˈvable adjective

revīˈvably adverb

revīˈval noun

  1. The act or fact of reviving
  2. The state of being revived
  3. Recovery from languor, neglect, depression, etc
  4. Renewed performance, a restaged production, of a play, etc
  5. Renewed interest or attention
  6. A time of extraordinary religious awakening or sometimes worked-up excitement
  7. A series of meetings to encourage this
  8. Quickening
  9. Renewal
  10. Awakening

revīˈvalism noun

revīˈvalist noun

  1. A person who promotes religious, architectural or other revival
  2. An itinerant preacher

revivalistˈic adjective

reviveˈment noun (rare)

revīˈver noun

  1. Someone or something that revives
  2. A renovating preparation
  3. A stimulant (slang)

revīˈving noun and adjective

revīˈvingly adverb

revīˈvor noun (law; obsolete)

The revival of a suit which was abated by the death of a party or other cause

Gothic Revival

The reintroduction of Gothic style architecture in (and before) the 19c

Revival of Learning

The Renaissance

Romantic Revival see under romantic

romantic /rō-manˈtik/

  1. Relating to, or of the nature of, inclining towards, or savouring of, romance, esp feelings of love or the idea of sentimentalized love
  2. Fictitious
  3. Extravagant, wild
  4. Fantastic
  5. (of literature, art, music, etc) of or in the style of romanticism

A romanticist

ORIGIN: Fr romantique, from OFr romant romance

romanˈtical adjective

romanticalˈity noun

romanˈtically adverb

romanˈticism /-sizm/ noun

  1. Romantic quality, feeling, tendency, principles or spirit
  2. (often with cap) literature and art typical of the Romantic Revival

romanˈticist noun

romanticīzāˈtion or romanticīsāˈtion noun

romanˈticize or romanˈticise /-ti-sīz/ transitive verb

To make seem romantic

intransitive verb

To have or express romantic ideas

Romantic Revival noun

The late 18c and early 19c revolt against classicism or neoclassicism to a more picturesque, original, free and imaginative style in literature and art





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