

单词 romances

romance /rō-mansˈ, rōˈmans or rōˈməns/

  1. (with cap) a general name for the vernacular languages that developed out of popular Latin, ie French, Provençal, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian and Romansch, with their various dialects
  2. A tale of chivalry, orig one in verse, written in one of these vernaculars
  3. Any fictitious and wonderful tale
  4. A fictitious narrative in prose or verse which passes beyond the limits of ordinary life
  5. A Spanish historical ballad
  6. A piece of romantic fiction
  7. Romantic fiction as a literary genre
  8. A romantic occurrence or series of occurrences
  9. A love affair
  10. Romantic atmosphere or feeling
  11. A leaning towards the romantic
  12. An imaginative lie
  13. Romanticism
  14. A composition of romantic character (music)
intransitive verb
  1. To write or tell romances
  2. To talk extravagantly or with an infusion of fiction
  3. To lie
  4. To build castles in the air
transitive verb

To woo

  1. (with cap) of or relating to Romance
  2. Of or relating to romantic fiction
ORIGIN: OFr romanz, from (hypothetical) LL rōmānicē (adv), in (popular) Roman language

romanˈcer noun

romanˈcical adjective (Lamb)

Dealing with romance

romanˈcing noun and adjective





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