

单词 restorative

restore /ri-stōrˈ or -stör/

transitive verb
  1. To repair
  2. To bring, put or give back
  3. To make good
  4. To reinstate
  5. To bring back to a (supposed) former state, or to a normal state
  6. To reconstruct mentally, by inference or conjecture
noun (Spenser)


ORIGIN: OFr restorer, from L restaurāre, -ātum

restorˈable adjective

restorˈableness noun

restoration /res-tō-rāˈshən or -tö-, -tə-, -to-/ noun

  1. The act or process of restoring
  2. (usu with cap) a reinstatement of a monarch or monarchy (eg the Restoration of the Stuarts or the Bourbons)
  3. Renovations and reconstruction (sometimes little differing from destruction) of a building, painting, etc
  4. A reconstructed thing or representation

(with cap) occurring during, or relating to, the period of the Restoration of Charles II

restorāˈtionism noun (theology)

  1. The receiving of a sinner to divine favour
  2. The belief that after a purgation all sinners and angels will be restored to the favour of God

restorāˈtionist noun

An adherent of restorationism, a universalist

restorative /ris-torˈə-tiv or -törˈ/ adjective

Tending to restore, esp to strength and vigour


A medicine that restores

restorˈatively adverb

restorˈer noun





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