单词 | self-cocking |
释义 | self- /self-/combining form
ORIGIN: OE self; Du zelf, Ger selbe, Gothic silba self-abanˈdonment noun Disregard of self self-abaseˈment noun Self-humiliation self-abnegāˈtion noun
self-absorbedˈ adjective Wrapped up in one's own thoughts or affairs self-absorpˈtion noun
self-abuseˈ noun
self-abusˈer noun self-accusāˈtion noun self-accusˈatory adjective self-acknowˈledged adjective selfˈ-actˈing adjective Automatic self-acˈtion noun Spontaneous or independent action self-activˈity noun An inherent power of acting self-actualizāˈtion or self-actualisāˈtion noun (psychology) The realization of one's whole personality and one's understanding and development of all its aspects self-addressedˈ adjective Addressed to oneself self-adhēˈsive adjective Able to stick to a surface without the use of (additional) glue, etc self-adjustˈing adjective Requiring no external adjustment self-adminˈistered adjective self-admirāˈtion noun self-advanceˈment noun self-advertˈisement noun self-adˈvertiser noun self-adˈvocacy noun The act or practice of representing oneself, esp, in the USA, the practice of people with learning disabilities taking control of their own affairs rather than automatically being represented by others selfˈ-affairs plural noun (Shakespeare) One's own affairs self-affecˈted adjective (Shakespeare) Self-loving self-affirmaˈtion noun Assertion of the existence of the self self-affrighˈted adjective (Shakespeare) Frightened at oneself self-aggrandˈizement or self-aggrandˈisement noun self-aggrandˈizing or self-aggrandˈising adjective selfˈ-analˈysis noun self-annealˈing adjective (of metals such as lead, tin, and zinc) recrystallizing at air temperature and so able to be cold-worked with little or no strain-hardening self-annihilāˈtion noun
self-anoinˈted adjective self-applauseˈ noun self-appointˈed adjective self-appreciāˈtion noun self-approbāˈtion noun self-approˈval noun self-approvˈing adjective self-approvˈingly adverb self-assemˈbly adjective (of furniture, etc) in parts or sections for assembly by the purchaser self-assertˈing or self-assertˈive adjective Given to asserting one's opinion or to putting oneself forward self-asserˈtion noun self-assertˈiveness noun self-assessˈment noun
self-assumedˈ adjective Consciously adopted by oneself self-assumpˈtion noun Conceit self-assūˈrance noun Assured self-confidence self-assuredˈ adjective self-assurˈedly adverb self-awareˈ adjective self-awareˈness noun self-balˈancing adjective
self-bastˈing adjective (cookery) Not requiring to be basted by hand self-begotˈ or selfˈ-begottˈen adjective (archaic) Being its own parent, as is the phoenix self-betrayˈal noun self-bindˈer noun
selfˈ-blindˈed adjective selfˈ-bornˈ adjective Born of itself, as is the phoenix self-bounˈty noun Native goodness self-breathˈ noun (Shakespeare) One's own utterances self-builtˈ or self-buildˈ adjective Built, or to be built, by the purchaser or owner self-capacˈitance noun Capacitance self-catˈering adjective (of a holiday, accommodation, etc) in which one cooks, etc for oneself self-cenˈtred adjective
self-cenˈtredly adverb self-cenˈtredness noun self-certifˈicate noun self-certificaˈtion noun
self-charˈity noun (Shakespeare) Self-love self-cleanˈing adjective self-clōsˈing adjective Shutting automatically self-cockˈer noun A firearm in which the hammer is raised by pulling the trigger self-cockˈing adjective self-collecˈted adjective Self-possessed self-colˈour noun
self-colˈoured adjective self-commandˈ noun Self-control self-commitˈment noun self-communˈion noun Communing with oneself, introspective meditation self-comparˈison noun (Shakespeare) The setting of oneself against another self-compatˈible adjective (botany) (of a plant) capable of self-fertilization (also noun) self-complāˈcence noun Satisfaction with oneself, or with one's own performances self-complāˈcent adjective self-conceitˈ noun
self-conceitˈed adjective self-conceitˈedness noun self-concentrāˈtion noun Concentration of one's thoughts upon oneself self-conˈcept noun One's concept of oneself self-concernˈ noun self-condemnaˈtion noun self-condemnedˈ adjective Condemned by one's own actions or words self-condemnˈing adjective self-confessedˈ adjective Openly acknowledging oneself as such self-conˈfidence noun
self-conˈfident adjective self-conˈfidently adverb self-confiˈding adjective Self-reliant self-congratulāˈtion noun self-congratˈulatory adjective Congratulating oneself self-conˈjugate adjective (mathematics) Conjugate to itself self-conˈscious adjective
self-conˈsciously adverb self-conˈsciousness noun self-conˈsequence noun Self-importance self-conˈsequent adjective self-considˈering adjective Deliberating with oneself self-consistˈency noun
self-consisˈtent adjective self-conˈstituted adjective Constituted by oneself self-consūmedˈ adjective self-consūmˈing adjective Consuming oneself, or itself self-containedˈ adjective
self-contemptˈ noun self-contemptˈūous adjective self-contentˈ noun Self-satisfaction, complacency self-contradicˈtion noun
self-contradicˈtory adjective self-controlˈ noun Power of controlling oneself self-controlledˈ adjective self-convictˈed adjective Convicted by one's own acts or words self-convicˈtion noun selfˈ-correctˈing adjective self-covˈered adjective (Shakespeare) Either dissembling, or revealed in one's true colours self-creātˈed adjective self-creāˈtion noun self-critˈical adjective self-critˈicism noun Critical examination and judgement of one's own works and thoughts self-cultˈure noun Development and education of one's personality by one's own efforts self-damnˈing adjective self-danˈger noun (Shakespeare) Personal risk self-deceitˈ or self-decepˈtion noun Deceiving of oneself, esp with regard to one's true feelings or motives self-deceitˈful adjective self-deceivedˈ adjective self-deceivˈer noun self-defeatˈing adjective That defeats its own purpose self-defenceˈ noun Defending one's own person, rights, etc (art of self-defence orig boxing, now used more loosely to refer to any of various martial arts) self-defensˈive adjective self-degradāˈtion noun self-delightˈ noun Delight in one's own being or thoughts self-deluˈsion noun The delusion of oneself by oneself self-denīˈal noun Forbearing to gratify one's own appetites or desires self-denyˈing adjective self-denyˈingly adverb self-depenˈdence noun self-depenˈdent adjective self-depˈrecating adjective self-deprēcˈiating adjective
selfˈ-despairˈ noun A despairing view of one's own nature, prospects, etc self-destroyˈing adjective self-destructˈ intransitive verb (of a spacecraft, etc) to disintegrate or explode automatically through the operation of a timing-device, etc self-destrucˈtion noun
self-destrucˈtive adjective self-determināˈtion noun
selfˈ-deterˈmined and selfˈ-deterˈmining adjective self-develˈoping adjective self-develˈopment noun self-devōˈted adjective self-devōˈtion noun Self-sacrifice self-direcˈted adjective self-direcˈtion noun self-direcˈtor noun self-disˈcharge noun (elec eng)
self-disˈcipline noun self-disˈciplined adjective self-dislikedˈ adjective self-disparˈagement noun self-displeasedˈ adjective self-dispraiseˈ noun self-dissociaˈtion noun (chem) The splitting into ions of the molecules of certain highly polar liquids self-distrustˈ noun self-docˈumenting adjective (of a computer program) that informs the user how to use the program as it runs self-doubtˈ noun self-dramatizāˈtion or self-dramatisāˈtion noun
self-driveˈ adjective
self-drivˈen adjective Driven by its own power selfeˈ-despightˈ noun (Spenser) Injury to oneself self-edˈucated adjective Educated by one's own efforts self-educāˈtion noun self-effaceˈment noun
self-effacˈing adjective self-effacˈingly adverb self-electˈed adjective Elected by oneself or itself self-electˈing or self-electˈive adjective Having the right to elect oneself or itself, as by co-option of new members self-elecˈtion noun self-employedˈ adjective Working independently in one's own business, or on a freelance basis self-employˈment noun selfˈ-end noun (obsolete, esp 17c) A selfish motive or object self-endearedˈ adjective Self-loving self-enjoyˈment noun Internal satisfaction self-enrichˈment noun self-esteemˈ noun
self-evˈidence noun self-evˈident adjective Obvious, evident without proof self-evˈidently adverb self-evolvedˈ adjective self-examināˈtion noun
selfˈ-example noun One's own example self-excītˈing or self-excitˈed adjective (elec) (of an electrical machine) itself supplying the exciting current self-exˈecuting adjective (law) Automatically coming into effect, not needing legislation to enforce self-exerˈtion noun self-exˈiled adjective self-existˈence noun self-existˈent adjective Existing of or by oneself or itself, independent of any other cause self-explanˈatory or self-explainˈing adjective Obvious, understandable without explanation, self-evident self-explicāˈtion noun self-expressˈ intransitive verb self-expressˈion noun The giving of expression to one's personality, as in art self-expressˈive adjective self-facedˈ adjective Undressed or unhewn, esp of a stone showing a natural cleavage self-fedˈ adjective
self-feedˈer noun A device for supplying anything automatically, esp a measured amount of foodstuff for cattle, etc self-feedˈing adjective self-feelˈing noun One's personal experience self-ferˈtile or self-ferˈtilizing adjective Made fertile or fertilizing by its own pollen or sperm selfˈ-fertilīzāˈtion or selfˈ-fertilīsāˈtion noun self-fertilˈity noun self-figˈured adjective Of one's own devising self-fillˈer noun A fountain pen that can be filled without feeding ink through an external tube self-finanˈcing adjective (of a business, enterprise, etc) requiring no finance from outside sources, eg loans, etc self-flattˈering adjective self-flattˈery noun self-foˈcusing adjective self-forgetˈful adjective Unselfishly forgetful of oneself or one's own interests self-forgetˈfully adverb self-forgetˈfulness noun selfˈ-fulfillˈing adjective self-fulfilˈment noun self-genˈerating adjective self-givˈing adjective self-glazedˈ adjective (of pottery, etc) glazed in one tint or colour self-glorificāˈtion noun self-glōˈrious adjective Boastful self-govˈerning adjective self-govˈernment noun
self-graˈcious adjective Gracious towards oneself or spontaneously gracious self-harmˈ noun and intransitive verb self-harˈming adjective self-hateˈ or self-hātˈred noun selfheal noun see separate entry self-healˈing noun
self-helpˈ noun Doing things for oneself without assistance from others (also adjective) self-hetˈerodyne adjective (electronics) Autodyne selfhood noun see under self self-humiliāˈtion noun self-hypnōˈsis or selfˈ-hypˈnotism noun self-idenˈtity noun
self-imˈage noun An individual's view of his or her own personality and abilities self-immolāˈtion noun
self-importˈance noun
self-importˈant adjective self-importˈantly adverb self-imposedˈ adjective Taken voluntarily on oneself self-impregnāˈtion noun Impregnation of a hermaphrodite by its own sperm self-improveˈment noun Improvement, by oneself, of one's status, education, job, etc self-incompatˈible adjective Having reproductive organs that cannot function together self-incompatibilˈity noun selfˈ-inducedˈ adjective
self-inducˈtance noun The property of an electric circuit whereby self-induction occurs self-inducˈtion noun The property of an electric circuit by which it resists any change in the current flowing in it self-inducˈtive adjective self-indulˈgence noun Undue or unhealthy gratification of one's appetites or desires selfˈ-indulˈgent adjective selfˈ-indulˈgently adverb self-infecˈtion noun Infection of the entire organism from a local lesion selfˈ-inflictˈed adjective Inflicted by oneself on oneself self-injectˈ intransitive verb self-injecˈtion noun self-insūˈrance noun The practice of laying aside funds from income, etc to cover losses, rather than taking out an insurance policy self-inˈterest noun
self-inˈterested adjective self-invīˈted adjective Invited by nobody but oneself self-involvedˈ adjective
self-judgeˈment noun self-justificāˈtion noun self-justificāˈtory adjective self-jusˈtifying adjective
self-killedˈ adjective self-killˈer noun self-knowˈing adjective self-knowlˈedge noun Knowledge of one's own nature or personality self-leftˈ adjective Left to oneself self-levˈelling adjective Automatically adjusting so as to be level selfˈ-life noun
self-lightˈing adjective Igniting automatically selfˈ-like adjective Exactly similar self-limˈited adjective (pathology) Running a definite course self-limˈiting adjective self-liqˈuidating adjective (of a loan, business enterprise, etc) yielding sufficient increase to pay for its own redemption, initial outlay, etc self-loadˈer noun self-loadˈing adjective (of a gun) automatically reloading itself self-lockˈing adjective Locking automatically self-lostˈ adjective Lost or damned through one's own fault self-loveˈ noun
self-lovˈing adjective self-lumˈinous adjective Emitting a light of its own self-madeˈ adjective
self-manˈagement noun
self-masˈtery noun
self-mettˈle noun (Shakespeare) Natural spirit self-misusedˈ adjective Denigrated by oneself self-mockˈery noun self-moˈtion noun Spontaneous motion self-moˈtivated or self-moˈtivating adjective
self-motivāˈtion noun self-moˈving adjective Moving spontaneously from within self-murˈder noun Suicide self-murˈderer noun self-murˈdering adjective self-mutilāˈtion noun self-neglectˈ noun self-observāˈtion noun (psychology) The observation of one's own behaviour, personality, mental processes, etc self-occˈupied adjective self-offenceˈ noun (rare)
self-oˈpening adjective
selfˈ-opˈerating adjective self-opinˈion noun High, or unduly high, opinion of oneself or of one's own opinion self-opinˈionated, self-opinˈionative or self-opinˈioned adjective Obstinately adhering to one's own opinion self-ordainedˈ adjective self-parˈody noun Parody of oneself or one's own work self-perpetˈuating adjective self-perpetūāˈtion noun self-pīˈous adjective Hypocritical self-pitˈy noun Pity for oneself self-pitˈying adjective self-pitˈyingly adverb self-plantˈed adjective Planted without human agency self-pleaˈsing adjective self-poisedˈ adjective Balanced without outside help self-pollˈinated adjective self-pollināˈtion noun The transfer of pollen to the stigma of the same flower (or sometimes the same plant or clone) self-polluˈtion noun (archaic) Masturbation self-porˈtrait noun A portrait of oneself executed by oneself self-porˈtraiture noun self-possessedˈ adjective Having self-possession self-possessˈion noun
self-powˈered adjective self-praiseˈ noun The praise of oneself by oneself self-preparaˈtion noun self-preparedˈ adjective self-preservāˈtion noun Care, action, or instinct for the preservation of one's own life self-preserˈvative or self-preserˈving adjective self-prideˈ noun Self-esteem self-proclaimedˈ adjective self-producedˈ adjective self-professedˈ adjective self-profˈit noun Private interest self-propˈagating adjective Propagating itself when left to itself self-propagāˈtion noun self-propelledˈ adjective self-propellˈing adjective Carrying its own means of propulsion self-propulˈsion noun self-protecˈtion noun Self-defence self-protectˈing adjective self-protecˈtive adjective self-pruˈning adjective Naturally shedding twigs self-pubˈlicist noun Someone who actively creates or seeks publicity for himself or herself self-publicˈity noun self-punˈishment noun self-quesˈtioning adjective self-raisedˈ adjective
self-raisˈing adjective (of flour) already mixed with a raising agent (also (esp N American) self-risˈing) self-realīzāˈtion or self-realīsāˈtion noun Attainment of such development as one's mental and moral nature is capable of self-recordˈing adjective Recording its own readings self-recˈtifying adjective (radiology) (of an X-ray tube) in which an alternating voltage is applied directly between target and cathode self-referenˈtial adjective
self-referentialˈity noun self-referenˈtially adverb self-referrˈing adjective Self-referential self-regardˈ noun
self-regardˈing adjective self-regˈistering adjective Self-recording self-regˈulating adjective Regulating itself self-regulāˈtion noun self-regulātˈory (or /-regˈ/) adjective self-relīˈance noun Reliance on one's own abilities, resources, etc self-relīˈant adjective self-relīˈantly adverb self-relyˈing adjective self-renunciāˈtion noun Self-abnegation self-repeatˈing adjective self-reposeˈ noun self-repressˈion noun Repression of one's own desires or of expression of one's personality self-reproachˈ noun Blaming oneself or finding fault with one's own actions self-reproachˈful adjective self-reproofˈ or self-reprovˈing noun Reproof of conscience self-repugˈnance noun self-repugˈnant adjective
selfˈ-resemˈblance noun (Spenser) Appearance of being what one really is self-respectˈ noun Proper respect for oneself or one's own character self-respectˈful adjective self-respectˈing adjective self-restrainedˈ adjective Restrained by one's own will self-restraintˈ noun
self-revealˈing adjective self-revelāˈtion noun self-revˈelātory adjective self-revˈerence noun Great self-respect self-revˈerent adjective self-rightˈeous adjective
self-rightˈeously adverb self-rightˈeousness noun self-rightˈing adjective (esp of a boat, etc) righting itself when capsized self-rigˈorous adjective Rigorous towards oneself self-risˈing adjective see self-raising above self-rolledˈ (Milton self-rowldˈ) adjective Coiled on itself self-ruleˈ noun self-rulˈing adjective self-sacˈrifice noun Foregoing one's own needs, etc for the sake of others self-sacˈrificing adjective selfˈsame noun and adjective The very same self-sameˈness noun self-satisfacˈtion noun self-satˈisfied adjective
self-satˈisfying adjective Giving satisfaction to oneself self-schooledˈ adjective self-sealˈing adjective
self-seedˈer noun A plant that propagates itself from its own seeds shed around it self-seekˈer noun
self-seekˈing noun and adjective self-serˈvice noun Helping oneself, as in a restaurant, petrol station, etc (also adjective) self-serˈving adjective Taking care of one's own interests before and usu to the prejudice of those of other people (also noun) self-severeˈ adjective (Milton) self-shieldˈing noun (physics) A radiation emitting material or structure which absorbs part of its own emission self-slainˈ adjective self-slaughˈter noun self-slaughˈtered adjective self-slayˈer noun self-sovˈereignty noun Sovereignty over, or inherent in, oneself self-sowˈ intransitive verb (of esp cultivated plants) to disperse and sow seeds naturally without human agency self-sownˈ adjective self-stanˈding adjective Independent, standing or functioning alone, without support self-starˈter noun
self-sterˈile adjective Unable to fertilize itself self-sterilˈity noun self-studˈy noun Study on one's own, without a teacher self-styledˈ adjective
self-subduedˈ adjective (Shakespeare) Subdued by one's own power self-substanˈtial adjective (Shakespeare) Composed of one's own substance self-suffiˈciency noun self-suffiˈcient adjective
self-suffiˈciently adverb self-suffīcˈing adjective self-suggesˈtion noun Auto-suggestion self-supportˈ noun self-supportˈed adjective self-supportˈing adjective
selfˈ-surrenˈder noun A yielding up of oneself or one's will self-surviˈving adjective Surviving as a mere ruin of itself self-sustainedˈ adjective Sustained by one's own power self-sustainˈing adjective self-sustainˈment noun self-susˈtenance and self-sustentāˈtion noun self-synchˈronizing or self-synchˈronising adjective (elec eng) (of a synchronizing machine) that may be switched to alternating current without being in exact synchronism with it self-tanˈ intransitive verb To apply a lotion to one's skin to artificially produce the appearance of a suntan self-tannˈing noun and adjective self-tappˈing adjective (of a screw) made of hard metal with a thread that either deforms a softer metal as it is driven in or grips thin sheets of metal within the thread self-taughtˈ adjective self-tempˈted adjective self-thinkˈing adjective Thinking for oneself self-torˈment noun self-tormentˈing adjective self-tormentˈor noun selfˈ-torˈture noun self-trainedˈ adjective self-transformāˈtion noun self-treatˈment noun self-trustˈ noun
self-unaˈble adjective (Shakespeare) Insufficient in oneself self-understandˈing noun self-vindicāˈtion noun self-vīˈolence noun Suicide self-willˈ noun Obstinacy self-willedˈ adjective self-windˈing adjective
self-worˈship noun selfˈ-worth noun
self-wrongˈ noun (Shakespeare) Injury done to one by oneself |
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