

单词 removedness

remove /ri-moovˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To put or take away
  2. To transfer
  3. To withdraw
  4. To displace
  5. To make away with
  6. (in passive; Thackeray) of a dish on the table, to be succeeded (by)
intransitive verb
  1. To go away
  2. To move house, change location
  1. Removal
  2. The raising of a siege (Shakespeare)
  3. Absence (Shakespeare)
  4. Step or degree of remoteness or indirectness
  5. In some schools, an intermediate class
  6. Promotion
  7. A dish removed to make way for another, or taking the place of one so removed
ORIGIN: OFr remouvoir, from L removēre, remōtum, from re- away, and movēre to move

removabilˈity noun

removˈable adjective

removˈably adverb

removˈal noun

  1. The act of taking away
  2. Displacing
  3. Change of place
  4. Transference
  5. Going away
  6. Change of home or location
  7. Murder (euphemistic)

removˈalist noun see remover below

removedˈ adjective

  1. Remote
  2. Distant by degrees, as in descent or relationship

removˈedness noun

removˈer noun

  1. Someone or something that removes
  2. A person employed to convey furniture and other house contents from house to house (also (Aust and NZ) removalist)

removal terms plural noun (Scot)

28 May and 28 November, called Whitsunday and Martinmas





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