

单词 remaindering

remain /ri-mānˈ/

intransitive verb
  1. To stay or be left behind
  2. To continue in the same place
  3. To dwell, abide (Shakespeare)
  4. To be left after or out of a greater number
  5. To continue in one's possession or mind
  6. To continue unchanged
  7. To continue to be
  8. To be still to be dealt with (often without subject it)
  9. To await (Spenser and Milton)
  1. Stay, abode (Shakespeare)
  2. A surviving part (archaic)
ORIGIN: OFr remaindre, from L remanēre, from re- back, and manēre to stay

remainˈder noun

  1. That which remains or is left behind after the removal of a part or after division
  2. The residue, rest
  3. Balance of an account (Shakespeare)
  4. An interest in an estate to come into effect after a certain other event happens (law)
  5. Right of next succession to a post or title
  6. Residue of an edition when the sale of a book has fallen off
adjective (Shakespeare)

Left over

transitive verb

To sell (a book) as a remainder

remainsˈ plural noun

  1. (occasionally with sing verb) that which is left
  2. Relics
  3. A corpse
  4. The literary productions of a dead person

remainˈder-man noun

A person to whom a legal remainder is devised





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