释义 |
punch1 /punch or punsh/ transitive verb- To strike with the fist (sometimes with out)
- To thump (sometimes with out)
- To prod
- To poke
- To drive (cattle; US and Aust)
- To kick (also punce /puns/; dialect)
- To stamp, pierce, perforate, indent, by a forward, downward, etc movement of a tool or part of a machine
- To make, obtain or remove by such a movement (often with out)
- To press in vigorously (a key or button), or the key or button of
- To record by pressing a key
- To play a low shot with a short follow-through (sport)
intransitive verb- To perform an act of punching
- To clock (in or out)
noun- A vigorous blow, or attempted blow, with the fist
- Striking power
- Effective forcefulness
- A tool or machine for punching
- A die
- A prop for a mine-roof
- A low shot played with a short follow-through (sport)
ORIGIN: pounce1; or from puncheon1; poss in some senses for punish punchˈer noun - Someone who punches
- An instrument for punching
- A cowpuncher or cattle drover (US)
- The driver of a team (Aust)
punchˈy adjective - Vigorous, powerful
- Punch-drunk (informal)
punchˈ-bag or (N American) punchˈing-bag noun - A large stuffed bag used for boxing practice
- A person who is the target of another person's outbursts of anger (figurative)
punchˈ-ball noun - A suspended ball used for boxing practice
- A game similar to baseball in which the ball is punched
punchˈboard noun A cardboard frame divided into a number of compartments each concealing a slip of paper, some of which entitle the holder to a prize punchˈ-card or punched card noun A card with perforations representing data, formerly used in the operation of computers punchˈ-drunk adjective - Having a form of cerebral concussion from past blows in boxing, with results resembling drunkenness
- Dazed (informal short form punchˈy)
punched tape noun (computing) Same as paper tape (see under paper) punching-bag see punch-bag above. punchˈline noun - The last line or conclusion of a joke, in which the point lies
- The last part of a story, giving it meaning or an unexpected twist
punchˈ-prop noun (mining) A short piece of wood used as a prop punchˈ-up noun A fight with fists pull one's punches - To hold back one's blows
- To be deliberately less hard-hitting in one's criticism than one might be
punch3 /punch or punsh/ adjective (dialect)Short and thick noun- A thick-set short man (obsolete)
- A short-legged draught horse, chestnut in colour, orig bred in Suffolk (also Suffolk punch)
ORIGIN: Poss shortened from puncheon2, or from Punchinello, or a variant of bunch punchˈy adjective |