释义 |
over-ageˈ adjective - Beyond the age limit specified for
- Too old (see also overage under over)
over /ōˈvər/ preposition- Above in place, rank, power, authority, contention, preference, value, quantity, number, etc
- In excess of
- Above and from one side of to the other
- Down from or beyond the edge of
- From side to side or end to end of
- Along
- Throughout the extent of
- During
- Until after
- Across
- On or to the other side of
- On, onto, about, or across the surface of
- In discussion, contemplation, study of or occupation with
- Concerning
- On account of
- Recovered from the effects of
- In a sunk, submerged, or buried state beyond the level of, as in over head and ears
adverb- On the top
- Above
- Across
- To or on the other side
- From one person, party, condition, etc, to another
- Into a sleep
- Outwards so as to overhang or to fall from
- Down, away from an upright position
- Through, from beginning to end, esp in a cursory or exploratory way
- Throughout
- Into a reversed position
- Across the margin
- Again, in repetition
- Too much
- In excess
- Left remaining
- At an end
interjection (radio)Indicating that the speaker now expects a reply adjective- (usu as pfx) upper or superior
- Surplus
- Excessive
noun- A series of (usu six) balls after which play changes from one end to the other (cricket)
- Anything that is over
- A surplus copy, etc
- An excess, overplus
transitive verb To go, leap or vault over —Also, only as adv and prep o'er (now usu poetic), ore (obs), o're (obs), all pronounced /ōr or ör/, and in Scots ower, owre or o'er, pronounced /owr or ōr/ ORIGIN: OE ofer; Ger über, L super, Gr hyper; cf up overage /ōˈvə-rij/ noun Surplus, excess (see also over-age under over-) oˈverly adverb (informal, orig US) - Excessively, too
- Casually (Scot)
- Superciliously (obsolete)
adjective- Casual (Scot)
- Supercilious, superior (obsolete)
oˈver-and-unˈder noun A double-barrelled gun having the barrels one on top of the other rather than side by side (also under-and-oˈver) overbyˈ adverb A little way over, esp in Scots forms owerby, o'erby /owr-bīˈ/ over rate noun (cricket) The rate at which overs are bowled over-the-counˈter adjective - (of securities, etc) not listed on or traded through a stock exchange, but traded directly between buyers and sellers
- (of drugs, etc) able to be bought or sold without prescription or licence
over-the-topˈ adjective Excessive, extreme, too much all over - At an end
- Everywhere
- At his, her or its most characteristic (informal)
- Covered with, besmeared or bespattered with (informal)
all over again Again from the beginning, anew be all over (someone) To make a fuss of, fawn on (someone) over again All over again over against Opposite over and above - In addition to
- Besides
over and out (radio) An expression used to announce the end of one's transmission over and over (again) - Many times
- Repeatedly
over head and ears Completely submerged over seas To foreign lands over the hill see under hill over the moon see under moon over to you! Used to transfer the initiative in speaking, etc, to another person put one over on (informal) - To gain an advantage over someone
- To deceive someone
age /āj/ noun- Duration of life
- The time during which a person or thing has lived or existed
- The time of life reached
- Mature years
- Legal maturity
- The time or fact of being old
- Equivalence in development to the average of an actual age
- A period of time
- Any great division of world, human, or individual history
- A generation
- A century
- (esp in pl) a long time, however short (informal)
intransitive verb (aging or ageing /ājˈing/; aged /ājd/)- To grow old
- To develop the characteristics of old age
- To mature
transitive verb- To make to seem old or to be like the old
- To determine the age of
ORIGIN: OFr aäge (Fr âge), from L aetās, -ātis, for aevitās, from L aevum age aged /ājˈid/ adjective - Advanced in age, old
- /ājd/ of the age of
- Subjected to aging, eg aged timbers
plural noun /ājˈid/ (usu with the) Old people agedness /ājˈid-nis/ noun The condition of being aged ageˈism noun Discrimination on grounds of age ageˈist noun and adjective ageˈless adjective - Never growing old, perpetually young
- Timeless
ageˈlessness noun ageˈlong adjective Lasting an age agˈing or ageˈing noun - The process of growing old or developing qualities of the old
- Maturing
- Change in properties that occurs in certain metals at atmospheric temperature after heat treatment or cold-working
ageˈ-bracket noun The people between particular ages, taken as a group age group noun A group of people of a similar age age hardening noun Hardening of metals by spontaneous structural changes over time age limit noun The age under or over which one may not do something ageˈ-long adjective Having been in existence for a long time age of consent see under consent age of discretion see under discretion ageˈ-old adjective Very old, ancient be or act your age! Don't be childish be ages with (Scot) To be the same age as (come) of age (to become) old enough to be considered legally mature (with respect to voting, crime, contracts, marriage, etc) of an age Of the same or similar age over age Too old under age - Too young
- Not yet of age