

单词 overabound

over- /ō-vər-/

  1. Used with certain meanings of over prep, adv, or adj, as (1) above, across, across the surface
  2. (2) beyond an understood limit
  3. (3) down, away from the upright position
  4. (4) upper or outer
  5. (5) beyond what is usual or desirable
  6. (6) completely
  7. (7) (with neg) at all (as in not over-generous)

over- /ō-vər-/

  1. Used with certain meanings of over prep, adv, or adj, as (1) above, across, across the surface
  2. (2) beyond an understood limit
  3. (3) down, away from the upright position
  4. (4) upper or outer
  5. (5) beyond what is usual or desirable
  6. (6) completely
  7. (7) (with neg) at all (as in not over-generous)

Some words formed with the prefix over-; the numbers in brackets refer to the numbered senses in the entry for over-

overaboundˈ (abound) vi (5)

overaboundˈing (abounding) adj (5)

over-absorpˈtion (absorption) n (5)

overabunˈdance (abundance) n (5)

overabunˈdant (abundant) adj (5)

overacˈtive (active) adj (5)

overactivˈity (activity) n (5)

overambitˈious (ambitious) adj (5)

over-anxiˈety (anxiety) n (5)

over-anxˈious (anxious) adj (5)

over-anxˈiously (anxiously) adv (5)

overbeatˈ (beat) vt vi (3)

oˈverblanket (blanket) n (4)

overboilˈ (boil) vt vi 2 5

overboldˈ (bold) adj (5)

overboldˈly (boldly) adv (5)

overboundˈ (bound) vt (1)

overbrimˈ (brim) vi (2)

overbrimmedˈ (brimmed) Walter Scott adj (1)

overcareˈful (careful) adj (5)

overcarrˈy (carry) vt 1 obs 2 5

overcauˈtious (cautious) adj (5)

overcladˈ (clad) adj 1 5

overcolˈour (colour) vt 1 5

over-conˈfidence (confidence) n (5)

over-conˈfident (confident) adj (5)

over-coolˈ (cool) vt (5)

overcovˈer (cover) vt (6)

overcreduˈlity (credulity) n (5)

overcredˈulous (credulous) adj (5)

overdarˈing (daring) adj (5)

overdependˈence (dependence) n (5)

overdependˈent (dependent) adj (5)

overdramˈatize (dramatize) overdramˈatise (dramatise) vt (5)

overdustˈ (dust) vt (1)

overdyeˈ (dye) vt 1 5

overelabˈorate (elaborate) adj (5)

over-emoˈtional (emotional) adj (5)

overemˈphasis (emphasis) n (5)

overemˈphasize (emphasize) overemˈphasise (emphasise) vt (5)

over-exactˈ (exact) adj (5)

overexcitabilˈity (excitability) n (5)

overexcitˈable (excitable) adj (5)

overexciteˈ (excite) vt (5)

overexertˈ (exert) vt (5)

overexerˈtion (exertion) n (5)

overextendˈ (extend) vt vi (5)

overfamilˈiar (familiar) adj (5)

overfamiliarˈity (familiarity) n (5)

overfedˈ (fed) adj (5)

overfeedˈ (feed) vt vi (5)

overfillˈ (fill) vt vi (5)

overfineˈ (fine) adj (5)

overfineˈness (fineness) n (5)

overfishˈ (fish) vt (5)

overforˈward (forward) adj (5)

overforˈwardness (forwardness) n (5)

overfreeˈ (free) adj (5)

overfreeˈdom (freedom) n (5)

overfreeˈly (freely) adv (5)

overfullˈ (full) adj (5)

overfulˈness (fulness) n (5)

overfullˈness (fullness) n (5)

overfundˈ (fund) vt (5)

overfunˈding (funding) n (5)

overglanceˈ (glance) vt (1)

overgorgeˈ (gorge) Shakesp vt (5)

overgrazeˈ (graze) vt vi (5)

overgrāˈzing (grazing) n (5)

oˈvergreat (great) adj (5)

overgreedˈy (greedy) adj (5)

overhappˈy (happy) adj (5)

overhasteˈ (haste) n (5)

overhastˈily (hastily) adv (5)

overhastˈiness (hastiness) n (5)

overhastˈy (hasty) adj (5)

overhypeˈ (hype) vt (5)

overinclinedˈ (inclined) adj (5)

overinkedˈ (inked) adj (5)

overkeenˈ (keen) adj (5)

overkeepˈ (keep) vt (5)

overkindˈ (kind) adj (5)

overkindˈness (kindness) n (5)

overleavˈen (leaven) vt (5)

overlongˈ (long) adj adv (5)

overloudˈ (loud) adj (5)

overlusˈty (lusty) Shakesp adj (5)

overneat (neat) adj (5)

overpeoˈple (people) vt (5)

overpopˈulate (populate) vt (5)

overpopulāˈtion (population) n (5)

overpraiseˈ (praise) vt (5)

over-preciseˈ (precise) adj (5)

overpreparāˈtion (preparation) n (5)

overprepareˈ (prepare) vi vt (5)

overpreparedˈ (prepared) adj (5)

overprotecˈtive (protective) adj (5)

overproudˈ (proud) adj (5)

overrashˈ (rash) adj (5)

overrashˈly (rashly) adv (5)

overrashˈness (rashness) n (5)

over-refineˈ (refine) vt (5)

over-refineˈment (refinement) n (5)

over-revˈ (rev) vt vi (5)

overripeˈ (ripe) adj (5)

overriˈpen (ripen) vt vi (5)

overripeˈness (ripeness) n (5)

overroastˈ (roast) vt (5)

overscruˈpulous (scrupulous) adj (5)

overscrupˈulousness (scrupulousness) n (5)

oversenˈsitive (sensitive) adj (5)

oˈvershirt (shirt) n (4)

oversimplificāˈtion (simplification) n (5)

oversimˈplify (simplify) vt (5)

oˈverskirt (skirt) n (4)

oˈversleeve (sleeve) n (4)

overspecˈialize (specialize) overspecˈialise (specialise) vi (5)

overspecializāˈtion (specialization) overspecialisāˈtion (specialisation) n (5)

overspreadˈ (spread) vt (1)

overstainˈ (stain) vt (1)

overstrewˈ (strew) vt (1)

overstrongˈ (strong) adj (5)

oversubtˈle (subtle) adj (5)

oversubtˈlety (subtlety) n (5)

overteˈdious (tedious) Shakesp adj (5)

overtireˈ (tire) vt (5)

overtoilˈ (toil) vt (5)

overtrustˈ (trust) vi (5)

overviˈolent (violent) adj (5)

overwaˈter (water) vt (5)

overwrapˈ (wrap) vt 1 5

over-zealˈous (zealous) adj (5)





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