

单词 pole vaults

pole2 /pōl/

  1. A long rounded shaft, rod, or post, usu of wood
  2. A small tree
  3. A single shaft to which a pair of horses may be yoked
  4. A measuring rod of definite length
  5. Hence a measure of length, 51/2 yards, of area, 301/4 square yards
  6. The position next to the inner boundary-fence in a racecourse or on a racing circuit, etc (now usu pole position)
  7. The tail of certain animals
transitive verb
  1. To propel, push, strike, or stir with a pole
  2. To provide or support with poles
intransitive verb

To use a pole

ORIGIN: OE pāl (Ger Pfahl), from L pālus a stake

pōˈler noun (Aust)

  1. One of a pair of bullocks harnessed to the pole
  2. A shirker

pōˈling noun

  1. Supplying, propelling, or stirring with a pole or poles
  2. The practice of burning green logs (poles) to produce reducing gases in the fire refining of copper
  3. Poles collectively

poleˈ-clipt adjective (Shakespeare)

Hedged in with poles

pole dancer noun

An erotic dancer performing on and around a fixed vertical pole

pole dancing noun

pole position noun

The most advantageous position in any competition or race, etc (see also above)

pole vault noun

An athletic event in which the competitor uses a pole to achieve great height in jumping over a crossbar

poleˈ-vault intransitive verb

poleˈ-vaulter noun

pole on (Aust sl)

To impose on

under bare poles

With all sails furled

up the pole (slang)

  1. In a predicament
  2. Drunk
  3. Crazed
  4. Pregnant
  5. In favour (military)





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