

单词 outtravelling

out- /owt-/

  1. (1) outside, not within, out-lying, eg outhouse, outpatient
  2. (2) away from the inside or inner part (often poetic), eg outspread, outpouring, outgoing, output
  3. (3) with prepositional force, meaning ‘outside of’, eg outboard, outdoor
  4. (4) through, throughout, beyond, completely, eg outwatch, outflank, outweary
  5. (5) indicating the fact of going beyond a norm, standard of comparison or limit, more than, more successfully than, farther than, longer than, etc, eg outweigh, outmanoeuvre, outstep, outlast, out-Herod
ORIGIN: See out

out- /owt-/

  1. (1) outside, not within, out-lying, eg outhouse, outpatient
  2. (2) away from the inside or inner part (often poetic), eg outspread, outpouring, outgoing, output
  3. (3) with prepositional force, meaning ‘outside of’, eg outboard, outdoor
  4. (4) through, throughout, beyond, completely, eg outwatch, outflank, outweary
  5. (5) indicating the fact of going beyond a norm, standard of comparison or limit, more than, more successfully than, farther than, longer than, etc, eg outweigh, outmanoeuvre, outstep, outlast, out-Herod
ORIGIN: See out

Some words formed with the prefix out-; the numbers in brackets refer to the numbered senses in the entry for out-

outbarˈ (bar) vt (1)

outboxˈ (box) vt (5)

outbreatheˈ (breathe) vt vi (2)

outburnˈ (burn) vt vi 5 4

outburstˈ (burst) vi (1)

outcompeteˈ (compete) vt (5)

outcryˈ (cry) vt vi 5 2

outdanceˈ (dance) vt (5)

outdrinkˈ (drink) vt (5)

outdriveˈ (drive) vt (5)

outeatˈ (eat) vt (5)

outfightˈ (fight) vt (5)

outfishˈ (fish) vt (5)

outflashˈ (flash) vt vi 5 2

outflowˈ (flow) vi (2)

outˈflowing (flowing) n adj (2)

outflushˈ (flush) vi (5)

outflyˈ (fly) vt vi 5 2

outgiveˈ (give) vt vi 5 2

outˈgoer (goer) n (2)

outguessˈ (guess) vt (5)

outhitˈ (hit) vt (5)

outjumpˈ (jump) vt (5)

outmarchˈ (march) vt 4 5

outmatchˈ (match) vt (5)

outmigrāˈtion (migration) n (2)

outpeepˈ (peep) vi (2)

outpourˈ (pour) vt vi (2)

outpourˈer (pourer) n (2)

outpunchˈ (punch) vt (5)

outraceˈ (race) vt (5)

outriˈval (rival) vt (5)

outroarˈ (roar) Shakesp vt (2)

outrootˈ (root) vt (2)

outscoldˈ (scold) Shakesp vt (5)

outscoreˈ (score) vt (5)

outsingˈ (sing) vt (5)

outsoarˈ (soar) vt (5)

outspeakˈ (speak) vt vi 2 5

outspeedˈ (speed) vt (5)

outsprintˈ (sprint) vt (5)

outswimˈ (swim) vt (5)

outtalkˈ (talk) vt (5)

outtravˈel (travel) vt 4 5

outvalˈue (value) vt (5)

outvieˈ (vie) vt (5)

outwaitˈ (wait) vt 4 5

outwalkˈ (walk) vt 4 5





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