单词 | pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis |
释义 | pneumo- /nū-mō-, -mə-/, pneum- /nūm-/, pneumon- /nū-mon-, -mən-/ or pneumono- /nū-mə-nō-, -nə-/combining form
ORIGIN: Gr pneumōn, -onos lung, from pneein to breathe pneumococcˈus noun A bacterium in the respiratory tract which is a causative agent of pneumonia pneumoconiosis /nū-mō-kō-ni-ōˈsis/, pneumokonioˈsis or pneumonokonioˈsis noun (Gr konia dust) any of various diseases caused by habitually inhaling mineral or metallic dust, as in coalmining pneumoconiotˈic noun A person suffering from pneumoconiosis pneumocysˈtis noun Any microorganism of the genus Pneumocystis (pneumocystis carinii pneumonia a potentially fatal infection which can affect people whose immune system is damaged by disease (eg AIDS) or drugs) pneumodynamˈics singular noun same as pneumatics (see under pneuma) pneumogasˈtric adjective Relating to the lungs and stomach nounThe vagus pneumonecˈtomy noun Surgical removal of lung tissue pneumōˈnia noun Inflammation of the lung (pneumonia blouse (facetious) a low-necked blouse, once an object of disapproval) pneumonic /-monˈ/ adjective Relating to the lungs nounA medicine for lung diseases pneumonīˈtis noun
pneuˈmonoultramicroscopicsilˈicovolcanoconioˈsis noun A form of pneumoconiosis caused by very fine silicate or quartz dust pneumothoˈrax noun (medicine)
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