

单词 pledgeors

pledge /plej/

  1. A solemn promise
  2. Orig something given as a security
  3. A gage
  4. A token or sign of assurance
  5. A child, as a token of love or binding obligation
  6. Someone who becomes surety for another (obsolete)
  7. A hostage (obsolete)
  8. A friendly sentiment expressed by drinking
  9. A state of being given, or held, as a security
transitive verb
  1. To give as security
  2. To bind by solemn promise
  3. To vow
  4. To give assurance of
  5. To drink a toast in response to
  6. To drink at the invitation of another
  7. To drink to the health of
ORIGIN: OFr plege (Fr pleige), from LL plevium, plivium, prob Gmc

pledgeˈable adjective

pledgeeˈ noun

The person to whom a thing is pledged

pledger, pledgeor or pledgor /plejˈər/ noun

take or sign the pledge

To give a written promise to abstain from intoxicating liquor





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