释义 |
Sienese or Siennese /sē-ə-nēzˈ/ adjective Of Siena (also Sienna) or its school of painting noun A native of Siena sienna /sē-enˈə/ noun - A fine pigment made from ferruginous ochreous earth, originally browny-yellow (raw sienna) but warm reddish-brown when roasted (burnt sienna)
- Its colour
raw /rö/ adjective- Not altered from its natural state
- Not cooked or dressed
- Unwrought
- Not prepared or manufactured
- Not refined
- Not corrected
- Not mixed
- Having the skin abraded or removed (also figurative)
- Showing through the skin (Spenser)
- Crude
- Hard, harsh, cruel
- Untrained
- Out of condition (Spenser)
- Red and inflamed
- Immature
- Inexperienced
- Chilly and damp
- Naked
- (of statistics, data for a computer, etc) not yet checked, sorted, corrected, etc
noun- (with the) a skinned, sore or sensitive place
- The raw state
- That which is raw
ORIGIN: OE hrēaw; Du rauw, ON hrār, Ger roh rawˈish adjective rawˈly adverb rawˈness noun raw bar noun (US) A restaurant or counter at which uncooked shellfish is served rawˈbone (Spenser) or rawˈboned adjective - With little flesh on the bones
- Gaunt
rawˈhead or rawˈhead-and-bloodˈy-bones noun A bugbear or pair of bugbears to frighten children rawˈhide adjective Of untanned leather noun A rope or whip of untanned leather raw material noun - Material (often in its natural state) that serves as the starting-point of a manufacturing or technical process
- That out of which something is or can be made, or may develop (figurative)
raw sienna see sienna under Sienese raw silk noun - Natural untreated silk threads
- Fabric made from these
a raw deal Harsh, inequitable treatment in the raw - In its natural state
- Naked