

单词 bridezillas

bride /brīd/


A woman about to be married or newly married

intransitive verb and transitive verb (with it; Shakespeare)

To act the bride

ORIGIN: OE brȳd; ON brūthr, Ger Braut

brideˈ-ale noun (archaic)

The ale-drinking at a marriage feast (see bridal)

brideˈ-bed noun (archaic)

The marriage bed

brideˈcake or bride'sˈ-cake noun

Wedding cake

brideˈ-chamber noun (archaic)

  1. A nuptial apartment
  2. The room in which a wedding is performed

brideˈgroom noun

A man about to be married or newly married

brideˈmaid, brideˈmaiden, bride'sˈ-maid or bridesˈmaid noun (all except bridesmaid obsolete or dialect)

A young (traditionally unmarried) woman who attends the bride at a wedding

brideˈman, bride'sˈ-man or bridesˈman noun (obsolete or dialect)

A young unmarried man who attends the bridegroom at a wedding

bride price see bridewealth below.

bride’s-cake see bridecake above.

bridesˈmaid, bride’s-maid

  1. See bridemaid above
  2. A team or individual that is always runner-up or never quite makes it to the top (sport sl)

bride’s-man, bridesman see brideman above.

brideˈwealth or bride price noun

In tribal societies, etc, a price paid (usu in kind) to a bride's family by the bridegroom

bridezillˈa noun (slang)

A bride-to-be whose selfish and demanding behaviour in planning her wedding is regarded as monstrous (from the science-fiction film monster Godzilla)





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