

单词 pseudologues

pseud- /sūd- or sood-/ or pseudo- /sū-dō- or soo-dō-/

combining form
  1. Denoting: sham, false, spurious
  2. Deceptively resembling
  3. Isomerous with or closely related to (chem)
  4. Temporary, provisional
ORIGIN: Gr pseudēs false

pseudaesthēˈsia noun

Imaginary feeling, eg in an amputated limb

pseudaxˈis noun (botany)

A sympodium

pseudepigˈrapha plural noun

Books ascribed to Old Testament characters, but not judged genuine by scholars

pseudepigraphˈic, pseudepigraphˈical or pseudepigˈraphous adjective

pseudepigˈraphy noun

The ascription to books of false names of authors

pseudimāˈgo noun (zoology)

A subimago

pseuˈdoacid noun

A substance that can exist in two tautomeric forms, one of which functions as an acid, eg nitromethane

pseudo-archāˈic adjective

  1. Sham antique
  2. Artificially archaistic
  3. Clumsily and inaccurately imitative of the old, eg in style

pseudo-arˈchāism noun

pseuˈdobulb noun (botany)

A swollen stem internode in some orchids

pseuˈdocarp noun (botany)

A fruit formed from other parts in addition to the gynaeceum

pseudo-Christianˈity noun

pseudoclassˈicism noun

pseuˈdocode noun (computing)

Instructions written in symbolic language which must be translated into an acceptable program language before they can be executed

pseudocyesis /-sī-ēˈsis/ noun (Gr kyēsis, from kyein to be pregnant; psychology)

A psychosomatic condition marked by many of the symptoms of pregnancy

pseudoephedrine /-efˈi-drēn or -i-fedˈrin/ noun (chem)

A naturally occurring isomer of ephedrine, used in the form of its hydrochloride as a bronchodilator

pseudofolliculīˈtis noun (medicine)

A chronic disorder, esp of the neck, of men who shave, in which the tips of the shaved hairs cause the formation of papules

pseuˈdogene noun

A copy of a gene that is defective and not transcribed

pseudo-Gothˈic adjective and noun

Sham or would-be Gothic

pseuˈdograph noun

A writing falsely ascribed

pseudogˈraphy noun

Unsatisfactory spelling

pseudohermaphˈroditism noun (anatomy)

A congenital condition in which a man has external genitalia resembling those of a woman, and vice versa

pseudologia /-lōˈji-ə/ noun (Gr, falsehood; medicine)

Lying in speech or writing (pseudologia fantastica pathological lying, a psychiatric disorder in which the sufferer has an uncontrollable tendency to tell lies and create fantastic stories)

pseuˈdologue noun

  1. A liar
  2. A person suffering from pseudologia fantastica

pseudolˈogy noun

The art or science of lying

pseuˈdomartyr noun

A false martyr

pseuˈdomembrane noun

A false membrane

pseudomōˈnad (or (esp US) /-domˈ/) or pseudomōˈnas noun (pl pseudomōˈnads (or /-domˈ/) or pseudomōˈnadēs) (bacteriology)

A member of the genus Pseudomonas of schizomycetes, comprising short rod-shaped bacteria which are found in soil and in water

pseuˈdomorph noun (geology)

A portion of a mineral showing the outward form of another which it has replaced by molecular substitution or otherwise

pseudomorˈphic or pseudomorˈphous adjective

pseudomorˈphism noun

pseuˈdonym noun

A fictitious name assumed eg by an author

pseudonymˈity noun

pseudonˈymous adjective

pseudonˈymously adverb

pseuˈdopod noun

  1. A psychic projection from a medium (spiritualism)
  2. A footlike process of the body-wall, not a true leg but serving as one, as eg in caterpillars (zoology)
  3. A pseudopodium

pseudopōˈdium noun (pl pseudopōˈdia) (biology)

A process protruding from the cell of a protozoan, etc, used for movement or feeding

pseudopregˈnancy noun same as pseudocyesis above

pseudoranˈdom adjective (computing)

Referring to a set of numbers generated by a computer and therefore not entirely random, but sufficiently so for most purposes

pseuˈdoscope noun

A kind of stereoscope that interchanges convex and concave in appearance

pseudoscorˈpion noun

Any member of the order Pseudoscorpionidˈea of arachnids, tiny carnivorous creatures resembling tailless scorpions, found under stones, bark, leaves, etc

pseudosoluˈtion noun (chem)

A colloidal suspension

pseudosymmˈetry noun (crystallography)

A deceptively close approach by a crystal to a higher degree of symmetry, eg when the axes of a tetragonal crystal are so close to being equal that on casual inspection the crystal appears to be cubic (pseudocubic symmetry) or when a crystal that is not quite hexagonal appears to be so (pseudohexagonal symmetry)





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