

单词 provokers

provoke /prə-vōkˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To annoy or exasperate
  2. To excite or call into action, stimulate
  3. To incite or bring about
  4. To excite with anger or sexual desire
  5. To call up or evoke (feelings, desires, etc)
  6. To summon (archaic)
  7. To call out or challenge (obsolete)
intransitive verb (Dryden)

To appeal

ORIGIN: L prōvocāre, -ātum, from prō- forth, and vocāre to call

provocable /provˈək-ə-bl or prə-vōkˈə-bl/ adjective

(esp formerly) provokable

provˈocant noun

provocateur /pro-vo-ka-tœr/ noun (French)

Someone who stirs up unrest and dissatisfaction for political ends (see also agent provocateur)

provocāˈtion noun

  1. The act of provoking
  2. Something that provokes
  3. Any cause of anger

provocative /-vokˈə-tiv/ adjective

  1. Tending, or intended, to provoke or excite
  2. Exciting sexual desire, esp by design

Anything that provokes

provocˈatively adverb

provocˈativeness noun

provˈocātor noun

provocˈatory adjective

provōkˈable adjective

provokeˈment noun (Spenser)

provōkˈer noun

provōkˈing adjective

  1. Irritating
  2. Stimulating

provōkˈingly adverb





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