

单词 pioning

pioneer /pī-ə-nērˈ/

  1. Someone who is among the first in new fields of enterprise, exploration, colonization, research, etc
  2. A pioneer species (qv below)
  3. A military artisan, employed in peacetime in painting and repairing barracks, and such work, in war in preparing the way for an army, and minor engineering works, such as trenching
  4. An excavator
  5. A labourer

Of or relating to pioneers

transitive verb
  1. To act as pioneer to
  2. To prepare as a pioneer
ORIGIN: OFr peonier (Fr pionnier), from pion a foot soldier, from LL pedō, pedōnis, from L pēs, pedis a foot; cf pawn2 and peon

pioneerˈing adjective

pīˈoner or pyˈoner noun (Shakespeare)

  1. A military pioneer
  2. An excavator

pīˈoning (Spenser pyˈonings) noun

  1. Pioneer work
  2. Trenching

pioneer species noun (botany)

A species which tends to be among the first to occupy bare ground





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