

单词 pig-nut

earth /ûrth/

  1. The third planet in order from the sun (often with cap)
  2. The material on the surface of the globe
  3. Soil, a mixture of disintegrated rock and organic material, in which plants are rooted
  4. Dry land as opposed to sea
  5. The land and sea as opposed to the sky
  6. The world
  7. The inhabitants of the world
  8. Dirt
  9. Dead matter
  10. The human body
  11. A burrow, esp of a badger or fox
  12. An electrical connection with the earth, usu by a wire soldered to a metal plate sunk in moist earth
  13. An old name for certain oxides of metals (see alkaline earth under alkali, rare earth under rare1)
transitive verb
  1. To connect to earth electrically
  2. To bury, inter (obsolete)
  3. To hide or make hide in the earth or in a hole
  4. To clog, cover, smear or partially cover with earth (often with up)
intransitive verb (poetic or rhetoric)
  1. To burrow
  2. To hide
ORIGIN: OE eorthe; cf Du aarde and Ger Erde

earthˈen adjective

  1. Made of earth or clay
  2. Earthly

earthˈily adverb

In an earthy manner

earthˈiness noun

earthˈliness noun

earthˈling noun

  1. A person living on the earth
  2. A worldly-minded person

earthˈly adjective

  1. Belonging to the earth
  2. Vile
  3. Worldly
  4. Conceivably possible on earth
noun (informal)

Chance (for earthly chance)

earthˈward adverb (also earthˈwards)

Towards the earth


Moving towards the earth

earthˈy adjective

  1. Consisting of, relating to or resembling earth
  2. Inhabiting the earth
  3. Gross
  4. Unrefined

earthˈ-bag noun

A sack of earth used in fortifications

earthˈ-bath noun

A bath of earth or mud

earthˈ-board noun

The board of a plough or other implement that turns over the earth

earthˈborn adjective

Born from or on the earth

earthˈbound adjective

  1. Confined to the earth
  2. Heading towards the earth
  3. Lacking imagination

earthˈ-bred adjective

  1. Bred from earth
  2. Mean, grovelling

earth-chestˈnut same as earth-nut below.

earthˈ-closet noun

A lavatory in which the excreta are covered with earth

earthˈ-created adjective

Made of earth

earthˈenware noun

  1. Crockery
  2. Coarse pottery

earthˈfall noun

A landslide

earthˈfast adjective

Fixed in the earth

earthˈ-fed adjective

Contented with earthly things

earthˈflax noun


earthˈ-hog noun

The aardvark

earthˈ-house noun

An underground stone-lined gallery associated with the Iron Age, which may have functioned as a storehouse or dwelling, a souterrain, also called Picts' house

earthˈ-hunger noun

Passion for acquiring land

earthing tyres plural noun

Aircraft tyres that discharge static electricity on grounding

earth-light see earth-shine below.

earthˈly-mindˈed adjective

Having the mind intent on earthly things

earthˈly-mindˈedness noun

earthˈman or earthˈwoman noun

Esp in science fiction, a person who lives on the planet earth

earth mother noun

  1. The earth personified as a goddess
  2. A woman, typically fertile and of generous proportions, who seems to symbolize motherhood

earthˈ-motherly adjective

earthˈ-movement noun (geology)

Elevation, subsidence or folding of the earth's crust

earthˈmover noun

Any piece of machinery designed to move earth, eg a bulldozer

earthˈmoving adjective

earthˈ-nut noun

  1. The edible root-tuber of Conopodium flexuosum, a woodland umbelliferous plant
  2. The plant itself (also arnut, pig-nut, earth-chestnut)
  3. The peanut (genus Arachis)

earth observation noun (space)

Observation of the Earth from satellites by remote sensing techniques

earthˈ-pea noun

The peanut

earthˈ-pillar noun (geology)

A column of soft material protected from erosion by an overlying stone

earthˈ-plate noun

A buried plate of metal forming the earth connection of a telegraph-wire, lightning conductor, etc

earthˈquake noun

  1. A quaking or shaking of the earth
  2. A heaving of the ground
  3. A disruptive event, upheaval (figurative)

earthˈquaked adjective

Shaken or destroyed by an earthquake

earthˈquaking adjective

earth science noun

Any of the sciences dealing with the earth, eg geography or geology

earthˈshaking or earthˈshattering adjective

Of great importance or consequence

earthˈshakingly or earthˈshatteringly adverb

earthˈ-shine or earthˈ-light noun

The faint light visible on the part of the moon not illuminated by the sun

earth sign noun

Any of the three signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) believed to have an affinity with earth

earthˈ-smoke noun (botany)


earthˈ-star noun

A fungus (genus Geaster) related to the puffballs that opens out into a starlike form

earthˈ-table noun (building)

A course of stone or brick just above the ground

earthˈ-tone noun

A colour like that of the earth, eg a brown or green

earth tremor noun

A slight earthquake

earthˈwax noun


earthˈwolf noun

The aardwolf

earthwoman see earthman above.

earthˈwork noun

  1. A fortification of earth
  2. An embankment
  3. The act or process of excavation and embanking

earthˈworm noun

  1. The common worm
  2. A mean person, a poor creature

cost the earth (informal)

To be very expensive

down or back to earth

Back to reality (down-to-earth adjective see under down1)

go to earth

To search for or take refuge in a hole or hiding-place (also figurative)

green earth see green1

on earth

  1. Used for emphasis in phrases such as how on earth, why on earth, etc
  2. Absolutely, without exception, as in best on earth

run to earth

  1. To search out or find
  2. To go to earth (lit and figurative)

the Earthshaker (Greek mythology)

Poseidon, the god of earthquakes

pig1 /pig/

  1. Any mammal of the family Suidae, omnivorous ungulates with thick, bristly skin, esp the domesticated Sus scrofa, a farm animal bred as food for humans
  2. Its flesh as food, esp that of the young animal
  3. Someone who is like the popular image of a pig, dirty, greedy, gluttonous, or cantankerous (also used mildly in reproach)
  4. An oblong mass of unforged metal, as first extracted from the ore
  5. The mould into which it is run, esp one of the branches, the main channel being the sow
  6. A device that is propelled through a pipeline or duct by pneumatic, hydraulic or gas pressure, for clearing, cleaning, tracking or scanning purposes, etc (technology)
  7. Same as go-devil (see under go1)
  8. A feast (slang)
  9. A policeman (slang; derogatory)
  10. A segment of an orange (slang)
  11. Something very difficult (slang)
intransitive verb (piggˈing; pigged)
  1. To give birth to pigs
  2. To live, herd, huddle, sleep, or feed like pigs
  3. To eat greedily (slang)
ORIGIN: ME pigge; cf Du bigge big

piggˈery noun

  1. A place where pigs are kept
  2. Piggishness

piggˈie, piggˈy, pigˈlet or pigˈling noun

A little pig

piggˈies plural noun

A child's word for toes

piggˈing noun (technology)

Operating a pig or running a pig along a pipeline

adjective (slang)

Expressing aversion, of something troublesome, unpleasant or difficult

piggˈish adjective

  1. Like a pig
  2. Greedy
  3. Dirty
  4. Cantankerous
  5. Mean

piggˈishly adverb

piggˈishness noun

piggˈy adjective

Like a pig

pigˈ-bed noun

  1. A pig's sleeping place
  2. A mould of sand in which a pig of iron is cast

pigˈboat noun (US naval sl)

A submarine

pigˈ-deer noun

The babiroussa

pigˈ-eyed adjective

Having small, pinkish, dull eyes with heavy lids

pigˈ-faced adjective

pigˈfeed noun

Food for pigs

pigˈ-fish noun (US)

  1. A name for various kinds of grunt (Haemulon, etc)
  2. In Australia, a name for various wrasses

piggyback adverb , etc see separate entry.

piggy bank see under pig2

pigheadˈed adjective

  1. Having a pig-like head
  2. Stupidly obstinate

pigheadˈedly adverb

pigheadˈedness noun

pigˈ-herd noun

pigˈ-igˈnorant adjective (informal; derogatory)

Very ignorant

pigˈ-in-the-middˈle or piggˈy-in-the-middˈle noun

  1. A children's game in which a person standing between two or more others tries to intercept a ball, etc, passing back and forth between them
  2. A person caught between opposing viewpoints, strategies, etc (figurative)

pig iron noun

Iron in pigs or rough bars

pigˈ-jump intransitive verb (Aust; of a horse)

To jump from all four legs without bringing them together

pig Latin noun

A secret language or jargon made up by children, esp one in which an initial consonant is transposed to the end of the word, followed by -ay, so that eg pig becomes igpay

pigˈ-lead noun

Lead in pigs

pigˈ-lily noun (S Afr)

The lily of the Nile

pigˈ-man noun

A man responsible for or expert in looking after pigs

pigˈmeat noun

Bacon, ham or pork

pigˈnut noun

The earthnut (genus Conopodium)

pigˈpen noun

A pigsty

pigˈ-rat noun

The bandicoot rat

pigˈsconce noun

  1. A pigheaded person
  2. A blockhead

pig sick or pigˈ-sick adjective (informal)

Extremely fed up or annoyed

pigˈskin noun

  1. The skin of a pig prepared as a strong leather
  2. A saddle (slang)
  3. A football (N Am sl)

pigˈ-sticker noun

pigˈ-sticking noun

Boar-hunting with spears

pigˈsty noun

  1. A pen for keeping pigs
  2. A very dirty or untidy place (informal)

pig'sˈ-wash or pigˈwash noun


pig's whisper noun

  1. A low whisper (dialect)
  2. A very short space of time

pig swill or pigˈswill noun

Kitchen, etc, waste fed to pigs

pigˈtail noun

  1. The tail of a pig
  2. The hair of the head plaited behind or at the side
  3. A short length of rope or cable
  4. A roll of twisted tobacco

pigˈweed noun

Goosefoot, amaranth, cow parsnip, or other plant eaten by pigs

pigˈ-woman noun

A woman who roasted pigs at fairs

a pig in a poke see under poke2

in pig

(of a sow) pregnant

make a pig of oneself (informal)

To overindulge in food or drink

make a pig's ear of (something) (informal)

To make a mess of something, to do something badly or clumsily

on the pig's back (Irish)

In a position of prosperity and comfort

pig it (informal)

To live in squalid or dirty surroundings

pig out

To overeat, go on a binge

pigs might fly (informal; as an expression of scepticism)

That is highly unlikely

when pigs fly (informal)






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