

单词 octo-

octo- /ok-tō-, -tə or -to-/, also oct- or octa- (qqv)

combining form

Denoting eight

ORIGIN: Gr oktō, and L octō

octocentenary /ok-tō-sen-tēnˈə-ri, -sin-tenˈ or -senˈtin-/ noun

An eight-hundredth anniversary

octofid /okˈtə-fid/ adjective (L findere to cleave; botany)

Cleft into eight segments

Octogynˈia /-jinˈ/ plural noun (botany)

In various Linnaean classes, an order with eight pistils

octogynous /ok-tojˈi-nəs/ adjective (Gr gynē woman; botany)

Having eight pistils or styles

octoheˈdron noun

An octahedron

octopetalous /ok-tə-petˈə-ləs/ adjective

Having eight petals

octopod /okˈtə-pod/ adjective

(Gr pous, podos foot) eight-footed or eight-armed


An octopus or other member of the Octopoda /-toˈ/, an order of cephalopods with two gills

octoˈpodous adjective

octosepalous /ok-tə-sepˈə-ləs/ adjective (botany)

Having eight sepals

octoˈstichous adjective


ocˈtostyle noun and adjective


octosyllabic /okˈtə-si-labˈik/ adjective

Consisting of eight syllables


A line of eight syllables

octosyllable /-silˈə-bl/ noun

A word or line of verse with eight syllables

oct- /okt-/ or octa- /ok-tə- or ok-ta-/, also octo- (qv)

combining form

Denoting eight

ORIGIN: Gr okta-, combining form of oktō eight

octachord /okˈtə-körd/ noun

  1. (Gr chordē a gut string) an eight-stringed instrument
  2. A diatonic series of eight tones

octachordˈal adjective

octagon /okˈtə-gon/ noun

(Gr gōniā an angle) a plane figure of eight sides and eight angles (also adjective)

octagonal /-taˈgən-əl/ adjective

octaˈgonally adverb

octahēˈdral adjective

octahēˈdrite noun (mineralogy)

Anatase, crystallizing in square bipyramids

octahedron /ok-tə-hēˈdrən/ noun (pl octahēˈdrons or octahēˈdra)

(Gr hedrā a base) a solid bounded by eight plane faces

octamerous /ok-tamˈ/ adjective

(Gr meros a part) having parts in eights

octameter /ok-taˈmi-tər/ noun (Gr metron a measure; prosody)

A line of eight feet or measures

Octanˈdria plural noun

(Gr anēr, andros a man) a Linnaean class of plants with eight stamens

octanˈdrian adjective

octandrous /ok-tanˈdrəs/ adjective (botany)

Having eight stamens

octangular /ok-tangˈgū-lər/ adjective

Having eight angles

octapodic /ok-tə-podˈik/ adjective

octapody /ok-taˈpə-di/ noun (Gr pous, podos foot; prosody)

A line of eight feet

octastich /okˈtə-stik/ noun (Gr stichos row, line; prosody)

A strophe of eight lines, also octastichon /ok-taˈsti-kon/

octaˈstichous adjective (botany)

In eight rows

octastrophˈic adjective (Gr strophē strophe; prosody)

Consisting of eight strophes

octastyle, also octostyle /okˈtə-stīl/ adjective (Gr stȳlos a column; architecture)

Having eight columns at the end


A building or portico so designed

octavāˈlent adjective (chem)

Having a valency of eight





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