

单词 obtrusion

obtrude /əb- or ob-troodˈ/

transitive verb

To thrust forward or upon someone, unduly or in an unwelcome way

intransitive verb
  1. To be or become unpleasantly noticeable or prominent
  2. To thrust oneself forward
ORIGIN: L obtrūdere, from ob against, and trūdere, trūsum to thrust

obtrudˈer noun

obtrudˈing noun and adjective

obtrusion /-trooˈzhən/ noun

An unwanted thrusting in, forward or upon

obtrusive /-trooˈsiv/ adjective

  1. Unduly prominent, protruding or projecting
  2. Tending to thrust oneself in or forward

obtruˈsively adverb

obtruˈsiveness noun





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