

单词 observant

observe /ob- or əb-zûrvˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To keep in view
  2. To watch
  3. To subject to systematic watching
  4. To regard attentively
  5. To watch critically and attentively in order to ascertain a fact
  6. To ascertain by such watching
  7. To notice
  8. To pay attention to
  9. To remark in words, to comment
  10. To comply with
  11. To act according to
  12. To heed and to carry out in practice
  13. To keep with ceremony
  14. To celebrate
  15. To keep (eg silence)
  16. To be deferential to or humour (Shakespeare)
intransitive verb
  1. To take observations
  2. To make remarks
noun (Scot)

A remark

ORIGIN: Fr observer, from L observāre, -ātum, from ob towards, and servāre to keep

observˈable adjective

  1. Discernible, perceptible
  2. Worthy of note
  3. Notable
  4. To be observed

Something that can be observed by the senses, with or without the help of instrument(s)

observˈableness noun

observˈably adverb

observˈance noun

  1. The keeping of a law, rule or custom, or due performance of a duty or ceremony
  2. The keeping of a festival, etc with ceremony or according to custom
  3. A custom observed or to be observed
  4. A rule of religious life
  5. An order or company accepting it (esp the Observants), or their house
  6. A deferential act or treatment
  7. Watchful heed (Shakespeare)
  8. Now rarely, observation

observˈancy noun

  1. Observance
  2. Observation
  3. A house of Observants

observˈant adjective

  1. Observing
  2. Having powers of observing and noting
  3. Taking notice
  4. Keeping an observance
  5. Carefully attentive
  1. Someone who complies strictly with a custom, etc
  2. An obsequious attendant (Shakespeare)

Observˈant or Observˈantine /-ən-tin or -tēn/ noun

A Franciscan friar of stricter rule

observˈantly adverb

observāˈtion noun

  1. The act, or an act, of observing
  2. The habit, practice, or faculty of seeing and noting
  3. Attention
  4. The act of recognizing and noting phenomena as they occur in nature, as distinguished from experiment
  5. A reading of an instrument
  6. The result of such observing
  7. Watching
  8. That which is observed
  9. A remark
  10. The fact of being observed
  11. Now rarely, observance

observāˈtional adjective

  1. Consisting of or containing observations or remarks
  2. Derived from observation, as distinguished from experiment

observāˈtionally adverb

observˈative adjective

  1. Observant
  2. Observational

obˈservātor noun (now rare or obsolete)

  1. Someone who observes in any sense
  2. A remarker

observˈatory noun

  1. A building or station for making astronomical and physical observations
  2. A viewpoint
  3. A spying-place

observˈer noun

  1. A person who observes in any sense
  2. A person whose function it is to take observations
  3. Formerly, an airman who accompanied a pilot to observe, now a flying officer (qv)
  4. A member of the Royal Observer Corps, a uniformed civilian organization affiliated to the Royal Air Force
  5. Someone deputed to watch proceedings

observˈing adjective

  1. Habitually taking notice
  2. Attentive

observˈingly adverb

observation car noun

A railway carriage designed to allow passengers to view scenery

observation post noun

A position (esp military) from which observations are made (and from which artillery fire is directed)





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