

单词 pro bono publico

pro3 /prō/ (Latin)



pro-forma /-förˈmə/ adjective

  1. As a matter of form (also adverb)
  2. (of an account, etc) made out to show the market price of specified goods
  3. With goods being paid for before dispatch


  1. (also pro forma) a pro-forma invoice
  2. Loosely, an official form or record for completion

pro aris et focis /ārˈēz et fōˈsēz or ärˈēs et fōˈkēs/

  1. For altars and firesides
  2. For the sake of one's religion and one's home

pro bono publico /boˈnō pubˈli-kō or bōˈnō pŭˈbli-kō/

For the public good (often shortened to pro bono)

pro forma /förˈmə or fōrˈmä/

As a matter of form

pro hac vice /hak vīˈsē, wēˈke or vēˈke/

For this turn or occasion

pro indiviso /in-di-vīˈsō, -zō or in-dē-wēˈsō, -vēˈ/

  1. As undivided
  2. Applied to rights which two or more persons hold in common (law)

pro memoria /mə-mōrˈi-ə, -mörˈ or me-mōˈri-ä/

For a memorial

pro patria /pāˈtri-ə or päˈtri-ä/

For one's country

pro rata /rāˈtə or räˈtä/

In proportion

pro re nata /rē nāˈtə or rā näˈtä/

For a special emergency, as the need arises or circumstances dictate

pro tanto /tanˈtō/

For so much

pro tempore /temˈpə-rē or temˈpo-re/

For the time being





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