

单词 nouvelle cuisine

cuisine /kwi- or kwē-zēnˈ/

  1. The art or style of cooking
  2. The dishes cooked
  3. A kitchen or cooking department
ORIGIN: Fr, from L coquīna, from coquere to cook

cuisinˈier /-yā/ noun

A cook

cuisine bourgeoise noun

Plain cooking

cuisine minceur /mɛ̃-sœrˈ/ noun

A style of cooking characterized by imaginative use of light, simple ingredients

nouvelle cuisine /noo-velˈ/

A style of simple French cooking excluding rich creamy sauces, etc in favour of fresh vegetables and light sauces

nouveau /noo-vōˈ/ or (fem) nouvelle /-velˈ/ (French)



nouvelle noun

A long short story

nouveau riche /rēshˈ/ noun (pl nouveaux riches /rēshˈ/)

  1. A person (or persons collectively) with newly acquired wealth, but without good taste or manners
  2. An upstart

nouveau-riche adjective

nouveau roman /rō-mãˈ/ noun

The anti-novel (qv)

nouvelle cuisine see under cuisine

Nouvelle Vague /vägˈ/ noun

A movement in French cinema (beginning just before 1960) in which traditional narrative techniques and regard to box-office appeal were abandoned in favour of a freer, simpler, understated style and sometimes a dogmatically political content (also called New Wave)


Denoting a similar movement in other arts

art nouveau see under art1





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