

单词 not give a tinker's curse

tinker /tingˈkər/

  1. An itinerant mender of kettles, pans, etc
  2. A botcher or bungler
  3. A rascal (informal)
  4. A member of a group of Travelling People, a Gypsy (esp Scot and Irish; derogatory)
  5. A slight, temporary or unskilful patching-up
transitive verb (archaic)

To repair, esp ineffectually

intransitive verb
  1. To do a tinker's work
  2. (often with with) to potter, fiddle, meddle, in trivial, ineffectual ways
ORIGIN: ME tinkere pert, connected with tinken to tink

tinkˈerer noun

tinkˈering noun

not give a tinker's curse or damn (slang)

Not to care in the slightest





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