

单词 phonographies

phono- /fō-nō-, fō-no- or fō-nə-/

combining form

Denoting voice or sound

ORIGIN: Gr phōnē sound, voice

phonocamptic /fō-nə-kampˈtik/ adjective (Gr kamptein to bend; archaic)

  1. Reflecting sound, echoing
  2. Relating to echoes

phonocampˈtics singular noun

The branch of acoustics dealing with echoes

phonocarˈdiogram noun

A tracing of the sounds made by the heart, recorded by phonocarˈdiograph

phōˈnofiddle noun

A one-stringed musical instrument which emits sounds through a metal amplifying horn

phonogram /fōˈnə-gram/ noun

  1. A character representing a sound
  2. A phonographic record

phonograph /fōˈnə-gräf/ noun

  1. (Gr graphein to write) a character used in writing, etc to represent a sound
  2. Edison's instrument for recording sounds on a cylinder and reproducing them
  3. The ordinary word for any gramophone (old US)

phonographer /fō-nogˈrə-fər/ or phonogˈraphist noun

A writer of phonographic shorthand

phonographic /fō-nə-grafˈik/ adjective

  1. Phonetic
  2. Of phonography
  3. Of or by means of the phonograph

phonographˈically adverb

phonogˈraphy /fō-nogˈrə-fi/ noun

  1. The art of representing each spoken sound by a distinct character
  2. Pitman's phonetic shorthand
  3. The use of the phonograph

phonologˈical adjective

phonolˈogist noun

phonology /fō-nolˈə-ji/ noun

  1. (Gr logos discourse) phonetics
  2. Now generally (the study of) the system of sounds in a language, and sometimes the history of their changes

phonophoˈbia noun

A morbid fear of noise, or of speaking aloud

phonophore /fōˈnə-fōr or -för/ or phonopore /fōˈnō-pōr or -pör/ noun

  1. (Gr phoros carrying, poros passage) a sound-conducting apparatus, of various kinds
  2. A device for telephoning and telegraphing simultaneously by the same wire

phonotacˈtics singular noun

(Gr tassein to arrange) (the study of) the order or arrangement of sounds and groups of sounds in a particular language

phonotype /fōˈnə-tīp/ noun

(Gr typos impression) phonetic type

transitive verb

To print phonetically

phonotypˈic /-tipˈik/ or phonotypˈical adjective

phōˈnotypist (or /-tīpˈist/) noun

phōˈnotypy /-tīp-i/ noun





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