

单词 printer's devil

devil /devˈl or -il/

  1. An evil spirit
  2. (with cap) the supreme spirit of evil
  3. A wicked person
  4. Reckless, lively person
  5. (usu pitying) a fellow
  6. An animal, thing, problem, difficult, etc to deal with
  7. Someone who excels or exceeds in anything
  8. A printer's devil
  9. A drudge (esp law or literary)
  10. A firework
  11. A grilled or highly seasoned dish
  12. A dust storm
  13. Fighting spirit
  14. A plumber's portable furnace
  15. A machine of various kinds, esp for tearing
  16. Used as a mild oath, an expression of impatience, irritation, etc, or a strong negative
transitive verb (devˈilling or (N American) devˈiling; devˈilled or (N American) devˈiled)
  1. To season highly and broil
  2. To worry or pester (N American)
intransitive verb
  1. To perform another person's drudgery
  2. To do very menial work
ORIGIN: OE dēofol, dēoful, from L diabolus, from Gr diabolos, from diaballein to throw across, to slander, from dia across, and ballein to throw; cf Ger Teufel, Fr diable, Ital diavolo, Sp diablo

devˈildom noun

devˈiless noun

devˈilet, devˈiling or devˈling noun

  1. A young devil
  2. A swift (dialect)

devˈilish adjective

  1. Fiendish, malignant
  2. Very bad

Often /devˈlish/ (informal) very, exceedingly

devˈilishly adverb

devˈilishness noun

devˈilism noun

devˈilkin noun

devˈilled adjective

devˈilment noun

Frolicsome mischief

devˈilry noun

devˈilship noun

devˈiltry noun (US)

devˈil-crab noun

The velvet-crab

devˈil-dodger noun (slang)

  1. A preacher, esp of the ranting kind
  2. Someone who attends churches of various kinds, to be on the safe side

devˈilfish noun

  1. The fishing-frog or angler
  2. The giant ray of the United States
  3. The octopus

devˈil-in-a-bush noun

A garden flower, love-in-a-mist

devˈil-may-careˈ adjective

Reckless, audacious

devˈil-on-the-neck noun

An old instrument of torture

devˈil-on-two-sticks noun

An older name for diabolo

devil's advocate noun

  1. Advocatus diaboli, the Promoter of the Faith, an advocate at the papal court whose duty it is to propose objections against a canonization (RC)
  2. A person who states the case against a proposal, course of action, etc, usu for the sake of argument

devˈil's-bit noun

A species of scabious (Succisa pratensis) with rootstock as if bitten off

devil's bones plural noun


devil's books plural noun


devil's coach-horse noun

A large dark-coloured beetle (Staphylinus olens) that turns up its tail when threatened

devil's darning-needle noun (informal)

A dragonfly or damselfly

devil's dozen noun


devil's dung noun


devil's dust noun

Shoddy made by a machine called the devil

devil's food cake noun (chiefly N American)

A kind of chocolate cake

devils on horseback plural noun

Prunes wrapped in bacon, grilled, and served on toast

devil's own noun

A name given to the 88th Regiment in the Peninsular War, also to the Inns of Court Volunteers

devil's picture books plural noun

(also in sing) same as devil's books above

devil's snuff-box noun

A puffball

devil's tattoo see under tattoo2

devˈil-worship noun

  1. The worship of the Devil, or of devils
  2. Satanism
  3. The Yezidi religion

devˈil-worshipper noun

between the devil and the deep (blue) sea

  1. In a desperate dilemma
  2. Faced with alternatives that are equally undesirable

devil a bit, a one or a thing, etc

Not at all, not one, etc

devil of a mess

A very bad mess

devil take the hindmost

Take care of yourself and never mind about others

go to the devil

  1. To become ruined
  2. An interjection expressing angry dismissal or defiance

like the devil

Very hard or fast

play the devil

To make havoc (with)

printer's devil

  1. The youngest apprentice in a printing office
  2. A printer's errand-boy

raise hell or raise the devil see under raise1

talk of the devil

Here comes the person we were talking of

the devil and all

  1. Much fuss
  2. Turmoil

the devil to pay

Serious trouble (as a consequence of an action, etc)

print /print/

  1. An impression
  2. A mould or stamp
  3. Printed state
  4. Printed characters or lettering
  5. An edition
  6. A printed copy
  7. A printed picture
  8. An engraving
  9. A newspaper
  10. A positive photograph made from a negative (or negative from positive)
  11. A fingerprint
  12. A printed cloth, esp calico stamped with figures
  13. A plaster-cast in low relief (architecture)
  14. A moulded pat of butter
  15. Exactitude of plaiting, crimping, or setting (a ruff, hair, etc) (archaic)
  16. Exactitude (archaic)
  1. Printed (obsolete)
  2. Of printed cotton
transitive verb
  1. To place (characters, etc) on paper, etc, by means of types, plates or blocks or by other methods
  2. To reproduce (text or pictures) by such means or methods
  3. To cause to be so reproduced
  4. To publish (a book, article, etc)
  5. To press (something) into a yielding surface, so as to leave an indented mark
  6. To impress (a surface)
  7. To mark (a figure, design, etc) in or on a surface by pressure
  8. To stamp a pattern on or transfer it to (eg a textile)
  9. To produce as a positive picture from a negative, or as a negative from a positive (photography)
  10. To write in separated, as opposed to joined-up, characters, in the manner of typography
  11. To express in writing (Shakespeare)
  12. To designate in print (Milton)
  13. To fix or impress (a scene, etc) indelibly (on the memory, etc)
intransitive verb
  1. To practise the art of printing
  2. To publish a book
  3. To yield an impression or (photography) a positive, etc
  4. To write in separated characters, in typographic style
ORIGIN: ME print, prente, etc, from OFr preinte, priente, from preindre, priembre, from L premere to press

printabilˈity noun

printˈable adjective

  1. Capable of being printed
  2. Fit to print

printˈer noun

  1. Someone or something that prints
  2. Someone who is employed in printing books, etc
  3. Any of a variety of devices for printing eg telegraph messages, photographs, the output from a computer, etc
  4. A cotton cloth made for printing

printˈery noun

A printing house

printˈing noun

  1. The act, art or business of the printer
  2. The whole number of copies printed at one time, an impression
  3. Handwriting in which a space is left between each character

printˈless adjective

Receiving or leaving no impression

printed circuit noun

A wiring circuit, free of loose wiring, formed by printing the design of the wiring on copper foil bonded to a flat base and etching away the unprinted foil

printed circuit board noun

The combined circuit and supporting base

printer's devil see under devil

printer's ink noun

Printing ink

printer's mark noun

An engraved device used by printers as a trademark

printer's pie noun

  1. A jumble of indiscriminately mixed type (printing)
  2. Any confused jumble

printˈhead or printˈing-head noun

The part or unit in a printer that does the work of reproducing characters on paper

printing house noun

An establishment where books, etc are printed

printing ink noun

Ink used in printing, a usu thickish mixture of pigment (such as carbon black) with oil and sometimes varnish

printing machine noun

A printing press worked by power

printing office noun

A printing house (qv above)

printing paper noun

A paper suitable for printing purposes

printing press noun

A machine by which impressions are taken in ink upon paper from types, plates, etc

printˈmaker noun

A worker who produces prints

printˈout noun

The printed information or output from a computer, etc

print run noun

The number of copies of a book, newspaper, etc, printed at a time

printˈ-seller noun

A seller of prints or engravings

print shop noun

A print-seller's shop

printˈ-through noun

  1. The degree to which matter printed on one side of paper, etc is visible from the other side (printing)
  2. In magnetic tape recordings, the transfer of a recording from one layer to another when the tape is wound on a spool

printˈworks noun

An establishment where cloth is printed

in print

  1. (of a text, etc) existing in printed form
  2. (of a book) printed and still available from a publisher
  3. (of hair or a ruff, etc) in exact order, formally set, crimped, pleated or plaited (obsolete)

out of print

  1. No longer in print
  2. No longer available from a publisher

print out

  1. To print
  2. To produce a printout of





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