

单词 phasis

phase1 /fāz/

  1. (also phasis /fāˈsis/) a stage in growth or development (lit and figurative)
  2. The aspect or appearance of anything at any stage
  3. The stage of advancement in a periodic change, measured from some standard point
  4. The appearance at a given time of the illuminated surface exhibited by the moon or a planet
  5. A homogenous part of a chemical system separated from other parts by distinct boundaries (chem)
  6. The sum of all those portions of a material system which are identical in chemical composition and physical state (chem)
  7. The particular state of a substance, as a solid, liquid, or gas (chem)
  8. A morph (zoology)
  9. One of the circuits in an electrical system in which there are two or more alternating currents out of phase with each other by equal amounts (elec)
transitive verb

To do by phases or stages

ORIGIN: Gr phasis, from phaein to shine

phased adjective

  1. Adjusted to be in the same phase at the same time
  2. By stages

phaseˈless adjective


phāˈsic (or /-sik/) adjective

phāˈsing noun

A technique used to achieve a distorted sound from electronic instruments by introducing a phase shift in one copy of the sound signal and recombining this with the original

phase-contrast microscope or phase-difference microscope noun

One in which phase differences due to the refractive index of cellular components are converted to differences of light intensity, of particular value in examining living unstained cells

phase modulation noun

The varying of the phase of a radiowave used as a technique for transmitting information

in (or out of) phase

In the same phase together (or in different phases)

phase in (or out)

To begin (or cease) gradually to use or make, etc

primary phase

Crude technical raw material

phasic, phasis1 see phase1

phatic /fatˈik/


Using speech for social reasons, to communicate feelings rather than ideas

ORIGIN: Gr phasis utterance

phasis /fāˈsis/ noun

tachy- /tak-i-/

combining form

Denoting fast, rapid

ORIGIN: Gr tachys swift

tachycarˈdia noun

Abnormal rapidity of heartbeat

tachˈygraph, tachygˈrapher or tachygˈraphist noun

A shorthand writer, a stenographer or practitioner of tachygraphy

tachygraphˈic or tachygraphˈical adjective

tachygˈraphy noun

  1. Shorthand, esp that used by the ancient Greeks and Romans
  2. The abbreviated form of Greek and Latin found in medieval manuscripts

tachˈylyte noun (also tachˈylite; Gr lytos melted, because easily fused; mineralogy)

A black opaque glass occurring as a thin selvage to intrusive basalt

tachylytic or tachylitic /-litˈik/ adjective

tachymˈeter noun

A tacheometer (qv)

tachymetˈric or tachymetˈrical adjective

tachymˈetry noun

tachyphasia /-fāˈzi-ə/ or tachyphrasia /-frāˈzi-ə/ noun

(Gr phasis utterance, phrasis speed) abnormally rapid or voluble speech

tachyphylaxis /-fi-lakˈsis/ noun

(Gr phylax a guard) rapid build-up of tolerance to the effects of a drug

tachypnoea or (US) tachypnea /-ip-nēˈə/ noun

(Gr -pnoia breathing) abnormally rapid respiration





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