

单词 non-compounder

non- /non-/

  1. Denoting not, absence of, reverse of (often when a form in in- or un- has a special meaning, or sometimes instead of un-)
  2. Sometimes used of someone or something with pretensions, who or which is ludicrously unworthy of the name mentioned, eg non-hero and non-event
ORIGIN: L nōn not

non-abilˈity noun

  1. Incapacity
  2. Inability

non-acceptˈance noun

  1. Lack of acceptance
  2. Refusal to accept

non-acˈcess noun (law)

Lack of opportunity for sexual intercourse

non-accidentˈal adjective (non-accidental injury (social work)

An injury such as a bruise, burn or fracture, esp to a child, which was not caused by an accident but was deliberately inflicted by another (older) person)

non-admissˈion noun

  1. Refusal of admission
  2. Failure to be admitted

non-aggressˈion noun

Abstention from aggression (also adjective)

non-alignedˈ adjective

  1. Not aligned geometrically
  2. Not taking sides in international politics, esp not supporting either of the main international blocs, ie the former Warsaw Pact countries or the USA and the W European democracies

non-alignˈment noun

non-appearˈance noun

Failure or neglect to appear, esp in a court of law

non-attenˈtion noun


non-attribˈutable adjective

(of a press statement, etc) whose source is not able or permitted to be disclosed

non-attribˈutably adverb

non-bearˈing adjective

(of a wall) bearing no load other than its own weight

non-biologˈical adjective

  1. Not relating to biological forms
  2. (of a washing powder) not containing enzymes

non-Chrisˈtian noun

A person who is not a Christian (also adjective)

non-chromosōˈmal adjective

  1. Not found on a chromosome
  2. Not involving chromosomes

nonˈ-claim noun

A failure to make a claim within the time limited by law

non-classˈified adjective

(of information) not classified secret

non-cogˈnizable adjective (law)

(of an offence) that cannot be judicially investigated

non-collēˈgiate adjective

Not belonging to a college or not having colleges (also noun)

non-comˈ noun (informal)

A non-commissioned officer

non-comˈbatant noun

  1. Anyone connected with an army who is there for some purpose other than that of fighting, such as a surgeon or a chaplain
  2. A civilian in time of war

non-comedogenˈic adjective

(of cosmetics) not blocking the pores or causing spots or blackheads

non-commissˈioned adjective

Not having a commission, as an officer in the army below the rank of commissioned officer or warrant officer

non-committˈal adjective

  1. Not committing someone, or refraining from committing oneself, to any particular opinion or course of conduct
  2. Free from any declared preference or pledge
  3. Implying nothing, one way or the other, for or against

A non-committal state or utterance

non-committˈally adverb

non-communˈicant noun

  1. A person who does not take communion on any particular occasion or in general, esp formerly according to the rites of the Church of England
  2. A person who has not yet communicated

non-communˈion noun

non-compearˈance noun (Scots law)

Failure to appear in a court of law

non-compoundˈer noun

  1. A person who does not compound or make composition
  2. A Jacobite in favour of restoring James II unconditionally (historical)

non-conˈ noun (informal)

A Nonconformist (also adjective)

non-concurrˈence noun

Refusal to concur

non-concurrˈent adjective

non-conductˈing adjective

Not readily conducting, esp heat or electricity

non-conductˈor noun

A substance or object that does not readily conduct heat or electricity

non-conformˈance noun

nonconformˈing adjective

Not conforming, esp to an established church

nonconformˈist noun

  1. A person who does not conform (esp a person who refused to conform or subscribe to the Act of Uniformity in 1662 making the Book of Common Prayer the only legal form of worship in England)
  2. Usu applied in England (with cap) to a Protestant separated from the Church of England (also adjective)

nonconformˈity noun

Lack of conformity, esp to the established church

nonˈ-content noun

  1. A person who is not content
  2. (in the House of Lords) a person casting a negative vote

non-contenˈtious adjective

Not subject to contention

non-contribˈutory adjective

  1. (of pensions) paid for entirely by the employer, with no contributions from the beneficiary
  2. (of state benefit) not dependent on national insurance contributions paid by the beneficiary

non-co-operāˈtion or non-cooperāˈtion noun

Failure or refusal to co-operate, esp (in India before 1947) with the government

non-custōˈdial adjective

(of a legal sentence) not involving imprisonment

non-daiˈry adjective

(of foods) containing no dairy produce

non-denomināˈtional adjective

Not exclusively belonging to or according to the beliefs of any single denomination of the Christian church

nondescript adjective see separate entry

non-destrucˈtive adjective

Having no destructive effect, esp of tests on products, substances or organisms (non-destructive testing the testing of structures, metals, etc for flaws without impairing their quality)

nondisjuncˈtion noun (biology)

The failure of one of a pair of homologous chromosomes to move towards its appropriate pole during meiosis

non-dividˈing adjective

(of a cell) not undergoing division

non-domˈ noun

A person who chooses to live in a particular country (often for tax reasons) but is not domiciled there

non-dripˈ adjective

(of paint) thixotropic, of such a consistency that it does not drip when being applied

non-effectˈive adjective (military)

  1. Having no effect
  2. Not efficient or serviceable
  3. Unfit or unavailable for service
  4. Relating to those who are unfit or unavailable

A member of a force who is unfit or unavailable for active service

non-effiˈcient adjective

Not up to the standard required for service


A soldier who has not yet undergone the full number of drills

non-eˈgo noun (philosophy)

The not-I, the object as opposed to the subject, whatever is not the conscious self

non-elecˈtive adjective

Not chosen by election

non-elecˈtric adjective (obsolete)

Conducting electricity

noun (obsolete)

A conductor

non-elecˈtrolyte noun

A substance, such as sugar, that gives a non-conducting solution

non-enˈtry noun (Scots law; historical)

  1. A vassal's heir's failure to renew investiture
  2. A payment that was due to the superior on such failure

non-Euclidˈean adjective

Not according to Euclid's axioms and postulates

non-eventˈ noun

An occasion of no significance

non-execˈutive adjective

(of eg directors) not employed by a company full-time, but brought in for advisory purposes (also noun)

non-fatˈ adjective

(of food) having had the fat removed

non-feasance noun see separate entry

non-ferrˈous adjective

  1. Containing no iron
  2. Not iron
  3. Relating to metals other than iron

non-ficˈtion adjective

(of a literary work) without any deliberately fictitious element, purely factual (non-fiction novel one whose material is entirely drawn from people and events in real life)


A branch of literature consisting of such works

non-ficˈtional adjective

non-figˈurative adjective same as non-representational below

non-flammˈable adjective

  1. Not easily set on fire
  2. Not flammable (non-flam film acetate film)

non-forˈfeiting adjective

(of a life insurance policy) not forfeited by reason of non-payment

non-governmenˈtal adjective

Not connected with or administered by the government

non-greˈmial noun

A non-resident member, esp of Cambridge University


Applied to the examinations now called local

non-heˈro noun

A person whose status is in no way heroic

non-Hodgˈkin's lymphoma noun

Any form of cancer of the lymph nodes that is not Hodgkin's disease

non-homolˈogous adjective (biology)

  1. Not homologous
  2. Denoting pairing between regions of non-homologous chromosomes, sometimes involving short stretches of similar and poss repetitive sequences

non-inˈsulin-dependˈent adjective

Denoting a form of diabetes mellitus in which treatment with insulin is not required

non-intervenˈtion noun

A policy of systematic abstention from interference in the affairs of other nations

non-intervenˈtionist noun and adjective

non-intruˈsion noun

(in Scottish Church history) the principle that a patron should not force an unacceptable minister on an unwilling congregation

non-intruˈsionist noun and adjective

non-invāˈsive adjective

(of medical treatment) not involving surgery or the insertion of instruments, etc into the patient

non-ionˈic adjective

Not forming ions (non-ionic detergents a series of detergents in which the molecules do not ionize in aqueous solution, unlike soap)

non-ionˈizing radiation noun (physics; radiology)

Any radiation with a wavelength longer than about 100nm in the far ultraviolet which has insufficient energy to ionize matter

non-iˈron adjective

(of clothes or fabric) not needing ironing after washing

non-issˈuable adjective

  1. Not capable of being issued
  2. Which one cannot dispute or take issue with

nonˈ-issˈue noun

A matter not important enough to warrant discussion

non-joinˈder noun (law)

Omission to join all the parties to an action or suit

non-judgemenˈtal or non-judgmenˈtal adjective

Relating to or having an open attitude without implicit judgement, esp moral

non-judgemenˈtally or non-judgmenˈtally adverb

nonjurˈing adjective

Not swearing allegiance

nonjurˈor noun

A person who refuses to swear allegiance, esp (with cap) a member of the clergy in England and Scotland who would not swear allegiance to William and Mary in 1689, holding themselves still bound by the oath they had taken to the deposed king, James II

non-jurˈy adjective

Not involving a jury in reaching a verdict

non-lēˈthal adjective

(of eg aid to developing countries) not involving or including lethal or dangerous items, esp weapons

nonˈ-metˈal noun

An element that is not a metal (also adjective)

non-metallˈic adjective

  1. Not metallic
  2. Not of metal or like metal

non-morˈal adjective

  1. Unconcerned with morality
  2. Involving no moral considerations

non-natˈural adjective

  1. Not natural
  2. Forced or strained

(usu in pl) in old medicine, anything not considered of the essence of human beings, but necessary to their wellbeing, such as air, food, sleep, rest, etc

non-negˈative adjective (mathematics)

Being positive or equal to zero

non-negōˈtiable adjective

  1. (of eg prices) not open to negotiation
  2. (of bonds, etc) not transferable

non-netˈ adjective

(of a book) without a price fixed by the publisher, but with one which is determined by each bookseller selling that book

non-nuˈcleated adjective

Not nucleated

non-objecˈtive adjective (art)


non-parametˈric adjective (statistics)

Not requiring assumptions about the form of a frequency distribution

nonpareil noun and adjective see separate entry

nonparˈous adjective

Not having given birth

non-particˈipating adjective

  1. Not taking part
  2. (of shares, etc) not giving the holder the right to a share in profits

non-partisanˈ (or /-pärtˈ/) adjective

  1. Not partisan
  2. Impartial

non-parˈty adjective

Independent of party politics

non-pathogenˈic adjective

Not causing disease

non-penˈetrative adjective

Not involving penetration of one sexual partner by another

non-performˈance noun

Neglect or failure to perform

non-persisˈtent adjective

(of eg insecticides and pesticides) decomposing rapidly after application and not lingering in the environment

nonˈ-perˈson noun

  1. A person previously of political, etc eminence, now out of favour
  2. A complete nonentity

non-physˈical adjective

  1. Not relating to the body
  2. Not tangible
  3. Not sexual, platonic

non-playˈing adjective

(of eg the captain of a team) not taking an active part in the game(s)

nonplus transitive verb and noun see separate entry

nonpoˈlar adjective

Without any permanent electric dipole moment

non-prescripˈtion adjective

(of medicines) able to be bought without a prescription

non-priorˈity adjective

Without privilege of priority

non-producˈtion noun

non-producˈtive adjective

  1. Not producing the goods, results, etc required
  2. Not directly concerned in production

non-professˈional adjective

  1. Not professional or of a profession
  2. Not done in a professional capacity

non-profiˈcient noun

A person who has made no progress in the art or study in which he or she is engaged

non-profˈit adjective

Not involving or making a profit (non-profˈit-making not organized or engaged in with the purpose of making a profit for shareholders)

non-proliferāˈtion noun

Lack of proliferation, esp a limit imposed on the proliferation of (usu nuclear) weapons

non-proviˈded adjective

(of an elementary school or education in England and Wales) maintained but not provided by the local education authority, and managed by a committee in which the trustees form the majority

non-quoˈta adjective

Not included in a quota

non-regardˈance noun (Shakespeare)

Lack of due regard

non-renewˈable adjective

  1. Not able to be replenished
  2. Exhaustible

non-representāˈtional adjective (art)

Not aiming at the realistic depiction of objects

non-resˈidence noun

The fact of not (permanently or for the moment) residing at a place, esp where one's official or social duties require one to reside or where one is entitled to reside

non-resˈident adjective and noun

non-residenˈtial adjective

non-resistˈance noun

  1. The principle of not resisting violence by force, or of not resisting authority
  2. Passive submission

non-resistˈant or non-resistˈing adjective

non-restricˈtive adjective (grammar)

Used of a relative clause that does not restrict the people or things to which its antecedent may refer

non-returnˈ adjective

Denoting a valve incorporating a device to prevent flow in one direction

non-returnˈable adjective

  1. (of a bottle, jar or other container) on which a returnable deposit has not been paid
  2. (of a deposit, etc) not repayable

non-rigˈid adjective

(of an airship) having a balloon or gasbag with no internal framework to brace it, and no rigid keel

non-schedˈuled adjective

  1. Not according to a schedule
  2. (of an airline) operating between specified points but not to a specific schedule of flights

non-sectāˈrian adjective

  1. Not involving religious sects
  2. Non-denominational

nonsense noun see separate entry

non-seˈquence noun (geology)

A break in the stratigraphical record, deduced generally on palaeontological evidence

non-skidˈ or non-slipˈ adjective

(of a surface) designed to reduce the chance of slipping to a minimum

non-smoˈker noun

  1. A person who does not smoke
  2. A railway compartment in which smoking is forbidden

non-smokˈing adjective

non-sociˈety adjective

  1. Not belonging to a society, esp not a member of a trade union
  2. Employing people who are not members of a trade union

non-specˈialist adjective

Not devoting oneself to one particular subject, task, etc (also noun)

non-specifˈic adjective

  1. Not specific
  2. (of a disease) not caused by any specific, identifiable, agent (non-specific immunity mechanisms that protect against non-microbial invasion of the body, incl physical barriers (eg skin, mucous membranes) and enzyme inhibitors)

non-stanˈdard adjective

  1. Not standard
  2. (of language, vocabulary, etc) different from the usage of educated speakers, and (by some) not considered correct

non-startˈer noun

  1. A horse which, though entered for a race, does not run
  2. A person, idea, etc with no chance at all of success

non-stickˈ adjective

(of eg a pan) treated so that food or other substance will not stick to it

non-stopˈ adjective and adverb

  1. Uninterrupted(ly)
  2. Without any stop or halt

nonsuit noun and transitive verb see separate entry

nonˈ-term noun (obsolete)

  1. A vacation between terms
  2. A time of inactivity

non-thingˈ noun

  1. Something which does not exist
  2. Something trivial

nonˈ-U adjective

Consciously eschewed or avoided by the upper classes, hence socially unacceptable, opp to U

non-uˈnion adjective

  1. Not attached to a trade union
  2. Not approved of by a union
  3. Employing, or produced by, non-union workers

non-uˈnionist noun

non-uˈsager noun (historical)

A Nonjuror who rejected the usages

non-uˈser noun

  1. Omission to take advantage of a right (law)
  2. A person who does not take drugs (informal)

non-utilˈity adjective

Not of the special kind made or sold for utility's sake

non-verˈbal adjective

(of communication) not using or involving words, but using eg gesture instead

non-viˈolence noun

(the ideal or practice of) refraining from violence on grounds of principle

non-viˈolent adjective

non-volˈatile adjective (computing)

Denoting a type of memory (non-volatile memory) that retains data even if the power is disconnected

non-voˈting adjective

  1. Not voting
  2. (of shares, etc) not giving the holder the right to vote on company decisions

non-whiteˈ noun

(a member of) a race other than the white race (also adjective)

non-zēˈro adjective

  1. Positive or negative in value
  2. Greater or less than zero

Some words formed with the prefix non-

non-abrāˈsive (abrasive) adj

non-absorbˈent (absorbent) adj

non-academˈic (academic) adj

non-accessˈible (accessible) adj

non-addicˈtive (addictive) adj

non-adminˈistrative (administrative) adj

non-alcoholˈic (alcoholic) adj

non-allerˈgic (allergic) adj

non-arriˈval (arrival) n

non-attenˈdance (attendance) n

non-automatˈic (automatic) adj n

non-believˈer (believer) n

non-belligˈerency (belligerency) n

non-belligˈerent (belligerent) adj n

non-biologˈical (biological) adj

non-breakˈable (breakable) adj

non-carˈbonated (carbonated) adj

non-Cathˈolic (Catholic) adj

non-clinˈical (clinical) adj

non-combinˈing (combining) adj

non-commerˈcial (commercial) adj

non-commūˈnicative (communicative) adj

non-competˈitive (competitive) adj

non-complīˈance (compliance) n

non-complyˈing (complying) adj

non-concluˈsive (conclusive) adj

non-consentˈing (consenting) adj

non-contāˈgious (contagious) adj

non-controverˈsial (controversial) adj

non-convenˈtional (conventional) adj

non-corrōˈsive (corrosive) adj

non-currˈent (current) adj

non-delivˈery (delivery) n

non-democratˈic (democratic) adj

non-disciplinˈary (disciplinary) adj

non-discrimˈinating (discriminating) adj

non-divisˈible (divisible) adj

non-drinkˈer (drinker) n

non-drīˈver (driver) n

non-economˈic (economic) adj

non-electˈ (elect) adj

non-elecˈtion (election) n

non-essenˈtial (essential) adj n

non-ethˈical (ethical) adj

non-exisˈtence (existence) n

non-exisˈtent (existent) adj

non-facˈtual (factual) adj

non-fāˈtal (fatal) adj

non-fattˈening (fattening) adj

non-flowˈering (flowering) adj

non-fulfilˈment (fulfilment) n

non-funcˈtional (functional) adj

non-harmonˈic (harmonic) adj

non-hūˈman (human) adj n

non-infecˈtious (infectious) adj

non-inflammˈable (inflammable) adj

non-involveˈment (involvement) n

non-linˈear (linear) adj

non-marrˈying (marrying) adj

non-memˈber (member) n

non-natˈural (natural) adj

non-nūˈclear (nuclear) adj

non-obserˈvance (observance) n

non-operāˈtional (operational) adj

non-payˈing (paying) adj

non-payˈment (payment) n

non-poiˈsonous (poisonous) adj

non-rāˈcial (racial) adj

non-readˈer (reader) n

non-scientifˈic (scientific) adj

non-sexˈist (sexist) adj

non-solˈuble (soluble) adj

non-swimmˈer (swimmer) n

non-techˈnical (technical) adj

non-toxˈic (toxic) adj

non-vinˈtage (vintage) adj

non-volˈatile (volatile) adj

non-votˈer (voter) n





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