

单词 neorealistic

neo- /nē-ō-, nē-ə- or nē-o-/

combining form

Denoting new, young, revived in a new form

ORIGIN: Gr neos new

Neo-Cathˈolic adjective and noun

  1. Of, or a member of the school of, liberal Catholicism that followed Lamennais, Lacordaire and Montalembert about 1830
  2. Anglo-Catholic with extreme leanings towards Rome

Neo-Chrisˈtian adjective and noun

Of, or a believer in, a liberalized and rationalized Christianity

Neo-Christianˈity noun

neoclassˈic or neoclassˈical adjective

Belonging to a revival of the classical style, esp in art and architecture, usu in reference to one such major revival in the late 18c and early 19c

neoclassˈicism /-i-sizm/ noun

neoclassˈicist noun

neocolōnˈialism noun

The quasi-colonialism practised by strong powers in dominating weaker, though politically independent, states by means of economic pressure

neocolōˈnialist noun and adjective

neoconserˈvatism noun

A policy of reacting to liberalism by adopting more traditional attitudes

neoconserˈvative noun and adjective

neocorˈtex noun

The upper and most recently evolved part of the cerebral cortex, dealing with higher brain functions such as sight

neocorˈtical adjective

Neo-Darwinˈian or Neo-Darˈwinist noun and adjective

Neo-Darˈwinism noun

The modern version of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, incorporating the discoveries of Mendelian and population genetics

Neofascism /-fashˈizm/ noun

A movement attempting to reinstate the policies of fascism

Neofascˈist noun and adjective

neogenesis /-jenˈə-sis/ noun (biology, etc)

Regeneration of tissue

neogenetic /-etˈik/ adjective

Neo-Gothˈic noun and adjective

Revived Gothic of the 19c

neogrammāˈrian noun

A philologist of the 19c German school that introduced scientific exactitude into the study of sound change

Neohellˈenism noun

  1. The modern Hellenism inspired by the ancient
  2. The devotion to ancient Greek ideals in literature and art, esp in the Italian Renaissance

Neo-Impressˈionism noun

A style of painting which aimed at producing greater luminosity of colour by applying pure unmixed colours in small dots

Neo-Impressˈionist noun and adjective

Neo-Kantˈian noun and adjective

Neo-Kantˈianism noun

The philosophy of Kant as taught by his successors

Neo-Lamarckˈian noun and adjective

Neo-Lamarckˈism noun

A modern adaptation of Lamarckism

Neo-Latˈin noun and adjective

Romance, ie Italian, Rhaeto-Romanic, French, Provençal, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian

neolibˈeral adjective and noun

neolibˈeralism noun

A political system that favours free-market economics within a liberal democracy

Neo-Malthusˈianism noun

The doctrine of the necessity for birth control to control population

Neo-Melanēˈsian noun

A creole language based on English, developed in Melanesia

neo-Nazˈi noun

A member or supporter of any of a number of modern movements espousing the principles of National Socialism or the like

neo-Nazˈism noun

neopāˈgan noun and adjective

neopāˈganism noun

A revival of paganism, or its spirit

neopāˈganize or neopāˈganise transitive verb and intransitive verb

Neo-Plasˈticism (or neoplasticism) noun

A style of abstract painting in which geometrical patterns are formed of patches of flat colour enclosed by intersecting vertical and horizontal lines

Neoplatonic /-plə-tonˈik/ adjective

Neoplāˈtonism noun

A combination of Platonism with Oriental elements, developed by Plotinus, Porphyry, Proclus, etc

Neoplāˈtonist noun and adjective

Neopythagorēˈan noun and adjective

Neopythagorēˈanism noun

A revived Pythagoreanism of Alexandria beginning in 1c BC

neorēˈalism noun

  1. A modern form of realism in the arts and literature
  2. Specif, a cinematic movement, or a style of cinematography, originating in post-war Italy, characterized by socio-political content, and the use of mise en scène (qv) and often non-professional actors to achieve a starkly realistic depiction of lower-class life

neorēˈalist noun and adjective

neorealistˈic adjective

neotoxˈin noun

Any harmful substance, eg in the environment, causing illness or allergy

Neotropˈical adjective (biology)

Belonging to the tropics of the New World, tropical America

neovīˈtalism noun

The theory or belief that complete causal explanation of vital phenomena cannot be reached without invoking some extra-material concept

neovīˈtalist noun and adjective





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