

单词 near miss

miss1 /mis/

transitive verb (or intransitive verb archaic, with of)
  1. To fail to hit, reach, find, meet, touch, catch, get, have, take advantage of, attend, observe or see
  2. To avoid (a specified danger)
  3. To fail (to do; archaic)
  4. To leave out, omit
  5. To discover the absence of
  6. To feel the loss or absence of
  7. To think of (an absent person or thing) longingly, or (a former time) nostalgically
  8. To do without (Shakespeare)
intransitive verb
  1. To fail to hit or obtain
  2. To fail
  3. To go wrong (obsolete)
  4. To miss fire
  1. The fact or condition or an act or occasion of missing
  2. Failure to hit the mark
  3. Loss
  4. (the source of or reason for) a feeling of loss or absence
  5. Wrongdoing (Shakespeare)
ORIGIN: OE missan; Du missen to miss

missˈable adjective

missˈing adjective

  1. Not to be found
  2. Not in the expected place
  3. Lacking
  4. Of unascertained fate (military)

missˈingly adverb (Shakespeare)

With a sense of loss

missing link noun

  1. A hypothetical extinct creature thought to be intermediate between man and the anthropoid apes
  2. Any one thing required to complete a series

give (something) a miss

  1. To allow an opponent to score by intentionally missing (billiards)
  2. To leave out, omit or avoid something

go missing

  1. To disappear, esp unexpectedly and inexplicably
  2. To be mislaid

miss fire

To fail to go off or explode (cf misfire)

miss oneself (Scot)

To miss out on an enjoyable experience

miss one's tip (slang)

To fail in one's plan or attempt

miss out

  1. To omit
  2. (also with on) to fail to experience or benefit (from)

miss stays (nautical)

To fail in going about from one tack to another

miss the bus or boat (informal)

To lose one's opportunity

near miss see under near

near /nēr/

adverb (nearˈer; nearˈest)
  1. To or at no great distance
  2. (orig as compar of nigh) nigher, more closely, to or at a shorter distance
  3. Close
  4. Closely
  5. Nearly
  6. Almost
  7. Narrowly
  8. Thriftily, parsimoniously (archaic)

Close to (nearˈer and nearˈest are also used as prepositions)

adjective (nearˈer; nearˈest)
  1. Nigh
  2. Not far away in place or time
  3. Close in relationship, friendship, imitation, approximation or in any relation
  4. Close, narrow, so as barely to escape
  5. (eg of a road) short, direct
  6. Stingy, parsimonious (informal)
  7. (of horses, vehicles, roads, etc) left, left-hand
transitive verb and intransitive verb
  1. To approach
  2. To come nearer
ORIGIN: OE nēar, compar of nēah nigh (adv), and ON nǣr, compar (but also used as positive) of nigh; cf Ger näher

nearˈly adverb

  1. At or within a short distance
  2. Closely
  3. Intimately
  4. Scrutinizingly, parsimoniously
  5. Almost
  6. Approximately but rather less

nearˈness noun

near beer noun (N Am inf)

Any of several beers containing 0.5 per cent alcohol or less

nearˈ-begaun or nearˈ-gaun adjective (Scot)


nearˈby adjective



(usu nearbyˈ) close at hand


(also near by) close to

near cut noun (old)

A short cut

near-death experience noun

An experience or sensation, when seemingly on the point of death, of being outside one's own body as an external observer of oneself

near-earth object noun

A large celestial object, such as an asteroid, whose orbit may possibly bring it into collision with the earth (abbrev NEO)

Near East noun

  1. Formerly, an area including the Balkans and Turkey, and sometimes also the countries to the west of Iran
  2. Now synonymous with Middle East (see under middle)

near gale noun (meteorology)

A wind of force 7 on the Beaufort scale, reaching speeds of 32 to 38mph

near-gaun see near-begaun above.

nearˈ-hand adjective (Scot)




nearˈ-legged adjective (Shakespeare)

(of horses) walking so that the legs interfere

nearly man noun (informal)

One who narrowly fails to achieve expected success

near miss noun (lit and figurative)

  1. A miss that is almost a hit
  2. A narrowly avoided collision

near point noun

The nearest point the eye can focus

nearˈside noun

  1. The side of a vehicle nearer to the kerb eg when it is being driven, in Britain the left side
  2. The left side of a horse or other animal, or of a team of horses


On the nearside

near-sightˈed adjective


near-sightˈedly adverb

near-sightˈedness noun

a near thing

A narrow escape

near as a touch, as ninepence or as dammit (informal)

Very nearly

nearest and dearest

One's closest family and friends





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