

单词 pellets

pellet /pelˈit/

  1. A little ball
  2. A small rounded boss
  3. A small rounded mass of compressed iron ore, waste material, etc
  4. A small pill
  5. A ball of shot, esp a flat-ended ball for use in air rifles, etc
  6. A mass of undigested refuse thrown up by a hawk or owl
transitive verb
  1. To form into pellets (Shakespeare)
  2. To form (eg seeds for easier planting) into a pellet by surrounding with an inert substance which breaks down with moisture
  3. To hit, pelt or bombard with pellets
ORIGIN: OFr pelote, from L pila a ball

pellˈetify, pellˈetize or pellˈetify, pellˈetise transitive verb

To form (esp solid waste material, iron ore, etc) into pellets

pelletīzāˈtion or pelletīsāˈtion noun





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