

单词 qualification tests

qualify /kwolˈi-fī/

intransitive verb (qualˈifying; qualˈified)
  1. To take the necessary steps to fit oneself for a certain position, activity or practice
  2. To fulfil a requirement
  3. To have the necessary qualities or qualifications
  4. To be eligible (for a final round, etc) after successfully completing one or more qualifying rounds
transitive verb
  1. To ascribe a quality to
  2. To characterize
  3. To add a quality to the connotation of (a word) (grammar)
  4. To render capable or suitable
  5. To provide with legal power
  6. To limit by modifications
  7. To moderate, mitigate
  8. To appease
  9. To abate, reduce the strength of
  10. To vary
  11. To prove, confirm (Scots law)
ORIGIN: Fr qualifier or LL quālificāre, from L quālis of what sort, and facere to make

qualˈifiable /-fī-ə-bl/ adjective

qualification /-fi-kāˈshən/ noun

  1. Qualifying
  2. Distinctive quality
  3. Modification
  4. Restriction
  5. That which qualifies
  6. A quality that fits a person for a task, etc
  7. A certificate gained, examination passed, etc indicating a level of competence
  8. A necessary condition
  9. An accomplishment (obsolete)
  10. The attaching of quality to, or the distinction of affirmative and negative in, a term (logic)

qualˈificātive adjective and noun

qualˈificātor noun (RC)

A person who examines and prepares ecclesiastical cases for trial

qualˈificātory adjective

qualˈified /-fīd/ adjective

  1. Fitted, competent, having the necessary qualification
  2. Modified
  3. Limited

qualˈifiedly /-fīd-li/ adverb

qualˈifier /-fī-ər/ noun

qualˈifying noun and adjective

qualification test noun

The evaluation of an article to be used in space flight to verify that it functions correctly under the conditions occurring during flight

qualifying round noun

A preliminary round in a competition, to limit the number of competitors

qualified majority voting

A system of majority voting, without veto, used in the EU Council of Ministers, in which each vote is weighted according to the size of the country

Qualified Teacher Status

Accredited status (awarded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families) required by any schoolteacher wishing to teach in England and Wales





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