

单词 quadriplegias

quadri- /kwo-dri-/ or sometimes before a vowel quadr- /kwo-dr-/

combining form
  1. Denoting: four
  2. Square
ORIGIN: L quadri-, from quattuorfour

quadˈric adjective (geometry)

Of the second degree

noun (geometry)

A curve, etc of the second degree

quadricentennial /kwod-ri-sen-tenˈi-əl/ (modelled on centennial) adjective

  1. Lasting four hundred years
  2. Once in four hundred years

A four-hundredth anniversary

quadricone /kwodˈri-kōn/ noun

A quadric cone, or cone having a conic as base

quadriennial, etc adjective see quadrennium

quadrifarious /kwod-ri-fāˈri-əs/ adjective

  1. (L quadrifārius, poss from fāri to speak) fourfold
  2. In four rows

quadrifid /kwodˈri-fid/ adjective (L, from the root of findere to cleave; botany)

Cleft in four

quadrifoliate /kwod-ri-fōˈli-āt/ adjective

(L folium a leaf) four-leaved

quadriform /kwodˈri-förm/ adjective

  1. (L fōrma form) fourfold
  2. Having four forms or aspects

quadriga /kwod-rīˈgə or kwad-rēˈga/ noun (pl quadrīˈgae /-jē or -gī/)

(L, a later singular from quadrīgae a team of four, for quadrijugae, from jugum yoke) in Greek and Roman times, a two-wheeled chariot drawn by four horses abreast

quadrigeminal /kwod-ri-jemˈi-nl/ adjective

(L geminī twins) having four similar parts (also quadrigemˈinate and quadrigemˈinous)

quadrilateral adjective and noun see separate entry

quadrilingual /-lingˈgwəl/ adjective

(L lingua tongue) using four languages

quadriliteral /kwod-ri-litˈər-əl/ adjective

(L lītera a letter) consisting of four letters


A word or a root of four letters

quadrillion noun , etc see separate entry

quadrilocular /kwod-ri-lokˈū-lər/ adjective

(L loculus, dimin of locus place) having four compartments

quadringenary /kwod-rin-jēˈnər-i/ noun

(L quadringēnārius of four hundred each) a four-hundredth anniversary or its celebration

quadrinomial /kwod-ri-nōˈmi-əl/ adjective (modelled on binomial; mathematics)

Consisting of four terms


An expression of four terms

quadripartite adjective see separate entry

quadriplegia noun , etc see separate entry

quadrireme /kwodˈri-rēm/ noun

(L rēmus an oar) an ancient ship with four sets of oars

quadˈrisect transitive verb

To divide into four, usu equal, parts

quadrisection /kwod-ri-sekˈshən/ noun

(L sectiō, -onis cutting) division into four equal parts

quadrisyllabˈic adjective

quadrisyllable /kwod-ri-silˈə-bl/ noun

A tetrasyllable

quadrivˈalence (or /-vāˈ/) noun

quadrivalent /kwod-rivˈə-lənt or -vāˈlənt/ adjective

Having a valency of four


The structure formed by the pairing of four homologous chromosomes during meiosis in tetraploid organisms

quadrivˈial adjective

quadrivium /kwod-rivˈi-əm/ noun

(L, the place where four roads meet, from via a way) in medieval education, the four branches of mathematics (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music)

quadriplegia /kwo-dri-plēˈj(i-)ə or -jyə/ (medicine)


Paralysis of both arms and both legs

ORIGIN: quadri- and Gr plēgē a blow

quadriplegˈic noun and adjective





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