

单词 pay the piper

pay1 /pā/

transitive verb (payˈing; paid, or in the nautical sense payed /pād/)
  1. To give what is due (in satisfaction of a debt, in exchange, in compensation or in remuneration, etc) to (the person, etc to whom it is owed)
  2. To give (money, etc) in satisfaction of a debt, in exchange, compensation, remuneration, etc
  3. To settle or discharge (a claim, bill, debt, etc)
  4. To hand over money, etc, for
  5. (of a sum of money, etc) to be or yield satisfactory remuneration or compensation for, or enough to discharge
  6. To yield (a certain sum, profit, etc)
  7. To be profitable to, to benefit
  8. To render, confer (attention, heed, court, a visit, etc)
  9. To satisfy, gratify (obsolete)
  10. To thrash (Shakespeare and dialect)
  11. (of a rope) to allow or cause to run out (nautical)
intransitive verb
  1. To hand over money or other equivalent, or compensation, etc (with for)
  2. To afford to make payment, or constitute an equivalent or means of making payment (with for)
  3. To be worth one's trouble
  4. To be profitable
  5. To suffer or be punished (with for)
  6. To be the subject of payment
  1. Satisfaction (obsolete)
  2. Money given for service
  3. Salary, wages
  4. Receipt of wages, etc, service for wages, etc, hire or paid employment (esp for an evil purpose)
  5. Payment or time of payment
  6. Remunerative yield of mineral
ORIGIN: Fr payer, from L pācāre to appease; cf pāx peace

paid adjective see separate entry

payˈable adjective

  1. That may or should be paid
  2. Due
  3. Profitable

payeeˈ noun

Someone to whom money is paid

payˈer noun

payˈing noun and adjective

payˈment noun

  1. The act of paying
  2. The discharge of a debt by money or its equivalent in value
  3. That which is paid
  4. Recompense
  5. Reward
  6. Punishment

pay and display noun

A system of paying for parking in which a ticket is bought from a machine and displayed in the window of the parked vehicle

pay-and-displayˈ adjective

pay-as-you-earnˈ noun

A method of income tax collection in which the employer deducts tax from earnings before paying the employee (abbrev PAYE)

pay-as-you-goˈ adjective

  1. (of mobile phones) denoting that the user, the outright purchaser of the phone, pays only for calls made, using credit bought in advance
  2. (of other services, eg the Internet) denoting that charges are made only when the service is used

payback see pay back below.

payback period noun (economics)

The length of time a project will take to recover its initial outlay

pay bed noun

A bed, specif in a National Health Service hospital, available to a patient who pays for its use (private pay bed one available to a patient who pays for its use and for his or her own treatment; cf amenity bed)

payˈ-bill or payˈ-sheet noun

A statement of money to be paid to workmen, etc

payˈ-box or payˈ-desk noun

A box or desk at which a customer pays

payday noun

A regular day for payment, eg of wages

payday lender noun

A company that provides payday loans (see below)

payday loan noun

A short-term, high-interest loan, to be repaid on the borrower's next payday

pay dirt noun

  1. Gravel or sand containing enough gold to be worth working (also pay gravel)
  2. A source of riches

pay envelope noun (N American)

Pay packet

payˈfone same as payphone below.

paying guest noun (euphemistic)

A lodger

paylist see payroll below.

payˈload noun

  1. That part of the cargo of an aeroplane or other conveyance for which revenue is obtained
  2. The part of a rocket's equipment that is to fulfil the purpose of the rocket, such as a warhead, or apparatus for obtaining information

payˈmaster noun

  1. The master who pays
  2. The official in an organization, government, etc who pays out money

Paymaster General noun

  1. The minister at the head of a department of the Treasury that makes payments on behalf of government departments
  2. In the navy, an officer in charge of the bureau dealing with payments, clothing, etc (US)
  3. Formerly also a similar officer in the army (US)

payment card noun

A credit card

payˈ-off noun

  1. (time of) payment esp of a reward or punishment
  2. Outcome
  3. A particularly useful or desirable result
  4. Dénouement

payˈ-office noun

The place where payments are made

pay-out see pay out below.

pay packet noun

  1. An envelope containing a person's wages
  2. Wages

pay-per-click noun

A form of Internet advertising in which the advertiser pays according to the number of clicks made by users on the advertisement (also adjective)

pay-per-viewˈ noun

A form of pay television (qv below) in which viewers use a smart card to gain access to the service (also adjective)

payˈphone noun

A coin- or card-operated public telephone

payˈroll noun

  1. The money for paying wages
  2. (also payˈlist) a list of people entitled to receive pay, with the amounts due to each
  3. A computer program for calculating wages

payroll giving noun

Contributions to charity which are deducted from one's wages and paid by one's employer directly to the charity concerned

payˈslip noun

A note to a worker (giving an analysis) of the sum paid in wages

pay station noun (US)

A telephone call-box

pay television or pay TV noun

Satellite or cable television available to subscribers

payˈwall noun

An arrangement allowing access to a website only to users who have paid to subscribe to it

in the pay of

Receiving payment from in return for services, used esp in a sinister sense

pay back

  1. To pay in return (a debt)
  2. To give tit for tat (payˈback noun)

pay cash

To pay for something at the time of the transaction, ie not using credit terms

pay down

  1. To pay (eg a first instalment) in cash on the spot
  2. To pay back debt

pay for

  1. To make amends for
  2. To suffer for
  3. To bear the expense of

pay in

  1. To contribute to a fund
  2. To deposit money in a bank account

pay off

  1. To pay in full and discharge (a debt, an employee, etc)
  2. To take revenge upon
  3. To requite
  4. To fall away to leeward (nautical)
  5. To yield good results, justify itself (see also pay-off above)

pay one's (or its) way

  1. To have or bring enough to pay expenses
  2. To compensate adequately for initial outlay

pay out

  1. To release (a rope, etc) gradually, to feed or run out
  2. To disburse (payˈ-out noun)
  3. To punish deservedly

pay round

To turn the ship's head

pay the piper see under pipe1

pay through the nose

To pay more than the fair price, to pay dearly

pay up

  1. To pay in full
  2. To pay arrears
  3. To pay (for) in instalments
  4. To accept the necessity and pay
  5. To pay on demand

pipe1 /pīp/

  1. A metal or plastic tube for the conveyance of water, gas, etc
  2. Any tube, or tubular part or thing, natural or artificial
  3. A musical wind instrument, or part of an instrument, consisting of or including a tube
  4. Any of an organ's upright metal or wooden tubes
  5. (in pl) a bagpipe
  6. The note of a bird
  7. A voice, esp a high voice
  8. (usu in pl) the windpipe
  9. Any of various hollow organs in an animal body
  10. A pipe-like volcanic vent, a cylindrical mass of ore, etc
  11. An entrance to a decoy
  12. A tube with a bowl at one end for smoking
  13. A fill of tobacco
  14. The smoking of a fill of tobacco
  15. A stick of eg pipeclay for curling hair or a wig (Sterne)
  16. A boatswain's whistle
  17. The direction of the output of a program or command into another (computing)
intransitive verb
  1. To play a musical pipe
  2. To whistle (as the wind or a boatswain does)
  3. To speak or sing, esp in a high voice
  4. To peep or sing, as a bird does
  5. To weep
  6. To become pipy
transitive verb
  1. To play on a pipe
  2. To lead or call by means of a pipe
  3. (with in) to accompany or call ceremonially in with pipe music
  4. To render, or cause to be, by playing a pipe
  5. To propagate by piping (horticulture)
  6. To force (icing, cream, etc) out through a nozzle in a thin strip as decoration
  7. To ornament with piping
  8. To supply with pipes
  9. To convey by pipe
  10. To transmit (television, radio signals) by electricity or along a wire
ORIGIN: OE pīpe, from L pīpāre to cheep; cf Du pijp, Ger Pfeife

pīpˈage noun

Conveyance or distribution by pipe

piped /pīpt/ adjective

  1. Tubular or fistulous
  2. Transported by means of a pipe
  3. Transmitted simultaneously to many outlets from a central control location by means of an audio system, telephone or electricity line, etc

pipeˈful noun (pl pipeˈfuls)

Enough to fill a pipe

pipeˈless adjective

pipeˈlike adjective

pīpˈer noun

  1. A player on a pipe, esp a bagpipe
  2. A broken-winded horse
  3. A young pigeon or other bird
  4. A kind of gurnard
  5. A pipe-smoker
  6. A decoy dog
  7. A kind of caddis-worm

pīpˈing adjective

  1. Playing a pipe
  2. Sounding like a pipe
  3. Producing a shrill sound, whistling
  4. Thin and high-pitched
  5. Characterized by pipe-playing, as opposed to martial music, as in the phrase the piping times of peace
  6. Hissing hot
  7. Very hot
  1. The action of the verb pipe in any sense
  2. Pipe-playing
  3. A system of pipes
  4. Tubing
  5. Small cord used as trimming for clothes
  6. Strings and twists of icing ornamenting a cake
  7. A slip or cutting from a joint of a stem (horticulture)
  8. The action of hydraulicking

pīpˈy adjective

  1. Pipelike
  2. Having pipes
  3. Piping

pipe band noun

A military or marching band of bagpipe players and drummers, led by a pipe major

pipe bomb noun

A crude bomb made of a length of pipe packed with explosives

pipeˈ-case noun

A case for a tobacco pipe

pipeˈclay noun

A fine white, nearly pure, kaolin, free from iron, used for making tobacco pipes and fine earthenware, and for whitening military belts, etc

transitive verb

To whiten with pipeclay

pipeˈ-cleaner noun

A length of wire with tufts of fabric twisted into it, used to clean pipe-stems

piped music noun

Continuous background music played in a restaurant, etc, or piped from a central studio to other buildings

pipe dream noun

A futile and unreal hope or fancy such as one has when relaxing while smoking a pipe (orig an opium-smoker's fantasy)

pipeˈ-dreamer noun

pipeˈfish noun

A fish (of several species) of the seahorse family, a long thin fish covered with hard plates, the jaws forming a long tube

pipe fitting noun

Any of the wide variety of pipe connecting-pieces used to make turns, junctions, and reductions in piping systems

pipeˈ-key noun

A key with a hollow barrel

pipeˈ-layer noun

  1. Someone who lays pipes for water, gas, etc
  2. A political wirepuller (old US sl)

pipeˈ-laying noun

pipeless organ noun

A musical instrument, played like an organ, in which sounds, built up from whatever harmonics may be chosen, are produced by a loudspeaker

pipeˈ-light or pipeˈ-lighter noun

A spill for lighting a pipe

pipeˈline noun

  1. A long continuous line of piping to carry water from a reservoir, oil from an oilfield, etc
  2. A line of piping to carry solid materials
  3. Any continuous line of communication, or supply, or of progress and development (figurative)
  4. See also in the pipeline below

adjective (computing)

Denoting a processor, program, etc involving parallel processing of instructions which is overlapped to enable streams of instructions to be decoded and executed concurrently

transitive verb

  1. To carry by pipeline
  2. To carry out using a pipeline process (computing)

pipeˈlining noun

pipe major noun

The chief of a band of bagpipers

Pipe Office noun (historical)

An office in the Court of Exchequer in which the Clerk of the Pipe made out the Pipe Roll

pipe of peace see calumet

pipeˈ-opener noun (informal)

  1. A walk or spell of exercise in the fresh air
  2. A practice game or trial run

pipe organ noun

A musical organ with pipes

pipe rack noun

A rack for storing tobacco pipes

Pipe Roll noun (historical)

The Great Roll of the Exchequer, containing yearly accounts of sheriffs, etc (possibly from its pipelike form)

pipe snake noun

A tropical burrowing snake

pipeˈ-stem noun

The tube of a tobacco pipe

pipeˈstone noun

A red argillaceous stone used by Native Americans for making tobacco pipes

pipeˈ-stoppˈle or pipeˈ-stappˈle noun (Scot)

  1. A tobacco pipe stem
  2. Anything very thin and brittle-looking

pipeˈ-track noun

The course of a pipe across country

pipeˈ-tree noun (obsolete)

  1. The mock orange (white pipe-tree)
  2. The lilac (blue pipe-tree)

pipeˈwork noun

  1. A vein of ore in the form of a pipe
  2. Piping or pipes collectively, eg in an organ

pipeˈwort noun

A rare rush-like water plant (Eriocaulon septangulare) of Ireland and the Hebrides, the only European representative of its family, Eriocaulaceae

pipeˈ-wrench noun

A wrench that grips a pipe when turned one way

piping crow noun

An Australian bird (genus Gymnorhina) called a magpie, really related to the shrikes

piping hare noun

A pika

boatswain's pipe see boatswain's whistle under whistle

drunk as a piper

Very drunk

in the pipeline

  1. Waiting to be considered or dealt with
  2. In preparation

pay the piper

  1. To bear the expense (and so call the tune have control)
  2. To have to pay heavily

pipe and tabor

A small recorder, fingered by the left hand, and a small drum beaten with the right, formerly in use in rustic jollities

pipe down

  1. To subside into silence
  2. To stop talking or be quiet (informal)
  3. To dismiss (a ship's company) from muster (the final order of the day)

pipe one's eye, tune one's pipes

To weep

pipe up (informal)

  1. To interject, say something
  2. To begin to speak

piping hot

(of food, usu when served) very hot, literally so hot as to make a hissing or sizzling noise

put that in your pipe and smoke it! (informal; of some unwelcome home truth, etc)

There! how do you like that?





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