

单词 musketries

musket /musˈkit/

  1. A military firearm, esp of a long-barrelled smooth-bore kind fired from the shoulder, a popular infantry weapon between the 16c and 18c
  2. A male sparrowhawk
ORIGIN: OFr mousquet musket, formerly a hawk, from Ital moschetto, perh from L musca a fly

musketeerˈ noun

A soldier armed with a musket

musketoonˈ or musquetoonˈ noun

  1. A short musket
  2. A soldier armed with one

musˈketry noun

  1. Muskets collectively
  2. Practice with, or the art of using, small arms
  3. Fire of muskets
  4. A body of troops armed with muskets

musˈket-proof adjective

Capable of resisting the force of a musket-ball

musˈket-rest noun

A forked support for the heavy 16c musket

musˈket-shot noun

  1. Shot for or from a musket
  2. The discharge of a musket
  3. The range of a musket





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