

单词 museum beetles

museum /mū-zēˈəm/

noun (pl musēˈums)
  1. Orig a temple, home or resort of the Muses
  2. A place of study
  3. A resort of the learned
  4. An institution or repository for the collection, exhibition and study of objects of artistic, scientific, historic or educational interest
  5. An art gallery (US)
  6. A collection of curiosities
ORIGIN: L mūsēum, from Gr mouseion; see Muse

museologˈical adjective

museolˈogist noun

museolˈogy noun

The study of museums and their organization

museum beetle noun

A small beetle of the genus Anthrenus whose larvae and adults are destructive to hides, fur, zoological collections, etc

museum piece noun

A specimen so fine as to be suitable for exhibition in a museum, or (facetiously) so old-fashioned as to be unsuitable for anything else





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