

单词 multi-author

multi- /mul-ti-/ or sometimes before a vowel mult- /mult-/

combining form

Denoting much, many

ORIGIN: L multus much

multangˈular adjective

Having many angles

multanˈimous adjective

(L animus mind) having a many-sided mind

multarticˈulate or multiarticˈulate adjective


multi-accˈess adjective (computing)

Denoting a system which allows several users to have apparently simultaneous access to a computer

multi-authˈor or multi-authˈored adjective

Denoting a text which has been written by several individuals

multicamˈerate adjective

(L camera chamber) having many chambers or cells

multicapˈitate adjective

(L caput, -itis head) many-headed

multicastˈing noun (telecommunications)

Transmission of a message in a local area network from one node to all others

multicauˈline adjective

(L caulis stem) having many stems

multicellˈular adjective

Having, or made up of, many cells

multicenˈtral or multicenˈtric adjective

Having or proceeding from many centres

multichannˈel adjective

Having or employing several communications channels

multicipital /mul-ti-sipˈi-təl/ adjective

(L caput, -itis head) having many heads, multicapitate

multicolour /mulˈti-kul-ər/ noun

Diversity or plurality of colour



mulˈticoloured adjective

multicosˈtate adjective

(L costa rib) many-ribbed

multiculˈtural adjective

(of a society) made up of many distinct cultural groups

multiculˈturalism noun

The policy of accommodating any number of distinct cultures within the one society without prejudice or discrimination

multiculˈturalist noun and adjective

multiculˈturally adverb

multicusˈpid adjective

Having more than two cusps


A multicuspid tooth

multicusˈpidate adjective

mulˈticycle noun (obsolete)

  1. A velocipede with more than three wheels
  2. One intended to carry several people

multidenˈtate adjective

(L dēns, dentis tooth) many-toothed

multidenticˈūlate adjective

Having many denticulations or fine teeth

multidigitate /-dijˈi-tāt/ adjective

(L digitus finger) many-fingered

multidimenˈsional adjective

  1. Of more than three dimensions (mathematics)
  2. Having several aspects or dimensions

multidirecˈtional adjective

Extending in a number of directions

multidisciplinˈary adjective

Involving a combination of several (academic) disciplines, methods, etc

multiethˈnic adjective

Composed of or relating to more than one ethnic group

mulˈtifaced adjective


multifacˈeted adjective

  1. (of a gem) having many facets
  2. Having many aspects, characteristics, etc

multifactorˈial adjective

Involving or caused by many different factors

multi-faithˈ adjective

Made up of representatives of many distinct religions

mulˈtifid or multifˈidous adjective

Cleft into many lobes

mulˈtifil or multifilˈament noun

A multiple strand of synthetic fibre

multifilˈament adjective

Composed of many filaments

multiflorˈa noun

An E Asian climbing rose (Rosa multiflora) having clusters of small flowers

multifloˈrous adjective


mulˈtifoil adjective

Having more than five foils or arcuate divisions


A multifoil ornament

multifōˈliate adjective

(L folium leaf) with many leaves

multifōˈliolate adjective (botany)

With many leaflets

mulˈtiform adjective

Having many forms, polymorphic


That which is multiform

multiformˈity noun

mulˈtigrade adjective

Of or relating to a motor oil with a viscosity such as to match the properties of several grades of motor oil

mul'tigrain adjective

(of bread or breakfast cereal) containing more than one type of cereal grain

multigravˈida noun (pl multigravˈidae /-dē/ or multigravˈidas)

(L gravida pregnant) a pregnant woman who has had one or more previous pregnancies

mulˈtigym noun

An apparatus incorporating weights and levers in a variety of arrangements, enabling one to exercise and tone up one set of muscles at a time

mulˈtihull noun

A sailing vessel with two or more hulls

multijuˈgate or multijuˈgous adjective (L jugum yoke; botany)

Consisting of many pairs of leaflets

multilatˈeral adjective

  1. (L latus, lateris side) many-sided
  2. With several parties or participants

multilatˈerally adverb

multilatˈeralism noun

multilatˈeralist noun and adjective

(a person) favouring multilateral action, esp in abandoning or reducing production of nuclear weapons

multilineal /-linˈ/ or multilinˈear adjective

Having many lines

multilingual /-lingˈgwəl/ adjective

  1. (L lingua tongue) in many languages
  2. Speaking several languages
  3. (of a country, state or society) in which several languages are spoken

multilinˈgualism noun

The ability to speak several languages

multilinˈguist noun

A person who is multilingual

multilōˈbate or mulˈtilobed adjective


multilobular /-lobˈū-lər/ or multilobˈulate adjective

Having many lobules

multilocaˈtional adjective

Existing or operating in several locations

multilocular /-lokˈū-lər/ or multilocˈulate adjective


multilˈoquence noun

Much speaking

multilˈoquent adjective

multilˈoquous adjective

multilˈoquy noun

multimēˈdia noun

  1. The use of a combination of different media of communication (in eg entertainment or education)
  2. Simultaneous presentation of several visual and/or sound entertainments
  3. The integrated presentation of data in a variety of forms, eg text, graphics and sound (computing)

Of or relating to multimedia

mulˈtimeter noun

An instrument allowing simultaneous measurement of several values

multimillionaireˈ noun

A person who is a millionaire several times over

mulˈtimode adjective

Designating an optical fibre with a core diameter sufficiently larger than the wavelength of light to allow propagation of light energy in a large number of different modes

multinatˈional noun

A large business company which operates in several countries

  1. Of this type of company
  2. Multiracial (S Afr)

multinōˈmial adjective (mathematics)

  1. Consisting of more than two terms
  2. Relating to multinomials

A multinomial expression

multinomˈinal adjective

Having many names

multinūˈclear, multinūˈcleate or multinūˈcleated adjective

Having several nuclei

multinūˈcleolate adjective

Having several nucleoli

multi-ownˈership noun

Ownership of property on the principle of time-sharing (qv)

mulˈtipack noun

A pack containing several items for sale at a lower unit price

multipaˈra noun (pl multipaˈrae /-rē/ or multipaˈras)

(L parēre to bring forth) a woman who has given birth for the second or subsequent time, or is about to do so, as distinct from a primipara

multiparˈity noun

  1. The condition of being a multipara
  2. The condition of being multiparous

multipˈarous adjective

  1. Relating to a multipara
  2. Producing more than one at birth (zoology)
  3. Giving rise to several lateral axes (botany)

multiparˈtite adjective

  1. (L partītus divided) divided into many parts
  2. Much cut up into segments

multiparˈty adjective

  1. (of a state, etc) having a political system based on the existence of more than one party
  2. Made up of many parties or members of several parties

multiparˈtyism noun

mulˈtiped noun

  1. (L pēs, pedis foot) a many-footed animal
  2. (also multipede /-pēd/) a woodlouse (obsolete)

mulˈtiphase adjective


mulˈtiplane noun

An aeroplane with more than one pair of wings

multi-ply /mulˈti-plī/ noun

Plywood of more than three thicknesses

multipōˈlar adjective

Having several poles or axons

multipolarˈity noun

multipˈotent adjective (L potēns, -entis powerful; Shakespeare)

Having the power to do many things

multipresˈence noun

The power of being in many places at once

multipresˈent adjective

multiproˈcessing noun (computing) see multitasking below

multiproˈcessor noun (computing)

A linked set of central processors that allows parallel processing

multiproˈgramming noun (computing)

A technique of handling several programs simultaneously by interleaving their execution through time-sharing

multipurˈpose adjective

multirāˈcial adjective

Embracing, or consisting of, many races

multirāˈcialism noun

The policy of recognizing the rights of all in a multiracial society

multirāˈcially adverb

multiramˈified adjective

(L rāmus branch, and facere to make) having many branches

mulˈtirole adjective

mulˈtiscreen adjective

  1. Designating a technique of cinema projection in which the screen is divided into several frames each showing separate images
  2. (of a cinema) having more than one screen and auditorium

multisepˈtate adjective (biology)

Having many septa

multisēˈrial or multisēˈriate adjective

In many rows

mulˈtiskill transitive verb

To train (employees) in several skills

multiskillˈing noun

In technologically advanced industries, the training of employees in a variety of skills

multisonant /mul-tisˈən-ənt/ adjective

  1. (L sonāns, -antis, prp of sonāre to sound) having many sounds
  2. Sounding much

multispīˈral adjective

Having many coils

mulˈti-stage adjective

  1. In a series of distinct parts
  2. (of a rocket) consisting of a number of parts that fall off in series at predetermined places on its course

mulˈtistorey or (esp N American) mulˈtistory adjective

Having a (large) number of levels or floors


A multistorey car park

mulˈtistrike adjective and noun

(designating) an ink ribbon for use on an electronic typewriter or printer which is struck by keys at different points vertically, often used to produce bold print

multisulcˈate adjective

(L sulcus furrow) having many furrows

multitaskˈ intransitive verb

multitaskˈing noun

  1. The performance of several concurrent tasks by one person
  2. The action of running several processes or jobs simultaneously on a system (also multiproˈcessing; computing)

Of or relating to a computer system capable of doing this

multithreadˈing noun (computing)

A programming system that enables actions to be carried out simultaneously

mulˈti-track adjective

(of a recording) made up of several different tracks blended together


A system for making such recordings

transitive verb

To record using a multi-track system

multituberˈculate or multituberˈculated adjective

(of eg teeth) having many tubercles

multiuˈser adjective

(of a computer or computer game) able to be used by several people at once

multivāˈlence (or /-tivˈə-/) or multivāˈlency (or /-tivˈə-/) noun

multivāˈlent (or /-tivˈə-/) adjective (chem)

Having a valency greater than one

multivārˈiate adjective

Consisting of, or concerned with, many variables

multivārˈious adjective

Differing widely

mulˈtiverse noun

(esp in science fiction) a hypothetical set of several universes existing in parallel to each other

multiverˈsity noun

A large university made up of several campuses

multivibrāˈtor noun

An electronic oscillating device using two transistors, the output of one providing the input of the other

multivˈious adjective

(L via way) going many ways

mulˈti-vision noun (telecommunications)

A form of visual presentation involving groups of slide projectors showing a complex series of images, with accompanying sound

multivitˈamin noun

A pill containing several vitamins

multivˈocal adjective

(L vōx, vōcis voice) having many meanings


A word of many meanings

multivoltine /-volˈtīn/ adjective

(Ital volta turn, winding) of silkworm moths, having several annual broods

mulˈti-wall adjective

Made of three or more layers of special paper

multocular /mul-tokˈū-lər/ adjective

  1. (L oculus eye) having many eyes
  2. (of a microscope) enabling several people to observe an object at once

multungulate /mul-tungˈgū-lāt/ adjective

(L ungula hoof) having the hoof divided into more than two parts


A multungulate mammal





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