

单词 parallactic motion

parallax /parˈə-laks/

  1. An apparent change in the position of an object caused by change of position in the observer
  2. (in astronomy) the apparent change (measured angularly) in the position of a heavenly body when viewed from different points, called the daily or diurnal or geocentric parallax when viewed from opposite points on the earth's surface, and the annual or heliocentric parallax when viewed from opposite points of the earth's orbit
ORIGIN: Gr parallaxis, from para beside, beyond, and allassein to change, from allos another

parallacˈtic or parallacˈtical adjective

parallactic motion see proper motion under proper

proper /propˈər/

  1. Own
  2. Appropriate
  3. Peculiar
  4. Confined to one
  5. In natural colouring (heraldry)
  6. Strict
  7. Strictly applicable
  8. Strictly so-called (usu after n)
  9. Thorough, out-and-out (now informal)
  10. Actual, real
  11. Befitting
  12. Decorous, seemly
  13. Conforming strictly to convention
  14. Goodly
  15. Belonging to only one
  16. Comely
  17. Used only on a particular day or festival (church)
noun (church)

A service, psalm, etc set apart for a particular day or occasion

adverb (informal)
  1. Very, exceedingly
  2. Properly
ORIGIN: Fr propre, from L proprius own

propˈerly adverb

  1. In a proper manner
  2. Strictly
  3. Entirely, extremely (informal)

propˈerness noun

proper chant noun (obsolete)

The key of C major

proper-falseˈ adjective (Shakespeare)

Handsome and deceitful

proper fraction noun

A fraction that has a numerator of a lower value than the denominator

proper motion noun

A star's apparent motion relative to the celestial sphere, due partly to its own movement (peculiar motion), and partly to that of the solar system (parallactic motion)

proper noun or proper name noun

The name of a particular person, animal, thing, place, etc, in English usu written with an initial capital letter, opp to common noun





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