

单词 purveyances

purvey /pûr-vāˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To provide or furnish
  2. To supply
intransitive verb

To provide meals or provisions as one's business

ORIGIN: Anglo-Fr purveier, from L prōvidēre; see provide

purveyˈance noun

  1. The act of purveying
  2. Preparation in advance (Spenser)
  3. Furnishings, equipment (Spenser)
  4. A procuring of provisions
  5. That which is supplied
  6. The former royal prerogative of procuring provisions for the court at a fixed price, requisitioning horses, etc (historical)

purveyˈor noun

  1. Someone whose business is to provide food or meals
  2. An official who formerly exacted provisions for the use of the royal household





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