

单词 miss the bus

bus (now rare 'bus; obsolete buss) /bus/

noun (pl busˈes or (less commonly) bussˈes)
  1. A road vehicle with one (single-decker) or two (double-decker) decks for transporting a considerable number of passengers, usu on a regular or prearranged route
  2. A car, aeroplane, etc (as a term of affection; slang)
  3. A number of conductors forming a circuit or route along which data may be transmitted (also highway or trunk; computing)
  4. The part of the payload of a space exploration vehicle (or a missile) which contains the atmospheric (re-)entry probes (or warheads)
transitive verb

To transport by bus, sometimes specif in the sense of busing below

intransitive verb
  1. To go by bus
  2. In a restaurant, etc, to clear dirty dishes from tables, replenish supplies of needed items, and otherwise assist the waiting staff (N American)

Of or relating to a bus or buses

ORIGIN: Short form of omnibus

busˈing or (less commonly) bussˈing noun (chiefly N American)

The transporting by bus of people from one district to another, esp children to school, to achieve a more even racial, etc balance, for economic reasons, etc

busˈbar noun

An electric conductor connecting with a number of circuits (electronics, etc)

busˈboy or busˈgirl noun (N American)

An assistant waiter or waitress, a person who buses

bus conductor noun

busˈ-driver noun

busgirl see busboy above.

bus lane noun

A traffic lane restricted to buses for all or part of the day

bus'load noun

The number of people a bus can carry

busˈman noun

The driver or conductor of a bus

bus pass noun

A pass entitling its holder to travel on services run by specified bus companies without (further) payment or at a reduced fare

bus shelter noun

An open-sided structure at a bus stop, giving some protection against the weather

bus stop noun

  1. A halting-place for a bus, for passengers to board it or alight
  2. The post or sign usu marking such a place

busman's holiday

A holiday spent in activities similar to one's work

miss the bus

To lose an opportunity

miss1 /mis/

transitive verb (or intransitive verb archaic, with of)
  1. To fail to hit, reach, find, meet, touch, catch, get, have, take advantage of, attend, observe or see
  2. To avoid (a specified danger)
  3. To fail (to do; archaic)
  4. To leave out, omit
  5. To discover the absence of
  6. To feel the loss or absence of
  7. To think of (an absent person or thing) longingly, or (a former time) nostalgically
  8. To do without (Shakespeare)
intransitive verb
  1. To fail to hit or obtain
  2. To fail
  3. To go wrong (obsolete)
  4. To miss fire
  1. The fact or condition or an act or occasion of missing
  2. Failure to hit the mark
  3. Loss
  4. (the source of or reason for) a feeling of loss or absence
  5. Wrongdoing (Shakespeare)
ORIGIN: OE missan; Du missen to miss

missˈable adjective

missˈing adjective

  1. Not to be found
  2. Not in the expected place
  3. Lacking
  4. Of unascertained fate (military)

missˈingly adverb (Shakespeare)

With a sense of loss

missing link noun

  1. A hypothetical extinct creature thought to be intermediate between man and the anthropoid apes
  2. Any one thing required to complete a series

give (something) a miss

  1. To allow an opponent to score by intentionally missing (billiards)
  2. To leave out, omit or avoid something

go missing

  1. To disappear, esp unexpectedly and inexplicably
  2. To be mislaid

miss fire

To fail to go off or explode (cf misfire)

miss oneself (Scot)

To miss out on an enjoyable experience

miss one's tip (slang)

To fail in one's plan or attempt

miss out

  1. To omit
  2. (also with on) to fail to experience or benefit (from)

miss stays (nautical)

To fail in going about from one tack to another

miss the bus or boat (informal)

To lose one's opportunity

near miss see under near





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