

单词 oxpecker

Buphaga /būˈfä-gə/


A small genus of African birds, closely related to the starlings, which feed on the larvae of gadflies, etc, parasitic on the backs of cattle, camels, etc (also beefeater and oxpecker)

ORIGIN: Gr bous an ox, and phagein to eat

ox /oks/

noun (pl oxˈen)
  1. A general name for the male or female of common domestic cattle (bull and cow), esp a castrated male of the species
  2. Extended to other animals of bovine type
ORIGIN: OE oxa, pl oxan; Ger Ochse, Gothic auhsa, Sans ukṣan

oxˈer noun

  1. Esp in foxhunting, an ox-fence
  2. In showjumping, an obstacle in the form of an ox-fence

oxˈ-antˈelope noun

Any antelope of the hartebeest group

oxˈ-bird noun

  1. The dunlin
  2. The oxpecker
  3. An African weaver bird
  4. Applied also to various other birds

oxˈblood noun

A dark reddish-brown colour (also adjective)

oxˈ-bot noun

A warble-fly larva infesting cattle

oxˈ-bow /-bō/ noun

  1. A collar for a yoked ox
  2. A horseshoe-shaped bend in a river (forming an ox-bow lake when the neck is pierced and the bend cut off)

oxˈ-eye noun

  1. A wild chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (also called Leucanthemum vulgare), with a yellow disc and white rays (ox-eye daisy)
  2. Sometimes (yellow ox-eye) the corn marigold
  3. A name for various birds, esp the great titmouse
  4. An elliptical dormer window

oxˈ-eyed adjective

Having large, ox-like eyes

oxˈ-fence noun

  1. A fence for confining cattle
  2. A hedge with a rail and in many cases also a ditch

oxˈgang, oxˈgate or oxˈland noun (obsolete)

A bovate or one-eighth of a carucate of ploughland, the share attributed to each ox in a team of eight (averaging about 13 acres)

oxˈhead noun

  1. The head of an ox
  2. A blockhead

oxˈpecker noun

An African genus (Buphaga) of birds related to starlings, that eat the parasites on cattle (also beefeater or ox-bird)

oxˈtail noun

The tail of an ox, esp as used for soup, stew, etc

oxˈ-tongue noun

  1. The tongue of an ox, used as food
  2. A composite plant (Picris echioides) of the daisy family, with yellow flowers and milky juice

oxˈ-warˈble noun

  1. A swelling on the back of an ox
  2. The fly whose larva produces it

have the black ox tread on one's foot

To experience sorrow or misfortune





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