

单词 Iceland moss

Iceland /īsˈlənd/


Of, belonging to, or originating in, the island of Iceland

Iceˈlander (or /īs-landˈər/) noun

A native or citizen of Iceland

Icelandic /īs-landˈik/ adjective

Of or relating to Iceland or its inhabitants

  1. The modern language of the Icelanders
  2. Old Norse

Iceˈland-dogˈ noun

A shaggy white dog with sharply pointed ears originally from Iceland

Iceland falcon noun

A white gerfalcon of Iceland

Iceland moss noun

A lichen (Cetraria islandica) of northern regions, used as a medicine and for food

Iceland poppy noun

A dwarf poppy (Papaver nudicaule) with grey-green pinnate leaves and flowers varying from white to orange-scarlet

Iceland spar noun

A transparent calcite with strong double refraction

moss /mos/

  1. A bog (now chiefly Scot)
  2. Boggy ground or soil
  3. Any of the Musci, a class of Bryophyta, small plants with simply constructed leaves, and no woody material, attached by rhizoids, the zygote growing into a small spore-bearing capsule that grows parasitically on the parent plant
  4. A mass of such plants
  5. A mosslike growth, covering or excrescence
  6. Loosely extended to plants of similar appearance to true mosses
  7. A moss rose
transitive verb
  1. To cover with moss
  2. To clear of moss
intransitive verb

To gather moss

ORIGIN: OE mōs bog; Du mos, Ger Moos moss, bog

mossˈiness noun

mossˈlike adjective

mossˈy adjective (mossˈier; mossˈiest)

  1. Overgrown or abounding with moss
  2. Like moss
  3. Boggy

moss agate noun

Chalcedony with moss-like inclusions of chlorite, manganese oxide, etc

mossˈback noun (N American)

A person with antiquated views

mossˈbacked adjective

mossˈbluiter /-blütˈər or -blitˈər/ noun (Scot)

The bittern

mossˈ-cheeper noun (Scot)

The titlark

mossˈ-crop noun (Scot)

Cotton grass

mossˈ-flow noun (Scot)

A watery bog

moss green noun

A muted yellowy-green

mossˈ-grown adjective

Covered with moss

moss hag or moss hagg noun (Scot)

A pit or slough in a bog

mossˈland noun

Wet, peaty land

mossˈ-litter noun

A loose mass of lumps of peaty material

mossˈplant noun

  1. A plant of moss
  2. The sexual generation in the life history of a moss, on which the asexual generation is parasitic

moss rose noun

A variety of rose having a mosslike growth on and below the calyx

moss stitch noun

A knitting stitch alternating plain and purl stitches along each row and in succeeding rows, producing a mosslike texture

mossˈtrooper noun (historical)

One of the freebooters that used to frequent the Border between Scotland and England in the 17c

mossˈtrooping noun and adjective

club moss see under club and lycopod

Iceland moss see under Iceland





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