

单词 keep house

house /hows/

noun (pl houses /howzˈiz/)
  1. A building for living in
  2. A building in general
  3. A dwelling-place
  4. An inn
  5. A public house
  6. A household
  7. A family in line of descent
  8. Kindred
  9. A trading establishment
  10. One of the twelve divisions of the heavens in astrology
  11. A legislative or deliberative body or its meeting-place
  12. A convent
  13. A school boarding house
  14. The pupils belonging to it (collectively)
  15. A section of a school
  16. An audience, auditorium or performance
  17. The workhouse (old informal)
  18. The circle around the tee within which stones must lie to count (curling)
  19. (the House) at Oxford, Christ Church (Aedes Christi), in London, the Stock Exchange or the Houses of Parliament
  20. Bingo, esp when played for money (esp army sl)
  21. (usu with cap) house music (qv below)
  1. Domestic
  2. Of a restaurant, hotel, etc or its management, as in house rules
  3. (of wine) unnamed and cheaper than those listed on a menu, etc by name or region
transitive verb /howz/
  1. To protect by covering
  2. To shelter
  3. To store
  4. To provide houses for
intransitive verb
  1. To take shelter
  2. To reside
interjection /hows/

An exclamation made by the first player to finish a game of bingo

ORIGIN: OE hūs; Gothic hūs, Ger Haus

houseˈful noun (pl houseˈfuls)

houseˈless adjective

  1. Without a house or home
  2. Having no shelter

housˈey adjective

Typical of house music (qv below)

housing /howˈzing/ noun

  1. Houses, accommodation or shelter, or the provision of any of these (also adjective)
  2. A cavity into which a timber fits
  3. Anything designed to cover, protect or contain machinery, etc
  4. A housing joint (see below)

house agent noun

A person who arranges the buying, selling and letting of houses

house arrest noun

Confinement, under guard, to one's house, or to a hospital, etc instead of imprisonment

houseˈboat noun

A barge with a deck-cabin that may serve as a dwelling-place

houseˈ-bote noun (law)

A tenant's right to wood to repair his or her house

houseˈbound adjective

Confined to one's house, eg because of illness, responsibilities towards young children, etc

houseˈboy noun

A male domestic servant, esp in Africa or India

houseˈbreaker noun

  1. A person who breaks into and enters a house for the purpose of stealing
  2. Someone whose work is demolishing old houses

houseˈbreaking noun

houseˈ-broken adjective


house call noun

A visit made by a professional person, esp a doctor, to a client or patient at home

houseˈ-carl noun (historical)

A member of a king's or noble's bodyguard

house church or house group noun

A group of Christians meeting, usu in a house, for worship, prayer, Bible study, etc, usu in addition to Sunday church worship

houseˈcoat noun

A woman's usu long coatlike dressing-gown, worn at home

houseˈcraft noun

Skill in domestic activities

houseˈ-dog noun

  1. A dog kept in a house
  2. A watchdog

houseˈ-dūty or houseˈ-tax noun

A tax laid on inhabited houses

houseˈ-factor noun (Scot)

A house agent

houseˈ-father noun

  1. The male head of a household or community
  2. A man in charge of children in an institution

house flag noun

The distinguishing flag of a shipowner or shipping company

houseˈfly noun

The common fly

house group see house church above.

house guest noun

A guest in a private house

houseˈhold noun

  1. Those who are held together in the same house, and compose a family
  2. A single person living alone or a group of people living together (economics)


  1. Relating to the house and family
  2. Well-known to the general public, as in household name, household word

Household Cavalry noun

The two cavalry regiments, the Life Guards and the Royal Horse Guards, responsible for guarding the British sovereign

houseˈholder noun

The holder or tenant of a house

household gods see under god, lar, penates

household suffrage or household franchise noun

The right of householders to vote for members of parliament

household troops plural noun

Guards regiments whose particular duty is to attend the sovereign and defend the metropolis

household word noun

A familiar saying or name

houseˈ-hunt intransitive verb

To look for a house to live in

houseˈ-hunter noun

houseˈ-hunting noun

houseˈ-husband noun

A married man or live-in male partner who looks after the house and family and does not have a paid job

houseˈkeeper noun

  1. A person employed to run a household
  2. A person who has the chief care of a house
  3. Someone who stays much at home (archaic)
  4. A dispenser of hospitality (obsolete)
  5. A watchdog (obsolete)

houseˈkeeping noun

  1. The keeping or management of a house or of domestic affairs
  2. The money used for this
  3. Hospitality (obsolete)
  4. Operations carried out on or within a computer program to ensure the efficient functioning of the program



house leek noun

A plant (Sempervivum tectorum) of the stonecrop family with succulent leaves, often growing on roofs

house lights plural noun (theatre)

The lights illuminating the auditorium

houseˈ-line noun (nautical)

A small line of three strands, for seizings, etc

house longhorn beetle see longhorn under long1

houseˈmaid noun

A maid employed to keep a house clean, etc

housemaid's knee noun

An inflammation of the sac between the kneecap and the skin, to which those whose work involves frequent kneeling are especially liable

houseˈman noun

A house officer (qv below)

house martin noun

A kind of black-and-white swallow (Delichon urbica) with a slightly forked tail, often building its nest on a house wall

houseˈmaster or houseˈmistress noun

(in schools) the male or female head of a (boarding-)house, esp in connection with a public school

houseˈ-mate noun

One person sharing a house with another

houseˈ-mother noun

  1. The mother of a family, the female head of a family
  2. A woman in charge of children in an institution

house mouse noun

A brownish-grey mouse (Mus musculus) that is a pest in human houses

house music noun

(also with cap) a type of electronically produced dance music with a strong 4–4 beat, often incorporating edited fragments of other recordings

house of call noun

  1. A house where the journeymen of a particular trade call when out of work
  2. A house that one often visits

house of cards noun

A situation, etc that is as unstable as a pile of playing cards

House of Commons see under common

house of correction noun

A jail

house officer noun

A recent graduate in medicine holding a junior resident post in a hospital

house of God, house of prayer or house of worship noun

A place of worship

house of ill fame or house of ill repute noun

A brothel

House of Keys see under Keys

House of Lords see under lord

House of Peers see under peer1

House of Representatives see under represent

houseˈparent noun

A man or woman in charge of children in an institution

house party noun

A company of guests spending some days in a private house, esp one in the country

house plant noun

A plant that can be grown indoors as decoration

houseˈ-proud adjective

Taking a pride (often an excessive and fussy pride) in the condition of one's house

houseˈroom noun

Room or place in a house (also figurative)

houseˈ-sit intransitive verb

houseˈ-sitting noun

Looking after a house by living in it while the owner is away, on holiday, etc

house sparrow see under sparrow

houseˈ-steward noun

A steward who manages the household affairs of a great family

house style noun

The particular forms of type, layout, presentation, etc preferred by a publisher or other business

house surgeon noun

A resident surgeon in a hospital (also house physician)

house-tax see house-duty above.

houseˈ-to-houseˈ adjective

Performed or conducted by calling at house after house

houseˈtop noun

The top or roof of a house

houseˈ-train transitive verb

houseˈ-trained adjective

  1. (of animals) taught to urinate and defecate outdoors, or in a place provided for the purpose
  2. (of human beings) clean and well-mannered (facetious)

houseˈ-warming noun

A party given after moving into a new house

housewife /howsˈwīf, formerly huzˈif/ noun

  1. The mistress and manager of a house
  2. A married woman who looks after the house and family and does not have a paid job
  3. /huzˈif/ a pocket sewing-outfit

houseˈwifely adjective

housewifery /howsˈwif-ri, -wīf-ri or huzˈif-ri/ noun

houseˈwifeship or (Scot) houseˈwifeskep noun

houseˈwork noun

Domestic work

houseˈy-houseˈy noun

A game in which numbers are drawn at random and marked off on players' boards until one is clear (now usu called bingo)

housing association noun

A non-profit-making organization that owns, maintains and lets houses at reasonable rents

housing estate noun

A planned residential area, esp one built by a local authority

housing joint noun

A joint where the end of one board fits into a groove cut across another board

housing scheme noun

  1. A plan for the designing, building and provision of houses, esp by a local authority
  2. Sometimes applied to an area coming under such a plan

bring the house down

To evoke very loud applause in a place of entertainment

full house see under full1

House or Council of States

The upper house of the Indian parliament

House of the People

The lower house of the Indian parliament

Inner House

The higher branch of the Court of Session, its jurisdiction chiefly appellate (Outer House the lower branch of the Court of Session)

keep a good house

To keep up a plentifully supplied table

keep house

To maintain or manage an establishment

keep open house

To give entertainment to all comers

keep the house

  1. To remain indoors
  2. To take charge of the house or be on watch for the time being
  3. To be confined to the house

like a house on fire (or afire)

  1. With astonishing rapidity
  2. Very well or successfully

on the house

  1. (of drinks) at the publican's expense
  2. Free, with no charge

put or set one's house in order

To settle one's affairs

set up house

To start a domestic life of one's own

the Household

The royal domestic establishment

keep /kēp/

transitive verb (keepˈing; kept /kept/)
  1. To tend, look after
  2. To have or take care or charge of
  3. To guard
  4. To maintain
  5. To manage, conduct, run
  6. To attend to the making of records in
  7. To retain
  8. To retain as one's own
  9. To have in one's custody
  10. To store customarily in a specified place
  11. To have habitually in stock for sale
  12. To support financially, or otherwise supply with necessaries
  13. To have in one's service
  14. To remain in or on (a place or position)
  15. To adhere to
  16. To associate with
  17. To continue to follow or hold to
  18. To continue to make
  19. To maintain a hold on or of
  20. To restrain from leaving, to hold back
  21. To prevent
  22. To reserve or withhold
  23. Not to divulge (a secret)
  24. To be faithful to (a promise)
  25. To preserve or cause to remain in a certain state
  26. To observe, celebrate
  27. To conform to the requirements of, to fulfil
intransitive verb
  1. To remain
  2. To continue to be or go
  3. To be or remain in a specified condition
  4. To remain fresh or good
  5. To last or endure
  6. To be capable of being reserved
  7. To continue
  8. To lodge or reside (Cambridge University and US)
  9. To refrain
  10. To confine or restrict oneself
  11. To keep wicket
  1. Something kept, one's charge (Spenser)
  2. Something that keeps, contains or protects
  3. Food, means of subsistence, board
  4. The innermost and strongest part of a castle, the central tower
  5. A stronghold
ORIGIN: OE cēpan

keepˈable adjective

keepˈer noun

  1. Someone who or something that keeps, in any sense
  2. An attendant in charge of animals in captivity
  3. A custodian of a museum or gallery
  4. A prison guard
  5. A gamekeeper
  6. The title of certain officials, such as Lord Keeper (of the Great Seal), whose office since 1757 has been merged in that of Lord Chancellor
  7. A wicketkeeper
  8. A goalkeeper
  9. A man who keeps a mistress (obsolete)
  10. The socket that receives the bolt of a lock
  11. The armature of a magnet
  12. A guard ring
  13. (informal, chiefly US) a person or thing worth holding on to

keepˈerless adjective

keepˈership noun

The office of a keeper

keepˈing noun

  1. Care, custody, charge
  2. Preservation
  3. Reservation
  4. Retention
  5. Observance, compliance
  6. Just proportion
  7. Harmonious consistency
  8. Maintenance of, or as, a mistress
  9. Maintenance, support (Shakespeare)

keep fit noun

A programme of physical exercises designed to keep the muscles, circulation and respiratory system in good condition

keep-fitˈ adjective

keepˈing-room noun (dialect)

A sitting room, parlour

keepˈnet noun

A cone-shaped net suspended in a river, etc, in which fish caught by anglers can be kept alive

keepˈsake noun

  1. Something given, or kept, as a reminder of the giver, or a certain event, time, etc
  2. An annual gift-book (such as The Keepsake itself, 1827–56)


(also keepˈsaky) vapidly pretty

keepˈy-uppˈy noun

The feat of keeping a football from touching the ground by repeatedly flicking it upwards using the foot, knee or head

kept man or (fem) kept woman noun

A man or woman maintained financially by a romantic or sexual partner

for keeps

  1. For good
  2. Permanently
  3. With serious intent

how are you keeping?

How are you?

in keeping with

In accord with, suitable to

keep an act

Formerly, to hold an academic debate

keep at

  1. To persist in (anything)
  2. To nag, badger (someone to do something) (informal)

keep a term see under term

keep back

  1. To withhold
  2. To keep down, repress

keep body and soul together

To stay alive

keep cave, company and counsel see under cave2, etc.

keep down

  1. To remain low or out of sight
  2. To restrain, repress
  3. To retain (food) in the stomach, not to vomit
  4. To set in lower-case type, avoiding capitals

keep from

  1. To abstain from
  2. To remain away from

keep good hours see under hour

keep house see under house

keep in

  1. To prevent from escaping
  2. To confine in school after school hours
  3. To conceal
  4. To restrain

keep in with

To maintain the confidence or friendship of

keep off

  1. To hinder or prevent from approaching or making an attack, etc
  2. To stay away or refrain from
  3. (of rain, etc) not to start

keep on

  1. To continue
  2. To retain, continue to employ

keep on about

To continue talking about

keep on at (informal)

To nag, badger

keep one's breath to cool one's porridge

To hold one's peace when further talk is clearly in vain

keep one's countenance

To avoid showing one's emotions

keep one's distance see under distance

keep (oneself) to oneself

To avoid the company of others

keep one's eye on see under eye1

keep one's hand in

To retain one's skill by practice

keep one's head down

To avoid attracting attention to oneself

keep one's mind on

To concentrate on

keep one's powder dry see under powder

keep out

  1. To remain outside
  2. To exclude

keep someone going in something

To keep someone supplied with something

keep tabs on

To keep a check on, to keep account of

keep the peace see under peace

keep time

  1. To observe rhythm accurately, or along with others
  2. (of a clock or watch) to go accurately

keep to

  1. To stick closely to
  2. To confine oneself to

keep under

To hold down in restraint

keep up

  1. To retain (one's strength or spirit)
  2. To support, prevent from falling
  3. To continue, to prevent from ceasing
  4. To maintain in good condition
  5. To continue to be in touch (with)
  6. To keep pace (with)
  7. To stop, stay (obsolete)

keep up with the Joneses

To keep on an equal social footing with one's neighbours, eg by having possessions of the same quality in the same quantity

keep wicket

To act as a wicketkeeper





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