

单词 lightness

light1 /līt/

  1. The agency by which objects are made visible
  2. Electromagnetic radiation capable of producing visual sensation
  3. Anything from which it originates, such as the sun or a lamp
  4. A high degree of illumination
  5. Day
  6. A gleam or shining from a bright source
  7. A gleam or glow in the eye or on the face
  8. The power of vision (archaic)
  9. An eye (archaic)
  10. The brighter part of a picture
  11. A means of igniting or illuminating
  12. A lighthouse
  13. Mental or spiritual illumination (figurative)
  14. Enlightenment
  15. A hint, clue or help towards understanding
  16. Knowledge
  17. Open view
  18. Aspect
  19. A conspicuous person
  20. An aperture for admitting light
  21. A vertical division of a window
  22. In a crossword, the word (or sometimes an individual letter in the word) on the diagram that is the answer to a clue
  1. Not dark
  2. Bright
  3. Whitish
  4. Well lit
transitive verb (lightˈing; lightˈed or lit)
  1. To shine light on, provide light in
  2. To set fire to
  3. To follow or precede (someone, or his or her path) with a light
intransitive verb (archaic)

To become light or bright

ORIGIN: ME liht, from OE (Anglian) leht, lēht (WSax lēoht); Ger Licht

lightˈer noun

  1. A person who sets something alight
  2. A means of igniting, esp a small device for lighting cigarettes

lightˈful adjective (archaic)

Full of light

lightˈing noun

  1. Illumination
  2. Ignition, kindling
  3. Arrangement or quality of lights

lightˈish adjective

lightˈless adjective

lightˈness noun

lightˈsome adjective (archaic and poetic)

Full of light

lightˈ-ball noun (historical)

A combustible ball used to give light in warfare

light box noun

  1. A box-shaped device with an internal lamp to facilitate viewing through paper, negatives, etc placed on its translucent surface
  2. A box that produces simulated daylight, used in light therapy

light bulb noun

A glass bulb containing a low-pressure gas and a metal filament which glows when an electric current is passed through it, one of the most common methods of electric lighting

light bulb moment noun (informal)

A moment of inspiration or sudden understanding

lightˈ-dues plural noun

Tolls from ships, for maintenance of lighthouses

light-emitting diode noun

A semiconducting device that emits light when an electric current passes through it, as used for alphanumeric displays in digital clocks, electronic calculators, etc (abbrev LED)

lightˈ-fast adjective

(of colour in fabric, or coloured fabric) not liable to fade from prolonged exposure to light

lightˈhouse noun

A building with a powerful light to guide or give warning to ships or aircraft

lightˈhouseman or lightˈhousekeeper noun

The person in charge of a lighthouse

lightˈing-up noun and adjective

lighting-up time noun

The time of day from which vehicles must have their lights switched on

light meter noun (photography)

A meter for measuring the level of light present, an exposure meter

lightˈ-mill noun

A radiometer

lightˈ-orˈgan noun

A keyboard instrument that gives a play of light as an organ gives sound

light pen noun (computing)

  1. A pen-shaped photoelectric device that can communicate directly with a computer, entering or altering data on a screen
  2. A light-sensitive fibre-optic device shaped like a pen, used for reading barcoded labels

light pollution noun

The unpleasant effects of excessive artificial lighting, esp in large cities

lightˈ-proof adjective

Impervious to light, light-tight

lightˈship noun

A ship serving the purpose of a lighthouse

light show noun

A colourful spectacle of moving lights that often accompanies rock and pop bands at live performances, usu projected onto a large screen

light table noun (printing)

(a table incorporating) a ground-glass surface, illuminated from below, for use when working on lay-out with translucent materials

light therapy noun

The use of artificial light to treat depression, fatigue and disorders such as SAD, thought to be caused by insufficient natural light for the body's needs

lightˈ-tight adjective


light time noun

The time taken by light to travel from a heavenly body to the observer

lightˈ-tower noun

light trap noun

Any mechanical arrangement which permits movement while excluding light, such as the doors and partitions providing access to a darkroom

lightˈ-year noun

The distance light travels in a year (about 6000000000000 miles)

according to one's lights

As far as one's knowledge, spiritual illumination, etc enables one to judge

between the lights

In the twilight

between two lights

Under cover of darkness

bring to light

To reveal

come to light

To be revealed

fixed light

In lighthouses, an unchanging light

floating light

A light at the masthead of a lightship

go out like a light

To fall sound asleep soon after going to bed

hide one's light under a bushel see under bushel1

in a good (or bad) light

Putting a favourable (or unfavourable) construction on something

inner light

Spiritual illumination, esp divinely inspired

in one's (or the) light

  1. Positioned between the speaker or the stated person and the source of illumination
  2. Blocking one's chance of success

in the light of

Considering, taking into account

leading light see under lead1

light at the end of the tunnel

An indication that success, completion, etc is assured, if still distant

light of nature

  1. Intellectual perception or intuition
  2. Man's capacity of discovering truth unaided by revelation (theology)

lights out

  1. A bugle or trumpet call for the extinction of lights (military)
  2. The time at which lights are turned out for the night, in a boarding school, barracks, etc

light up

  1. To light one's lamp, pipe, cigarette, etc
  2. To turn on the light
  3. To make or become light, bright, happy, etc

lit (up)


northern and southern lights

Aurora borealis and australis respectively

see the light

  1. To come into view or being
  2. To realize a fact, mistake, etc
  3. To be religiously converted

see the light of day

  1. To be born, discovered or produced
  2. To come to public notice

shed, throw or cast light on

To clarify, help to explain

stand in one's own light

To hinder one's own advantage

strike a light! (slang)

An exclamation expressing surprise

light2 /līt/

  1. Not heavy
  2. Of incorrectly low weight
  3. Of work, easily performed
  4. Easily digested
  5. Containing little fat and/or sugar, and so healthier
  6. Containing little alcohol
  7. Of bread, well risen
  8. Not heavily armed
  9. Active
  10. Not heavily burdened or equipped
  11. Unimportant
  12. Not dense, copious or intense
  13. Slight
  14. Scanty
  15. Gentle
  16. Delicate
  17. Nimble
  18. Facile
  19. Frivolous
  20. Unheeding
  21. Cheerful or lively
  22. Amusing
  23. Unchaste
  24. Of soil, loose or sandy
  25. Giddy or delirious
  26. Idle
  27. Worthless
  28. In the state of having given birth to a child (in compar; obsolete)
  29. Falling short in the number of tricks one has contracted to make (bridge)


transitive verb (obsolete)

To make lighter

ORIGIN: OE (Anglian) līht (WSax līoht, lēoht); Ger leicht, ON lēttr; L levis

lightˈen transitive verb

To make lighter

intransitive verb

To become lighter

lightˈener noun

A cosmetic applied to the skin of the face to mask darker areas

lightˈer noun

A large open boat used in unloading and loading ships

lightˈerage noun

  1. Loading, unloading and ferrying by lighters
  2. The payment for such service

lightˈish adjective

lightˈly adverb

  1. In a light manner
  2. Slightly
  3. Easily, readily, unthinkingly (Shakespeare)
  4. Not improbably (archaic)
  5. Promptly
transitive verb

(esp in Scots form lichtly /lihhtˈli/) to slight or make light of

lightˈness noun

lights plural noun

The lungs of an animal (as lighter than the adjoining parts)

lightˈsome adjective

Light, cheerful, lively, cheering

lightˈsomely adverb

lightˈsomeness noun

light air noun (meteorology)

A wind of force 1 on the Beaufort scale, reaching speeds of 1 to 3mph

lightˈ-armed adjective (military)

Armed in a manner suitable for activity

light breeze noun (meteorology)

A wind of force 2 on the Beaufort scale, reaching speeds of 4 to 7mph

light engine noun

One without coaches or trucks attached

lightˈerman noun

A person employed in lighterage

lightˈer-than-air adjective

Of aircraft, kept in the air by gas which is lighter than air

lightˈ-faced adjective (printing)

Of type, having thin lines

lightˈ-fingˈered adjective

  1. Light or active with one's fingers
  2. Inclined to steal

light flyweight see flyweight under fly

lightˈ-footed (archaic lightˈ-foot) adjective

Nimble, active

lightˈ-handˈed adjective

  1. With a light, delicate, or dexterous touch
  2. Having little in the hand
  3. Empty-handed
  4. Insufficiently manned

lightˈ-headˈed adjective

  1. Giddy in the head
  2. Delirious
  3. Thoughtless
  4. Unsteady, esp through slight drunkenness

lightˈ-headˈedly adverb

lightˈ-headˈedness noun

lightˈ-heartˈed adjective

  1. Unburdened or merry of heart
  2. Free from anxiety
  3. Cheerful
  4. Inconsiderate (archaic)

lightˈ-heartˈedly adverb

lightˈ-headˈedly adverb

lightˈ-heartˈedness noun

light heavyweight see heavyweight under heavy

lightˈ-heeled adjective

  1. Swift of foot
  2. Loose, unchaste (obsolete)

light horse noun

Light-armed cavalry

light horseman noun

light industry see under industry

light infantry noun


lightˈ-legged adjective

Swift of foot

light literature, music, etc noun

Such as calls for little mental effort

light middleweight see middleweight under middle

lightˈ-mindˈed adjective

  1. Frivolous or unstable
  2. Inconsiderate

lightˈ-mindˈedness noun

lightˈ-o'-love noun

  1. A fickle or wanton woman
  2. In Shakespeare the name of an old dance tune

light railway noun

A railway of light construction

lightˈ-spirˈited adjective

Having a cheerful spirit

light water noun

Normal water (H2O) as opposed to heavy water (qv)

light-water reactor noun

A reactor using normal water as moderator and coolant (abbrev LWR)

lightˈweight noun

  1. A weight category, applied esp in boxing
  2. A sportsperson of the specified weight for the category (eg in professional boxing above featherweight, junior lightweight or super featherweight (maximum 59kg/130lb), lightˈweight (maximum 61kg/135lb), and super lightweight or junior welterweight (maximum 63.5kg/140lb))
  3. A person of little importance, authority, etc
  4. A light article of any kind, eg a motorcycle


  1. Light in weight
  2. Lacking substance, earnestness, solemnity, etc (figurative)

lightˈ-winged adjective

  1. Having light wings
  2. Volatile

lighten up (informal)

  1. To relax, calm down
  2. To become less serious, angry or otherwise emotional

make light of

To treat as being of little consequence





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