

单词 light middleweight

light2 /līt/

  1. Not heavy
  2. Of incorrectly low weight
  3. Of work, easily performed
  4. Easily digested
  5. Containing little fat and/or sugar, and so healthier
  6. Containing little alcohol
  7. Of bread, well risen
  8. Not heavily armed
  9. Active
  10. Not heavily burdened or equipped
  11. Unimportant
  12. Not dense, copious or intense
  13. Slight
  14. Scanty
  15. Gentle
  16. Delicate
  17. Nimble
  18. Facile
  19. Frivolous
  20. Unheeding
  21. Cheerful or lively
  22. Amusing
  23. Unchaste
  24. Of soil, loose or sandy
  25. Giddy or delirious
  26. Idle
  27. Worthless
  28. In the state of having given birth to a child (in compar; obsolete)
  29. Falling short in the number of tricks one has contracted to make (bridge)


transitive verb (obsolete)

To make lighter

ORIGIN: OE (Anglian) līht (WSax līoht, lēoht); Ger leicht, ON lēttr; L levis

lightˈen transitive verb

To make lighter

intransitive verb

To become lighter

lightˈener noun

A cosmetic applied to the skin of the face to mask darker areas

lightˈer noun

A large open boat used in unloading and loading ships

lightˈerage noun

  1. Loading, unloading and ferrying by lighters
  2. The payment for such service

lightˈish adjective

lightˈly adverb

  1. In a light manner
  2. Slightly
  3. Easily, readily, unthinkingly (Shakespeare)
  4. Not improbably (archaic)
  5. Promptly
transitive verb

(esp in Scots form lichtly /lihhtˈli/) to slight or make light of

lightˈness noun

lights plural noun

The lungs of an animal (as lighter than the adjoining parts)

lightˈsome adjective

Light, cheerful, lively, cheering

lightˈsomely adverb

lightˈsomeness noun

light air noun (meteorology)

A wind of force 1 on the Beaufort scale, reaching speeds of 1 to 3mph

lightˈ-armed adjective (military)

Armed in a manner suitable for activity

light breeze noun (meteorology)

A wind of force 2 on the Beaufort scale, reaching speeds of 4 to 7mph

light engine noun

One without coaches or trucks attached

lightˈerman noun

A person employed in lighterage

lightˈer-than-air adjective

Of aircraft, kept in the air by gas which is lighter than air

lightˈ-faced adjective (printing)

Of type, having thin lines

lightˈ-fingˈered adjective

  1. Light or active with one's fingers
  2. Inclined to steal

light flyweight see flyweight under fly

lightˈ-footed (archaic lightˈ-foot) adjective

Nimble, active

lightˈ-handˈed adjective

  1. With a light, delicate, or dexterous touch
  2. Having little in the hand
  3. Empty-handed
  4. Insufficiently manned

lightˈ-headˈed adjective

  1. Giddy in the head
  2. Delirious
  3. Thoughtless
  4. Unsteady, esp through slight drunkenness

lightˈ-headˈedly adverb

lightˈ-headˈedness noun

lightˈ-heartˈed adjective

  1. Unburdened or merry of heart
  2. Free from anxiety
  3. Cheerful
  4. Inconsiderate (archaic)

lightˈ-heartˈedly adverb

lightˈ-headˈedly adverb

lightˈ-heartˈedness noun

light heavyweight see heavyweight under heavy

lightˈ-heeled adjective

  1. Swift of foot
  2. Loose, unchaste (obsolete)

light horse noun

Light-armed cavalry

light horseman noun

light industry see under industry

light infantry noun


lightˈ-legged adjective

Swift of foot

light literature, music, etc noun

Such as calls for little mental effort

light middleweight see middleweight under middle

lightˈ-mindˈed adjective

  1. Frivolous or unstable
  2. Inconsiderate

lightˈ-mindˈedness noun

lightˈ-o'-love noun

  1. A fickle or wanton woman
  2. In Shakespeare the name of an old dance tune

light railway noun

A railway of light construction

lightˈ-spirˈited adjective

Having a cheerful spirit

light water noun

Normal water (H2O) as opposed to heavy water (qv)

light-water reactor noun

A reactor using normal water as moderator and coolant (abbrev LWR)

lightˈweight noun

  1. A weight category, applied esp in boxing
  2. A sportsperson of the specified weight for the category (eg in professional boxing above featherweight, junior lightweight or super featherweight (maximum 59kg/130lb), lightˈweight (maximum 61kg/135lb), and super lightweight or junior welterweight (maximum 63.5kg/140lb))
  3. A person of little importance, authority, etc
  4. A light article of any kind, eg a motorcycle


  1. Light in weight
  2. Lacking substance, earnestness, solemnity, etc (figurative)

lightˈ-winged adjective

  1. Having light wings
  2. Volatile

lighten up (informal)

  1. To relax, calm down
  2. To become less serious, angry or otherwise emotional

make light of

To treat as being of little consequence

middle /midˈl/

  1. Equally distant (in measurement or in number of steps) from the extremes
  2. Avoiding extremes, done as a compromise
  3. Intermediate
  4. Intervening
  5. Of that voice which is intermediate between active and passive, reflexive or expressing an action in some way affecting the agent (grammar)
  6. (with cap) belonging to or happening in the part of a time, period or series between those called early or late, as in the Middle Triassic
  7. (with cap) (of languages) between Old and Modern as in Middle English, Middle High German, etc
transitive verb
  1. To place in the middle
  2. To fold in the middle (nautical)
  3. To hit (the ball) with the middle of the bat (cricket)
  1. The middle point, part or position
  2. Midst
  3. The central portion, waist
  4. The middle voice (grammar)
  5. The middle term (logic)
  6. A middle article
ORIGIN: OE middel (adj); Du middel, Ger Mittel; see mid1

middˈlemost adjective

Nearest the middle

middle-ageˈ noun

middle-agedˈ /-ājdˈ/ adjective

Between youth and old age, variously reckoned to suit the reckoner

middle-age spread or middle-aged spread noun

A thickening of the body, esp the waist, attributable to the onset of middle-age

Middle Ages plural noun

The time between the fall of the W Roman Empire and the Renaissance (5c–15c)

Middle America noun

  1. The middle-class in the USA, esp the conservative elements of it
  2. The countries lying between the USA and Colombia, sometimes including the West Indies

Middle-Amerˈican noun and adjective

middle article noun

A newspaper article of literary or general rather than topical interest

middˈle-brackˈet adjective

In a midway grouping in a list

middˈlebreaker noun (US)

A lister

middˈlebrow noun and adjective

(a person who is) midway between highbrow and lowbrow

middle C noun

  1. The C in the middle of the piano keyboard
  2. The first line below the treble or above the bass stave

middle class noun

The section of society which comes between the aristocracy and the working class

middˈle-class adjective

middle common room or (Cambridge University) middle combination room noun

In some universities, a common room for the use of postgraduate and mature students (cf junior common room, senior common room; abbrev MCR)

middle distance noun

  1. (in a picture) the middle ground
  2. A race distance of 800m or 1500m (athletics)

middˈle-distance adjective

(in athletics) of or denoting a race of 800m or 1500m, or an athlete who takes part in such a race

middle ear noun

The part of the ear containing the malleus, incus and stapes

middˈle-earth noun

The earth, considered as placed between the upper and lower regions

Middle East noun

  1. Formerly, the countries from Iran to Burma (now Myanmar)
  2. Now generally used of an area including the Arabic-speaking countries around the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and in the Arabian Peninsula, sometimes along with Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Iran and the greater part of N Africa

Middle-Eastˈern adjective

Middle-Eastˈerner noun

middle eight noun

An eight-bar section occurring two-thirds of the way through a conventionally structured pop song and acting as a foil to the rest of the piece

Middle England noun

The English middle classes outside London, regarded as politically and socially conservative

Middle Englander noun

Middle English see under English

middle finger salute noun (slang)

An offensive gesture expressing anger, frustration, etc, in which the middle finger is extended upwards from a closed fist

middle game noun

The part of a chess game between the opening and the end game

middle ground noun

  1. The part of a picture between the foreground and background
  2. A compromise position

middˈle-income adjective

Having, or relating to those who have, an average income which makes them neither rich nor poor

Middle Kingdom noun

  1. China (old)
  2. The 11th to 13th dynasties in ancient Egypt (21c–17c BC)

middˈleman noun

  1. A person occupying a middle position
  2. An intermediary, esp between producer and consumer
  3. In Ireland, a person renting land in large tracts, and subletting it in smaller portions (historical)

middle management noun

The junior managerial executives and senior supervisory personnel in a firm

middle name noun

  1. Any name between a person's first name and surname
  2. The notable quality or characteristic of a specified thing or person (facetious)

middle-of-the-roadˈ adjective

  1. Midway between extremes
  2. (esp of music) designed to appeal to a wide spectrum of tastes
  3. Unexciting, mediocre

middle passage noun (historical)

The voyage across the Atlantic from Africa to the West Indies on board a slave-ship

middle price noun

(of a stock market share) a price midway between the buying (offer) price and the selling (bid) price, as often shown in newspapers

middle school noun

  1. A school for children between the ages of about 9 and 13
  2. In some secondary schools, an administrative unit usu comprising the third and fourth forms

middˈle-sized adjective

Of average size

Middle States plural noun

Those states orig constituting the middle of the USA, ie New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware

middˈle-stitching noun

Monk's seam

middle term noun (logic)

That term of a syllogism which appears in both premises but not in the conclusion

middˈleware noun (computing)

Software that allows two otherwise incompatible programs or networks to operate together

middle watch noun

That from midnight to 4am

middˈleweight noun

  1. A weight category variously applied in boxing, wrestling and weightlifting
  2. A sportsperson of the specified weight for the category (eg in professional boxing above welterweight, junior middleweight, light middleweight or super welterweight (maximum 70kg/154lb), middˈleweight (maximum 73kg/160lb), and super middleweight (maximum 76kg/168lb))

Middle West noun

The region of the USA between the Appalachians and the Rockies, the Mississippi basin as far south as Kansas, Missouri, and the Ohio River

Middle Western adjective

Middle Westerner noun

middˈle-world noun


in the middle of

  1. Occupied with, engaged in (doing something)
  2. During
  3. While

welterweight /welˈtər-wāt/

  1. A weight category, applied esp in boxing
  2. A sportsperson of the specified weight for the category (eg in professional boxing above lightweight, junior welterweight or super lightweight (maximum 63.5kg/140lb), welterweight (maximum 67kg/147lb), and super welterweight, light middleweight or junior middleweight (maximum 70kg/154lb))
  3. An unusually heavy weight, carried mostly in steeplechases and hurdle races
ORIGIN: Origin obscure

welter race noun

A race in which such weights are carried

welter stakes plural noun

The stakes in a welter race





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