

单词 gonia

dodeca- /dō-dek-ə-/

combining form

Denoting twelve

ORIGIN: Gr dōdeka twelve

dodecˈagon noun

(Gr gōniā an angle) a plane figure with twelve angles and sides

Dodecagynˈia /-jinˈi-ə/ plural noun

(Gr gynē a woman, a female) in some classes of the Linnaean classification, an order of plants with twelve styles

dodecagynˈian or dodecagˈynous /-ajˈi-nəs/ adjective

dodecahēˈdral adjective

dodecahedron /-hēˈdron/ noun

(Gr hedrā a seat) a solid figure, having twelve faces (equal pentagons in a regular dodecahedron, rhombs in a rhombic dodecahedron)

Dodecanˈdria plural noun

(Gr anēr, andros a man, male) a Linnaean class of plants, having twelve stamens

dodecanˈdrous adjective

dodecaphonˈic adjective (Gr phōnē voice; music)


dodecaphˈonism noun

Twelve-tone music

dodecaphˈonist noun

A composer or admirer of twelve-tone music

dodecaphˈony noun see dodecaphonism above

dodecastyle /dōˈdek-ə-stīl or dō-dekˈə-stīl/ adjective (Gr stȳlos a pillar; architecture)

Having twelve columns in front


A portico so built

dodecasyllabˈic adjective

dodecasyllˈable noun (prosody)

A line of twelve syllables

ennea- /en-i-ə-/

combining form

Denoting nine

ORIGIN: Gr ennea nine

ennead /enˈi-ad/ noun

  1. (Gr enneas, -ados) the number nine
  2. A set of nine things

enneadˈic adjective

ennˈeagon /-ə-gon/ noun

(Gr gōniā angle) a polygon with nine angles, a nonagon

enneagonal /-agˈən-l/ adjective

ennˈeagram noun

(Gr gramma a letter) a nine-sided diagram, now often taken to represent the nine supposed different types of personality

enneahēˈdral adjective

enneahēˈdron noun

A solid figure with nine faces

Enneanˈdria plural noun

(Gr anēr, andros man or male) the ninth Linnaean class of plants, with nine stamens

enneanˈdrian adjective

enneanˈdrous adjective

ennˈeastyle adjective

(Gr stȳlos column) having nine columns

gonion /gōˈni-on or -ən/ (anatomy)

noun (pl gōˈnia /-i-ə/)

The point of the angle on either side of the lower jaw

ORIGIN: Gr gōnia angle

hepta- /hep-tə- or hep-ta-/

combining form

Denoting seven

ORIGIN: Gr hepta seven

hepˈtachlor /-klör/ noun

A very toxic pesticide, C10H5Cl7, which forms the even more toxic heptachlor epoxide, C10H5Cl7O, in the soil and in animal and plant tissue

hepˈtachord noun

  1. (Gr chordē string) in Greek music, a diatonic series of seven tones, containing five whole steps and one half step
  2. An instrument with seven strings
  3. An interval of a seventh

hepˈtad noun

  1. (Gr heptas, heptados) a group of seven
  2. An atom, radical or element having a combining power of seven (chem)

hepˈtagon noun

(Gr heptagōnos, from gōniā an angle) a plane figure with seven angles and seven sides

heptagˈonal adjective

Heptagynia /-jinˈi-ə/ plural noun

(Gr gynē woman, female) in Linnaean classification, an order of plants (in various classes) having seven styles

heptagˈynous adjective

heptahēˈdron noun

(Gr hedrā a base) a solid bounded by seven plane faces

Heptamˈeron noun

(Gr hēmerā a day) a book containing the transactions of seven days, esp the collection of stories told in seven days bearing the name of Queen Margaret of Navarre (1492–1549)

heptamˈerous adjective

(Gr meros part) having parts in sevens

heptamˈeter noun

(Gr metron measure) a verse of seven measures or feet

Heptanˈdria plural noun

(Gr anēr, andros a man, male) a Linnaean class of plants having seven stamens

heptanˈdrous adjective

With seven stamens

hepˈtane noun

A hydrocarbon (C7H16) with many isomers, seventh of the alkane series

heptapodˈic adjective

heptapˈody noun

(Gr pous, podos foot) a verse of seven feet

hepˈtarch or hepˈtarchist noun

A ruler in a heptarchy

heptarˈchic adjective

heptarchy /hepˈtär-ki/ noun

  1. (Gr archē sovereignty) a government by seven persons
  2. A country governed by seven
  3. A misleading term for a once supposed system of seven English kingdoms, these being Wessex, Sussex, Kent, Essex, East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria

heptasyllabˈic adjective


Hepˈtateuch /-tūk/ noun

(Gr teuchos instrument, volume) the first seven books of the Old Testament

heptateuchˈal adjective

heptathˈlete noun

A competitor in a heptathlon

heptathˈlon noun

(Gr athlon contest) a seven-event contest consisting of 100 metres hurdles, shot put, javelin, high jump, long jump, 200 metres sprint and 800 metres race

heptatonˈic adjective (Gr tonos tone; music; of a scale)

Consisting of seven notes

hex- /heks-/ or hexa- /heks-ə- or heks-a-/

combining form

Denoting six

ORIGIN: Gr hex six; cf L sex, and six

hexachlōˈrophene or hexachlōˈrophane (or /-örˈ/) noun

A bactericide, CH2(C6HCl3OH)2 used in antiseptic soaps, deodorants, etc

hexˈachord /-körd/ noun

A diatonic series of six notes having a semitone between the third and fourth

hexˈact /-akt/ adjective

(Gr aktīs, -īnos ray) six-rayed


A six-rayed sponge spicule

hexactīˈnal (or /-akˈti-nl/) adjective


hexactinellˈid noun and adjective

Hexactinellˈida plural noun

A class of sponges whose spicules have three axes and therefore (unless some are suppressed) six rays

hexad /heksˈad/ noun

  1. (Gr hexas, -ados) a series of six numbers
  2. A set of six things
  3. An atom, element, or radical with a combining power of six units (chem)

hexadactylˈic or hexadactˈylous adjective

  1. (Gr daktylos finger, toe) six-fingered
  2. Six-toed

hexadecˈimal noun and adjective

(of) a number system using the base 16 with the ten digits from 0 to 9 and the letters from A to F (also hexadecimal notation)

hexadˈic adjective

Relating to a hexad

hexaëmeron /heks-ə-ēˈmer-on/ noun

  1. (Gr hēmerā day) a period of six days, esp that of the creation, according to Genesis
  2. A history of the six days of creation

hexˈafoil noun

A pattern with six leaf-like lobes or sections (also adjective)

hexˈagon noun

(Gr hexagōnon, from gōniā an angle) a figure with six sides and six angles

hexagonal /-agˈən-l/ adjective

  1. Of the form of a hexagon
  2. Of the hexagonal system, a crystal system with three axes at 60º to each other and a fourth perpendicular to their plane (crystallography) (hexagonal chess a kind of chess played on hexagonal boards)

hexagˈonally adverb

hexˈagram noun

  1. (Gr gramma figure) a figure of six lines, esp a stellate hexagon
  2. Any of 64 possible combinations of six lines in the I Ching

Hexagynia /-jinˈi-ə/ plural noun

(Gr gynē woman) a Linnaean order of plants (in various classes) having six styles

hexagynˈian or hexagynous /-ajˈi-nəs/ adjective

hexahēˈdral adjective

hexahēˈdron noun (pl hexahēˈdrons or hexahēˈdra)

(Gr hedrā a base) a solid with six sides or faces, esp a cube

hexamˈerous adjective

(Gr meros part) having six parts, or parts in sixes

hexamˈeter noun

  1. (Gr metron measure) a line of verse of six measures or feet
  2. (in Greek and Latin verse) such a line where the fifth is almost always a dactyl and the sixth a spondee or trochee, the others dactyls or spondees

Having six metrical feet

hexametˈric or hexametˈrical adjective

hexamˈetrist noun

A writer of hexameters

hexamˈetrize or hexamˈetrise intransitive verb

To write hexameters

Hexanˈdria plural noun (Gr anēr, andros a man, male; botany)

A Linnaean class of plants having six stamens

hexanˈdrian adjective

hexanˈdrous adjective

Having six stamens

hexane /heksˈān/ noun

A hydrocarbon (C6H14) with five isomers, sixth member of the alkane series

hexˈapla noun

(Gr hexaplā, contracted pl neuter of hexaploos sixfold) an edition (esp of the Bible) in six versions

hexˈaplar adjective

hexaplārˈian adjective

hexaplarˈic adjective

hexˈaploid adjective

Of or having six times the ordinary number of chromosomes


A hexaploid cell, individual, species, etc

hexˈapod noun

  1. (Gr pous, podos a foot) an animal with six feet
  2. An insect

Hexapˈoda plural noun


hexapˈodal adjective

hexapˈody noun

A line or verse of six feet

hexarch /heksˈärk/ adjective (Gr archē beginning; botany)

Having six vascular strands

hexastich /heksˈə-stik/ noun

(Gr hexastichos, adj, from stichos a line) a poem or stanza of six lines

hexastichal /-asˈtik-l/ adjective

Having six lines or rows

hexastyle /heksˈə-stīl/ adjective

(Gr hexastȳlos, from stȳlos a pillar) having six columns


A building or portico having six columns in front

Hexateuch /heksˈə-tūk/ noun

(Gr teuchos tool, afterwards book) the first six books of the Old Testament

hexateuchˈal adjective

hexavāˈlent adjective

Having a valency of six

hexˈose noun

A sugar (of various kinds) with six carbon atoms to the molecule

hexyl /hekˈsil/ noun

A radical derived from hexane

hexylene /heksˈi-lēn/ or hexˈene noun

(Gr hȳlē matter) an unsaturated hydrocarbon (C6H12) of the ethylene series

oct- /okt-/ or octa- /ok-tə- or ok-ta-/, also octo- (qv)

combining form

Denoting eight

ORIGIN: Gr okta-, combining form of oktō eight

octachord /okˈtə-körd/ noun

  1. (Gr chordē a gut string) an eight-stringed instrument
  2. A diatonic series of eight tones

octachordˈal adjective

octagon /okˈtə-gon/ noun

(Gr gōniā an angle) a plane figure of eight sides and eight angles (also adjective)

octagonal /-taˈgən-əl/ adjective

octaˈgonally adverb

octahēˈdral adjective

octahēˈdrite noun (mineralogy)

Anatase, crystallizing in square bipyramids

octahedron /ok-tə-hēˈdrən/ noun (pl octahēˈdrons or octahēˈdra)

(Gr hedrā a base) a solid bounded by eight plane faces

octamerous /ok-tamˈ/ adjective

(Gr meros a part) having parts in eights

octameter /ok-taˈmi-tər/ noun (Gr metron a measure; prosody)

A line of eight feet or measures

Octanˈdria plural noun

(Gr anēr, andros a man) a Linnaean class of plants with eight stamens

octanˈdrian adjective

octandrous /ok-tanˈdrəs/ adjective (botany)

Having eight stamens

octangular /ok-tangˈgū-lər/ adjective

Having eight angles

octapodic /ok-tə-podˈik/ adjective

octapody /ok-taˈpə-di/ noun (Gr pous, podos foot; prosody)

A line of eight feet

octastich /okˈtə-stik/ noun (Gr stichos row, line; prosody)

A strophe of eight lines, also octastichon /ok-taˈsti-kon/

octaˈstichous adjective (botany)

In eight rows

octastrophˈic adjective (Gr strophē strophe; prosody)

Consisting of eight strophes

octastyle, also octostyle /okˈtə-stīl/ adjective (Gr stȳlos a column; architecture)

Having eight columns at the end


A building or portico so designed

octavāˈlent adjective (chem)

Having a valency of eight

ortho- /ör-thō- or -tho-/ or sometimes before a vowel orth- /örth-/

combining form
  1. Denoting: straight
  2. Upright
  3. Perpendicular
  4. Right
  5. Genuine
  6. Derived from an acid anhydride by combination with the largest number of water molecules (distinguished from meta-; chem)
  7. Having substituted atoms or groups attached to two adjacent carbon atoms of the benzene ring (distinguished from meta- and para-, in this sense commonly represented by O-; chem)
ORIGIN: Gr orthos straight, upright, right

orˈtho adjective

A contraction of orthochromatic

noun (pl orˈthos)

An orthochromatic plate

orthoaxˈis noun (pl orthoaxˈes /-akˈsēz/) (crystallography)

The orthodiagonal

orthoboˈrate noun

A salt of orthoboric acid (see boric acid under borax1)

orthocaine /-kāˈin or -kān/ noun

A white crystalline substance used as a local anaesthetic

orˈthocentre noun

The point of intersection of the altitudes of a triangle

Orthoceras /ör-thosˈə-ras/ noun

(Gr keras horn) a genus of fossil cephalopods with a straight shell

orthochromatˈic adjective

(Gr chrōma colour) of or relating to a photographic emulsion sensitive to some but not all the colours of the visible spectrum (cf panchromatic)

orˈthoclase /-klās or -klāz/ noun

(Gr klasis fracture) common or potash feldspar, monoclinic, with cleavages at right angles

orˈtho-compound noun (chem)

orˈtho-cousin noun

The son or daughter of a father's brother or a mother's sister

orthodiagˈonal noun

(in a monoclinic crystal) that lateral axis which is perpendicular to the vertical axis

orthodontia /-donˈti-ə/ or orthodontˈics noun

(Gr odous, odontos tooth) rectification of crookedness in the teeth

orthodontˈic adjective

orthodontˈically adverb

orthodontˈist noun

orˈthodox adjective

  1. (Gr doxa opinion) sound in doctrine
  2. Believing, or according to, the received or established doctrines or opinions, esp in religion
  3. (with cap) of the Greek or Eastern Church (see Eastern Church under east)

orˈthodoxly adverb

orˈthodoxy noun

The state or quality of being orthodox

orthodromˈic adjective (Gr dromos a course or run; geography and nautical)

  1. Having great circles represented as straight lines
  2. (of nerve fibres) conducting or able to conduct impulses in the normal direction

orthodˈromy or orthodromˈics noun

Great-circle sailing, ie sailing by the most direct route

orthoepic /-epˈik/ or orthoepˈical adjective (Gr epos a word)

orthōˈepist (or /örˈthō-ep-ist/) noun

orthōˈepy (or /örˈthō-ep-i/) noun

(the study of) correct pronunciation

orthogenˈesis noun

  1. (see genesis) the evolution of organisms systematically in definite directions and not accidentally in many directions
  2. Determinate variation

orthogenˈesist noun

orthogenetˈic adjective

Relating to orthogenesis

orthogenetˈically adverb

orthogenˈic adjective

  1. Orthogenetic
  2. Concerning the treatment of mentally and emotionally disturbed children

orthogenˈics singular noun

orthognathˈic or orthogˈnathous adjective

(Gr gnathos jaw) having a lower jaw that neither protrudes nor recedes

orthogˈnathism noun

orthogˈonal adjective

(Gr gōniā angle) right-angled (orthogonal projection projection by lines perpendicular to the plane of projection)

orthogonalˈity noun

orthogˈonally adverb

orˈthograph noun

A drawing in orthographic projection, esp of the elevation of a building

orthogˈrapher noun

  1. A person skilled in orthography
  2. A speller

orthographˈic or orthographˈical adjective

  1. Relating or according to spelling
  2. Spelt correctly
  3. In perspective projection, having the point of sight at infinity

orthographˈically adverb

orthogˈraphist noun

An orthographer

orthogˈraphy noun

  1. (Gr orthographiā spelling or elevation; see -graphy) the art or practice of spelling words correctly
  2. Spelling
  3. Orthographic projection
  4. Apparently for orthographer (Shakespeare)

orthokeratolˈogy noun

A technique for improving the vision of people affected by myopia and astigmatism, in which the cornea is temporarily reshaped by a special contact lens which is then removed and re-used as necessary

ortholˈogous adjective

orˈthologue noun

A gene that shares a common ancestry with, and has a similar DNA configuration to, a gene in a different species (cf paralogue)

orthomorphˈic adjective

(of a map) conformal

orthopaeˈdic or (N American) orthopēˈdic, also (rare) orthopaeˈdical or orthopēˈdical adjective

orthopaeˈdically or (N American) orthopēˈdically adverb

orthopaedics or (N American) orthopēdics /-pēˈdiks/, also orˈthopaedy or orˈthopēdy, formerly orthopedīˈa (or /-pēdˈ/) singular noun

(Gr pais, paidos a child) the art or process of curing deformities arising from (orig childhood) disease or injury of bones

orthopaeˈdist or orthopēˈdist noun

orthophosˈphate noun

An ordinary phosphate

orthophosphorˈic adjective


orˈthophyre /-fīr/ noun

(orthoclase porphyry) a fine-grained syenitic rock with orthoclase crystals

orthophyric /-firˈik/ adjective

orthopinˈakoid noun

In monoclinic crystals, a form consisting of two faces parallel to the orthodiagonal and the vertical axis

orthopnoea /-thōp-nēˈə/ noun

(Gr orthopnoia, from pneein to breathe) a condition in which one can only breathe when upright

orˈthopod noun (med sl)

An orthopaedic surgeon

orˈthopraxis or orˈthopraxy noun

Correct or orthodox practice esp in religion (see praxis)

orˈthoprism noun

In monoclinic crystals, a form parallel to the orthodiagonal

orthopsychiatˈric adjective

orˈthopsychiatrist noun

orˈthopsychiatry noun

The branch of psychiatry concerned with the prevention and correction of incipient mental illness

Orthopˈtera plural noun

(see -ptera under ptero-) the cockroach order of insects with firm forewings serving as covers to the fanwise folded hind-wings

orthopˈteran noun and adjective

orthopˈterist or orthopterolˈogist noun

A person who studies the Orthoptera

orthopterolˈogy noun

orthopˈteroid adjective

orthopˈteron noun (pl orthopˈtera)

Any member of the Orthoptera

orthopˈterous adjective

Relating to the Orthoptera

orthopˈtic adjective

(Gr optikos optic) relating to normal vision

orthopˈtics singular noun

The treatment of defective eyesight by exercises and visual training

orthopˈtist noun

orthorexˈia noun (medicine)

A condition characterized by a morbid obsession with eating only foods considered healthy

orthorhomˈbic adjective (Gr rhombos rhomb; crystallography)

Referable to three unequal axes at right angles to each other

orthoscopˈic adjective

(Gr skopeein to look at) having or giving correct vision, true proportion, or a flat field of view

orthosilˈicate noun

A salt of orthosilicic /-sil-isˈik/ acid H4SiO4

orthōˈsis noun (pl orthōˈses)

A device that supports, corrects deformities in, or improves the movement of, the movable parts of the body

orthostatˈic adjective

  1. (Gr orthostatos, from statos standing) standing erect
  2. Connected with the erect posture

orthosˈtichous adjective

(Gr stichos a row) arranged in vertical rows

orthosˈtichy noun

A straight row, eg of leaves vertically over one another on an axis

orthotˈic adjective

Of or relating to orthotics

orthotˈics singular noun

The branch of medical science dealing with the rehabilitation of injured or weakened joints or muscles through artificial or mechanical support by orthoses

orˈthotist noun

Someone skilled in orthotics

orthotonēˈsis noun (Gr tonos accent; linguistics)

Accentuation of a proclitic or enclitic, opp to enclisis

orthotonˈic adjective

Taking an accent in certain positions but not in others, also orˈthotone

orthotopˈic adjective (Gr topos place; medicine)

(of tissue, grafts, organ replacement, etc) done, put, occurring, etc at the normal place

orthotropˈic adjective

  1. (Gr tropos a turn) manifesting orthotropism
  2. (of a material, such as wood) having elastic properties varying in different planes

orthotˈropism noun

Growth in the direct line of stimulus, esp of gravity

orthotˈropous adjective

(of an ovule) straight, having the nucellus in direct continuation of the funicle

orthotˈropy noun

(of a material, such as wood) the state of being orthotropic

poly- /pol-i-/

combining form
  1. Denoting: many
  2. Several
  3. Much
  4. A polymer, such as polyethylene (see below)
  5. Affecting more than one part (medicine)
ORIGIN: Gr polys, poleia, poly much

polyacid /-asˈid/ adjective

  1. Having several replaceable hydrogen atoms
  2. Capable of replacing several hydrogen atoms of an acid

polyacrylamide /-ə-krilˈə-mīd/ noun

The highly cross-linked polymer of acrylamide (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis a technique for separating nucleic acids or proteins on the basis of charge, shape and/or size (abbrev PAGE))

polˈyact, polyactīˈnal (or /-aktˈin-əl/) or polyactˈine adjective

(Gr aktīs, -īnos ray) (of a marine animal) having many rays or tentacles

Polyadelˈphia plural noun

(Gr adelphos brother) in Linnaeus's system, a class of plants with three or more bundles of stamens

polyadelˈphous adjective

  1. (of stamens) united in several bundles
  2. Having the stamens so united

polyamˈide noun

A polymeric amide, such as nylon

polyamˈory noun

The practice of having more than one sexual and emotional relationship at a time, with the full consent of all partners

polyamˈorous adjective

Polyanˈdria plural noun

(Gr anēr, andros man, male) in Linnaeus's system, a class of plants with many stamens inserted in the receptacle

polyanˈdrous adjective

  1. Having or allowing several husbands or male mates (at a time)
  2. Having a large and indefinite number of stamens or of antheridia (botany)

polˈyandry (or /-anˈ/) noun

  1. The condition or practice of being polyandrous
  2. The social usage of some peoples in which a woman normally has several husbands

polyan'iline noun

A polymer of aniline that is an electrical conductor

polyanˈthus noun (pl polyanˈthuses)

  1. (Gr anthos flower) a many-flowered supposed hybrid between cowslip and primrose
  2. Also applied to certain hybrid roses

polˈyarch /-ärk/ adjective

(Gr archē origin) having many xylem strands

polˈyarchy /-ärk-i/ noun

(Gr archein to rule) government by many persons

polyatomˈic adjective (chem)

  1. Having many atoms, or replaceable atoms or groups
  2. Multivalent

polyaxˈial (L axis) or polyaxˈon adjective

(Gr axōn axis) having many axes or several axis cylinders


A monaxonic sponge spicule

polyaxonˈic adjective

polybāsˈic adjective

  1. Capable of reacting with several equivalents of an acid
  2. (of acids) having several replaceable hydrogen atoms

polycarˈbonate noun

Any of a range of strong thermoplastics

polycarpˈic adjective

(Gr karpos fruit) fruiting many times, or year after year

polycarpˈous adjective

  1. Polycarpic
  2. Having an apocarpous gynaeceum

pol'ycarpy n.

polycentˈric adjective


Polychaeta /-kēˈtə/ plural noun

(Gr chaitē bristle) a class of marine chaetopods with numerous bristles

polˈychaete /-kēt/ noun

Any worm of the Polychaeta

polychlorˈinated adjective (polychlorinated biphenyl see PCB)

polychlorˈoprene noun


polˈychrest /-krest/ noun

(Gr polychrēstos from chrēstos useful) a thing, esp a medicine, useful in several ways

polychroic /-krōˈik/ adjective


polˈychroism noun

polychromatˈic adjective

  1. Polychrome
  2. (of electromagnetic radiation) composed of several different wavelengths

polychromˈic adjective

polˈychrome /-krōm/ adjective

(Gr chrōma colour) many-coloured

  1. A work of art (esp a statue) in several colours
  2. Varied colouring

polˈychromy noun

The art of decorating in many colours

polˈyclinic noun

A general clinic or hospital

polyclōˈnal adjective

Of or involving many clones

polyconˈic adjective

Relating to or composed of many cones

polˈycotton adjective and noun

(of) a fabric made from polyester and cotton

polycotylēˈdon noun (botany)

A plant with more than two cotyledons

polycotylēˈdonous adjective

polycrotˈic adjective

(Gr krotos a beat) (of the pulse) having several beats to each heartbeat

polycˈrotism noun

polˈycrystal noun

An object composed of several or many variously orientated crystals

polycrysˈtalline adjective

polˈyculture noun

The simultaneous production of several different crops and types of livestock in one region

polycyclic /-sīˈklik/ adjective

  1. (Gr kyklos wheel) having many circles, rings, whorls, turns, or circuits
  2. Containing more than one ring of atoms in the molecule

polycystˈic adjective

Containing many cysts

polycythaemia /-sī-thēˈmi-ə/ noun

(-cyte cell, and Gr haima blood) an excess of red blood corpuscles

polydacˈtyl adjective

Having more than the normal number of fingers or toes (also noun)

polydacˈtylism or polydacˈtyly noun

polydacˈtylous adjective

polydēˈmonism or polydaeˈmonism noun

The belief in and worship of numerous supernatural powers

polydipˈsia noun

(Gr dipsa thirst) excessive thirst

polyelecˈtrolyte noun

A polymer containing many electrolytic ions

polyemˈbryonate adjective

polyembryonic /-onˈik/ adjective

polyembryony /-emˈbri-ən-i/ noun

Formation of more than one embryo from one ovule or from one fertilized ovum

polyene /polˈi-ēn/ noun

A hydrocarbon with many carbon-carbon double bonds

polyesˈter noun

Any of a range of polymerized esters, some thermoplastic, some thermosetting, used in textiles

polyethˈylene noun

See polythene below (polyethylene glycol a hydrophilic hydrocarbon that interacts with the membranes of cells and is used in lubricants and emulsifiers)

polygala /pol-igˈə-lə/ noun

(Gr polygalon milkwort, gala milk) any plant of the milkwort genus Polygala, giving name to the family Polygalāˈceae

polygalaceous /-lāˈshəs/ adjective

polˈygam noun

(Gr gamos marriage) in Linnaeus's classification, a plant of the class Polygāˈmia, having male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers

polygamic /-gamˈik/ adjective

polygamist /pol-igˈ/ noun

polygˈamous adjective

polygˈamously adverb

polygamy /pol-igˈə-mi/ noun

  1. The rule, custom, or condition of marriage to more than one person at a time, or (now rarely) in life
  2. Sometimes used for polygyny
  3. Mating with more than one in the same breeding season (zoology)
  4. Occurrence of male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers on the same or on different plants (botany)

polˈygene /-jēn/ noun

Any of a group of genes that control a single continuous character (eg height)

polygenˈesis noun

Multiple origin, esp of mankind

polygenetˈic adjective

  1. Of polygenesis
  2. Springing from several sources
  3. (of dyes) giving different colours with different mordants

polygenˈic adjective

  1. Polygenetic
  2. Forming more than one compound with a univalent element

polygˈenism noun

Belief in multiple origin, esp of mankind

polygˈenist noun

polygˈenous adjective

Of multiple origin or composition

polygˈeny noun


polˈyglot, also polˈyglott adjective

  1. (Gr polyglōttos, from glōtta tongue) able to speak many languages, multilingual
  2. Using or written in many languages
  1. A person who speaks many languages
  2. A book written in many languages
  3. A collection of versions in different languages of the same work, esp a Bible

polyglottˈal, polyglottˈic, polyglottˈous adjective

polˈygon /-gon or -gən/ noun

  1. (Gr polygōnon, from gōniā angle) a plane figure bounded by straight lines, esp more than four
  2. An object in the form of a polygon, esp in the building of earthworks and fortifications

polygonāˈceous adjective

polygˈonal adjective

(polygonal numbers figurate numbers)

polygˈonally adverb

polygonˈatum noun

(Gr polygonaton, from gony, -atos knee) the Solomon's seal genus Polygonatum, of the lily family

polygˈonum noun

(Gr polygonon) any plant of the knot-grass genus Polygonum, with swollen joints and sheathing stipules, of the dock family Polygonāˈceae

polygˈony noun (Spenser)

The plant bistort

polˈygraph noun

  1. An instrument which measures very small changes in body temperature, pulse rate, respiration, etc, and which is often used as a lie-detector
  2. A copying, multiplying, or tracing apparatus
  3. A copy

polygraphˈic adjective

polygraphy /po-ligˈrə-fi/ noun

  1. Voluminous writing
  2. The use of the polygraph as a lie-detector

Polygynia /-jinˈ/ plural noun

(Gr gynē woman, female) in various Linnaean classes of plants, an order with more than twelve styles

polygynˈian adjective

Of the Polygynia

polygynous /-lijˈ or -ligˈi-nəs/ adjective

  1. Having several wives
  2. Mating with several females
  3. Having several styles
  4. Polygynian

polygyny /-lijˈ or -ligˈ/ noun

  1. The custom, practice, or condition of having a plurality of wives or styles
  2. The habit of mating with more than one female

polyhalite /-halˈīt/ noun

(Gr hals salt) a triclinic mineral, sulphate of magnesium, potassium, and calcium

polyhedˈral adjective

polyhedric /-hēdˈ or -hedˈ/ adjective

polyhēdˈron (or /-hedˈ/) noun (pl polyhedˈrons or polyhedˈra)

(Gr hedrā seat) a solid figure or body bounded by plane faces (esp more than six)

polyhisˈtor noun

(Gr polyistōr, from historeein to inquire, learn) a person of great and varied learning

polyhistorian /-tōˈri-ən or -töˈ/ noun

polyhistoric /-torˈik/ adjective

polyhisˈtory /-tə-ri/ noun

polyhyˈbrid noun

A cross between parents differing in several heritable characters

polyhyˈdric adjective

Having several hydroxyl groups, polyhydroxy

polyhydroxˈy adjective (chem)

(of a compound) containing two or more hydroxyl groups per molecule

polyhydroxybuˈtyrate noun

A natural polymer which can be used to manufacture fully biodegradable plastic (abbrev PHB)

Polyhymnia /pol-i-himˈni-ə/ or Polymnia /pol-imˈni-ə/ noun

(Gr hymnos hymn, ode) the muse of the sublime lyric

polyimˈide noun

A polymer containing imide groups, used in heat-resistant materials

polyīˈsoprene noun

A rubber-like polymer of isoprene

polylemmˈa noun (Gr lēmma an assumption; logic)

A form of argument in which the maintainer of a certain proposition is committed to accept one of several propositions all of which contradict his or her original contention

polymasˈtia, polymastˈism or polˈymasty noun

(Gr mastos breast) the presence of supernumerary breasts or nipples

polymasˈtic adjective

polˈymath noun

(Gr polymathēs, from the root of manthanein to learn) a person whose knowledge covers a wide variety of subjects

polymathˈic adjective

polymˈathy noun

Much and varied learning

polˈymer noun (Gr meros part; chem)

Any naturally occurring or synthetic substance built up from a series of smaller units (monomers), which may be simple or complex, esp one of those of higher molecular weight as produced by polymerization

polymerase /pol-imˈə-rās/ noun

Any of several enzymes present in cell nuclei that promote the polymerization of DNA or RNA (polymerase chain reaction a powerful technique for amplifying DNA sequences without using genetic manipulation methods which need biological vectors (abbrev PCR))

polymeric /-merˈik/ adjective

Of, in a relation of, or manifesting polymerism

polymˈeride noun

A polymer

polymˈerism noun

polymerīzāˈtion or polymerīsāˈtion noun

polymˈerize or polymˈerise transitive verb

  1. To combine to form a more complex molecule having the same empirical formula as the simpler ones combined
  2. To cause to form a polymer
  3. To make polymerous
intransitive verb

To change into a polymer

polymˈerous adjective

  1. Having many parts
  2. Having many parts in a whorl (botany)

polymˈery noun

The condition of being polymerous

Polymnia noun see Polyhymnia above

polymethyl methacrylate noun

The chemical name for any rigid glassy thermoplastic, such as Perspex, Lucite, etc

polˈymorph noun

  1. (Gr polymorphos many-formed, from morphē form) any one of several forms in which the same thing may occur
  2. An organism occurring in several forms
  3. A substance crystallizing in several systems

polymorphˈic adjective

polymorphˈism noun

polymorphonūˈclear adjective

(of a leucocyte) having a nucleus divided into lobes and cytoplasm containing granules

polymorphˈous adjective

polymyositis /-mī-ō-sīˈtis/ noun

(see myo-) inflammation of several muscles at the same time

polymyxˈin noun

An antibiotic derived from soil bacteria

Polynēˈsian adjective

(Gr nēsos an island) of Polynesia, one of the three groups into which the Pacific islands are divided, its prevailing race of light-brown-skinned people, or their languages (a division of the Austronesian)


A native or inhabitant of Polynesia

polyneuritis /-nūr-īˈtis/ noun

Simultaneous inflammation of several nerves

polynōˈmial adjective and noun (mathematics)

(an expression) consisting of a sum of terms each of which contains a constant and one or more variables raised to a power

polynōˈmialism noun

polynucleotide /pol-i-nūˈkli-ə-tīd/ noun

A nucleic acid that is made up of a number of nucleotides

polyōˈma noun

A small DNA virus which causes tumours in mice

polyomino /pol-i-omˈin-ō/ noun (pl polyomˈinos)

(on the false analogy of domino) a flat, many-sided shape made up of a number of identical squares placed edge to edge

polyonym /polˈi-ō-nim/ noun

(Gr onyma name) a name consisting of several words

polyonymˈic adjective

(of a name) of more than two words

polyonˈymous adjective

Having many names

polyonˈymy noun

Multiplicity of names for the same thing

polypepˈtide noun

A peptide in which many amino acids are linked to form a chain

polypetˈalous adjective

With free petals

polyphagia /-fāˈji-ə/ noun

  1. (Gr phagein to eat) bulimia
  2. The habit in animals, esp certain insects, of eating many different kinds of food

polyphagous /po-lifˈə-gəs/ adjective

  1. (of an animal) eating many different kinds of food
  2. Given to eating excessive amounts of food, esp as the result of a pathological condition

polyphˈagy /-ji/ noun

The character of being polyphagous

polypharˈmacy noun

The (esp indiscriminate and excessive) use of many different drugs in treating a disease

polˈyphase adjective

Having several alternating electric currents of equal frequency with uniformly spaced phase differences

polyphasic /-fāzˈik/ adjective

Going through several phases of activity followed by rest in any twenty-four hours

Polyphēˈmian or Polyphēˈmic adjective

Polyphēˈmus noun (Gr myth)

The Cyclops blinded by Odysseus

polyphēˈnol noun

A compound with two or more phenolic hydroxyl groups

polyphiloprogenitive /pol-i-fil-ō-prō-jenˈi-tiv/ adjective

(of imagination or inventiveness) very fertile

polyphloisbic /pol-i-floisˈbik/, poluphloisboiotic /pol-oo-flois-boi-otˈik/ or polyphloesboean /pol-i-flēs-bēˈən/ adjective

(Gr polyphloisbos, from phloisbos din; the oi and oe from the genitive ending in Homer's phrase polyphloisboio thalassēs of the much-roaring sea) loud-roaring (also used by Thackeray in the quasi-superlative form poluphloisboiotatotˈic)

polˈyphon /-fon/ or polˈyphone /-fōn/ noun

  1. (Gr phōnē a voice) a lute-like musical instrument
  2. A musical box playing tunes from perforated metal discs
  3. (polˈyphone) a letter or symbol having more than one phonetic value, able to be pronounced or sounded in more than one way (phonetics)

polyphonic /-fonˈik/ adjective

  1. Many-voiced
  2. Of polyphones
  3. Of polyphony

polˈyphonist noun

A contrapuntist

polyphˈony noun

  1. Composition of music in parts each with an independent melody of its own
  2. The use of polyphones (phonetics)

polyphyletic /-fi-letˈik or -fī-/ adjective

  1. (Gr phyletikos relating to a tribesman, from phylē a tribe) of multiple origin
  2. Descended by convergent lines from several ancestral groups

polyphyllous /-filˈəs/ adjective (Gr phyllon leaf; botany)

Having the perianth leaves free

polyphȳˈodont adjective

Having more than two successive dentitions

pol'ypill noun

A pill containing several different types of medication

Polyplacophˈora plural noun

(Gr plax, plakos a plate, slab) an order of molluscs, incl eg the chitons, bilaterally symmetrical, with a shell composed of eight transverse dorsal plates

polˈyploid adjective

(on the analogy of haploid and diploid) having more than twice the normal haploid number of chromosomes (also noun)

polˈyploidy noun

The polyploid condition

polˈypod noun

  1. An animal with many feet
  2. A polypody

Polypodium /-pōˈdi-əm/ noun

(Gr podion, dimin of pous a foot) the typical genus of Polypodiāˈceae, the family with stalked sporangia and vertical annulus to which most ferns belong, so named from the many-footed appearance of the rhizome

polˈypody noun

Any fern of the genus Polypodium, esp P. vulgare

Polyporus /po-lipˈə-rəs/ noun

(Gr poros a pore) a large genus of pore fungi (qv under pore1), often forming hoof-like and bracket-like growths on trees

polypropˈylene noun

A polymer of propylene, similar in properties to polythene

polyprōˈtodont noun

(Gr prōtos first, and odous, odontos tooth) any member of the Polyprotodontˈia, the suborder of marsupials, including opossums, dasyures, etc, with many small incisors

Polypˈterus noun

(Gr pteron a fin) an African genus of Crossopterygian river fishes, with the dorsal fin represented by detached rays

polyptych /polˈip-tik/ noun

(Gr ptychos a fold) a picture, altarpiece, etc, consisting of four or more panels hinged or folding together

polˈyrhythm noun

The simultaneous combination of different rhythms in a piece of music

polyrhythˈmic adjective

polysaccharide /-sakˈə-rīd/ noun

A carbohydrate of a class including starch, etc, that hydrolyzes into more than one simple sugar

polyseˈmant /-sēˈ/ or polˈyseme /-sēm/ noun (linguistics)

A word with more than one meaning

polyˈsemous adjective (linguistics)

polˈysemy noun (linguistics)

polysepˈalous adjective (botany)

Having the sepals separate from each other

polysiloxˈane noun

Any of a number of polymers which are the basis of silicone chemistry

polˈysome noun

A group of ribosomes linked by a molecule of ribonucleic acid and functioning as a unit in the synthesis of proteins

polˈysomy noun

A condition in which one or more extra chromosomes, esp sex chromosomes, are present in the cells of the body

Polysˈtichum /-kəm/ noun

(Gr stichos a row) a genus of shield-ferns also known by the name Aspidium

polystyˈlar or polˈystyle adjective

(Gr stȳlos column) having many columns

polystyˈrene noun

A polymer of styrene resistant to moisture and to chemicals, with many commercial and industrial applications

polysulphˈide noun

A sulphide whose molecules contain two or more sulphur atoms

polysyllabˈic or polysyllabˈical adjective

polysyllabˈically adverb

polysyllabˈicism or polysyllˈabism noun

polysyllˈable noun

A word of many, or of more than three, syllables

polysyllˈogism noun

A series of syllogisms, the conclusion of one serving as the premiss for the next

polysyndeton /-sinˈdi-tən/ noun (Gr syndeton a conjunction; rhetoric)

Figurative repetition of connectives or conjunctions

polysynˈthesis noun

polysynthetˈic or polysynthetˈical adjective

  1. Made up of many separate elements
  2. Built up of a number of small crystals in parallel growth (crystallography)
  3. Combining many simple words of a sentence in one, as in the native languages of America (also called incorporating; philology)

polysynthetˈically adverb

polysynthetˈicism /-i-sizm/ or polysynˈthetism noun

The character of being polysynthetic

polytechnic /-tekˈnik/ adjective

(Gr technikos, from technē art) of many arts or technical subjects


A college where such subjects were taught up to and including degree level, traditionally offering a wide variety of vocational courses on a full- or part-time basis (all now upgraded to university status)

polytechˈnical adjective

polˈytene /-tēn/ adjective

(L taenia band) (of abnormally large chromosomes) composed of many reduplicated strands, found in the fly genus Drosophila

polytetrafluorethˈylene or polytetrafluoroethˈylene noun

An inert plastic with non-adhesive surface properties

polythalˈamous adjective

(Gr thalamos a chamber) having several cells or chambers

polˈytheism /-thē-izm/ noun

(Gr theos a god) the doctrine of a plurality of gods

polˈytheist noun

polytheistˈic or polytheistˈical adjective

polytheistˈically adverb

polˈythene or polyethylene noun

A generic name for certain thermoplastics, polymers of ethylene, manufactured in a range of qualities from light and rigid to thin and flexible, and used to make a variety of products incl domestic utensils, storage bags, carrier bags, etc

polytocous /pol-itˈə-kəs/ adjective

(Gr tokos birth) producing many or several at a birth or in a clutch

polytoˈnal adjective

polytonalˈity noun

Use at the same time of two or more musical keys

Pol'ytrack® noun

An artificial surface for horse-racing

Polytrichum /po-litˈri-kəm/ noun

(Gr thrix, trichos hair) a genus of tall hairy-capped mosses

polˈytunnel noun

Plastic sheeting stretched over rows of plants as protection from weather, etc

polytypic /-tipˈik/ adjective

Having many types and representatives

polyunsat'urate noun

A polyunsaturated fat or oil

polyunsatˈurated adjective (chem)

Containing more than one carbon-carbon double bond in the molecule (polyunsaturated fats or oils glycerides of polyunsaturated fatty acids, less likely to increase blood cholesterol)

polyurethane /-ūˈrə-thān/ noun

Any of a range of resins, both thermoplastic and thermosetting, used in the production of foamed materials, coatings, etc

polyuria /-ūˈri-ə/ noun (medicine)

Excessive secretion of urine

polyvalent /po-li-vāˈlənt or pol-ivˈə-lənt/ adjective


polyvīˈnyl noun

A vinyl polymer (polyvinyl acetate a colourless resin used in paints, adhesives, and as a coating for porous surfaces; polyvinyl chloride a vinyl plastic used as a rubber substitute for coating electric wires, cables, etc, and as a dress and furnishing fabric (abbrev PVC))


Of, consisting of, containing or made of polyvinyl

polˈywater noun

A supposed form of water, said to be a polymer, with properties different from those of ordinary water

Polyzōˈa plural noun (sing polyzoˈon)

(Gr zōion an animal) a phylum of aquatic animals, almost all colonial, with a cup-shaped body, U-shaped food-canal, and a wreath of tentacles about the mouth

polyzoˈan noun and adjective

polyzoarial /-āˈri-əl/ adjective

polyzoāˈrium or polyzōˈary noun

A polyzoan colony, or its supporting skeleton

polyzōˈic adjective

  1. Having many zooids
  2. Relating to the Polyzoa

polyzoˈnal adjective

(Gr zōnē belt) composed of many zones or belts

polyzōˈoid adjective

Like or of the nature of a polyzoon





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