

单词 lunge

lunge1 /lunj/

  1. A sudden thrust as in fencing
  2. A forward plunge
  3. In gymnastics, a rapid movement forwards or sideways with one leg bent at the knee and the other leg stretched out behind
intransitive verb (prp lungeˈing or lungˈing)
  1. To make a lunge
  2. To plunge forward
transitive verb

To thrust with a lunge

ORIGIN: Fr allonger to lengthen, from L ad to, and longus long

lunge2 or longe /lunj/

  1. A long rope used in horse-training
  2. Training with a lunge
  3. A training-ground for horses
transitive verb

To train or cause to go with a lunge

ORIGIN: Fr longe, from L longus long

lunge whip or longe whip or lunging whip noun

A whip used with a lunge





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